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Finding Joy Within The Battles

As you continuously fight life’s battles, it’s important to take time to stop and take care of yourself. This will allow you to have the right mindset, enough energy, and be able to feel God’s love. Taking this time for yourself will allow you to overcome anything.

God made you with a body that you can take care of, move, and see the everyday beauty in the world around you. It’s your individual responsibility to embrace that role. There is no one answer for all, but I strongly encourage you to find something that you enjoy to do.

My something is working out. It’s not just about trying to look good; It has been a place of healing, praying, worshiping, learning, joy, allowing myself to feel emotions and disappointments along with victory, refocusing on having the right attitude, learning patience, having fun and the list goes on and on. It’s not about where I place or how well I do in any given event/race as a triathlete/runner. It is about transferring what I learned from races to everyday life and continuing to strive for better. In spite of my imperfections, all glory is given to God and what he makes me capable of.

While I love working out and the way it makes me feel, my true calling is to help with the Heart for Africa mission. Because of the lessons I learned through racing, I’ve been able to apply valuable principles to my career. My best ideas have been while working out and I’m able to maintain a positive attitude in hard circumstances.

What is God calling you to do so that you can better serve Him?

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect, because it never will be. The best thing you can do is just start. Whether it’s moving your body to reduce or even eliminate depression and anxiety, heal from your past (like me), lose weight, or grow a closer relationship with Jesus. You can do this in many ways, such as by listening to worship music or praying during your workout, but you have to just take that initial step to get started. Ease into it. Some days you’ll feel like doing it, and some days you won’t. Just keep going and remember how and why you are supposed to move.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

  • Shorewood Events

    October 15, 2023


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