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Calling All Men

Men, this isn’t going to be a normal Blog post.  I am not here to write about something I have read recently, or how a message from our Pastors has affected me.  I am here to drop the gauntlet.  I am here to swipe my proverbial glove in your face and to challenge my fellow brothers in the church family to a duel.

As we enter 2018, I simply want to know “Where are the Village men at?”  We have the Family Blitz event, Yoga, Village Adventurers, Kid Village, Life Groups, events for crafting, and cooking.  The only event that we have listed for men is basketball.  While this isn’t bad, certainly we can and must do better!

So, what’s the issue?  Why am I so fired up about this? Well Proverbs 27:17 is a starting point:

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Let’s take that a little further and look at Deuteronomy 22:10:

Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together.

While this last verse is geared towards farm work, we can also apply this to our walk as Christian men.  In my life, I am the ox, and my wife is the donkey, although she may disagree with that (in fact in most cases with Lisa, I am usually the donkey).  The point is that as a man, I need other men in my life to help me carry the burdens of being a man.  The donkey has no idea what it means to be the ox and vice versa.  Iron does sharpen iron, but it is more effective if the iron is the right iron.

The takeaway from this: Get to sharpening!  I need you, and the other men in this church need you.  We need your accountability.  Your honesty, integrity, and leadership are needed.  We need your life stories because another man in our church may be hurting and your story could be the tool that the Spirit uses to change his life.

Action Step

Get your donkey to Men’s Group!  Saturdays 7 AM. Church Office.  And to be clear, this is for every man in our church.  Let me share with you my story.  For 11 years I have attended the Village.  I have played drums for about 10 of those years.  I have been in Lifegroups with other couples.  For 10.5 years I have made excuses for why I couldn’t attend Men’s Group.  It was too early.  I needed my sleep.  I have kids that have activities.  Brothers this was all donkey excrement!  In 6 months of attending this group my life has been changed for the better.  I am less afraid of sharing my faults.  I have a group of brothers who care about me, forgive me, and love me.  I am held accountable, and my ability to fight sin has been strengthened through my attendance.

Stop making excuses.  This group is for everyone.  Do you play guitar in the worship band?  Does that instrument sharpen you like a brother can?  Do you lead a Lifegroup?  Are you spending the time needed to be a better man?  Get there boys; trust me when I say you will be a better man for it.

But I am not done here.  Again, I ask where are we men?  We are called to lead.  As Christian men, this means that we lead in our marriages and family, just as we lead in our church.  What are we doing as the men of this church that clearly states that we are here?  What are we leading?

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