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Keep Shining In The Darkness

Keep Shining In The Darkness

Keep shining

Today I want to encourage you to keep shining. My best friend from college is a coach in Bloomington. He is a follower of Christ and where he has influence with others, he says these words often  “Keep Shining”. It’s a reference to Jesus words in Matthew 5:14:   “You are the Light of the World – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” In a world that is becoming more and more dark, we have the opportunity to be a Light in that darkness! There are so many opportunities. Take a few moments to think about these questions. I encourage you to find some paper, or maybe a journal and write down the question and then your answer. Questions For You How can you be a Light for Jesus in your home? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your neighborhood? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your school? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your workplace? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your social media account? Find Those Opportunities To Keep Shining We have opportunities every single day. You have opportunities every single day. I encourage you to take that piece of paper of journal that you wrote the questions and answers in and look at it every day. It will be a great reminder to you of how you can be a Light and encourage you to keep shining. My friend closes every email and nearly every text message with me by saying…. “Keep Shining” It’s an encouragement in the moment, but also an encouragement for the future. KEEP Shining! Don’t just shine once or twice. Keep shining in all places and at all times.