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Prayer Tips

Prayer Tips

How to plan time to pray

Do you ever feel like you’re just coasting in your spiritual life or not feeling connected to God? Do you struggle to be intentional with Him during life’s busy seasons and let your time for prayer fall through the cracks? Most of us struggle with being too short on time and being too busy to notice. But this is a reminder that your prayer life shouldn’t wait. What if I told you planning time for prayer daily could change your life for the better? With the new year, I know many of us are feeling the need to “get back on track.” In our spiritual lives, prayer is an area we should never neglect, but sometimes it’s the first to be delayed. It’s an area I’ve struggled with greatly but am determined to change this year. Between advice from mentors and friends to my discipleship study, I’ve got a list of ideas below on how to help you. Remember: You don’t have to try and use them all (or any). These are just ideas! Take What Works And Leave The Rest If you are struggling with the motivation to pray, don’t let that stop you! Not praying doesn’t hide our excuses from God. If you feel overwhelmed, bored, or distracted, bring THAT to your Father. (Hint: He already knows!) He loves you and wants to help you. You can pray about this struggle and because it aligns with His will to be in relationship with you, He will help you!  Consider when you can schedule daily prayer time, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Schedule it and stick to it. Figure out the excuses you tell yourself and start to recognize when you’re using them. Start with a time you’ll be successful in using. Set an alarm on your phone for halfway through your lunch break. Put a post-it note on your bathroom mirror. Whatever it takes, schedule your time and get creative in reminding yourself. Plan your prayers. This concept was foreign to me when I first heard about it. Pray scripture? Pray a prayer I pre-wrote? Take down bulleted points so I don’t forget? It didn’t feel “right” at first. It felt like…cheating or taking the easy route. Until I realized that prayer is so much about intentionality. You can even find prayer planners to help with this if that’s your style; that’s what I’m trying this year! Track your progress. This one might sound strange, but if you write out your prayers, you can also write down when and how they are answered. Or you could write down other ways God is working in your life. Talk about a motivator! Pick a designated place to pray. This can help build a habit of prayer, making consistency easier. Ask an accountability partner to check in with you weekly. Choose wisely: a fellow believer who will take it seriously. This can help keep you on track, serve as a reminder, and encourage you. This includes calling upon the Holy Spirit. Ask the Spirit to build excitement in your heart for prayer! Keep Your Prayers Simple Don’t feel like you need a whole bunch of right words or fancy words. Keep your prayers simple if you need that. Matthew 6: 5-8 outlines a life of prayer, and verse 8 specifically reminds us that: “your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Most important: Remember, you don’t have to be perfect in your prayer life! You don’t have to use all of these tips…or any. It’s about building a prayer life that keeps YOU connecting with your Father. As you build towards a better prayer life and relationship with God, any steps you take towards improving this will bring about good change.