Joy Even On The Worst Days

Africa-where the Lord called me to serve. Without even thinking about it or analyzing it, I said yes. There is an unspeakable joy I’ve had in my life, even on my worst days that I’ve never had before that can only be filled by God’s plan and purpose for my life.

This was my second trip to eSwatini (formerly Swaziland). It was just as life-changing as the first time, if not more. The first time was taking it all in and seeing the large impact Heart for Africa has on the community, but this time my trip felt most impacted by where the Lord has called me – to the Khutsala artisans.

I walked into the room, and here’s what I saw – smiles and excitement on the 100 artisans faces. Then Ncobile, Heart for Africa’s Hospitality Manager, introduced me. This was my first time being on a trip and being a Heart for Africa employee. They definitely made me feel more than welcome. They gave me a special sign, and despite the language barrier, the smiles and warmth on their faces communicated everything. I wish I could have bottled up that moment.

My heart breaks for the stories I hear;

  • for the woman that fears for her life
  • another unable to care for her unborn baby
  • a gentleman caring for a household of 13 children with an old gogo (grandma) since the mom passed away

Healing happens as burdens are released when these artisans perform work at Khutsala. The Lord continues to work in their lives. He’s providing an opportunity for joy in the midst of tough circumstances.

I am blown away by their skills, stories, love, and unshakable faith. We all immediately think about those beautiful 226 children at Project Canaan, but the truth is that it’s so much more. Heart for Africa is changing the country; providing hope and job opportunities, rescuing babies and children, teaching lifelong skills, providing opportunities, feeding children and adults in the community, educating children and adults on Project Canaan and the community and performing some unspeakable miracles all upon the foundation of Jesus Christ as the center of it all.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” – Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)


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