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Young Eagles Need To Fly

When do your young eagles get to fly?

I just got back from an incredible Pastor’s conference where a speaker asked this important question. The question simply means this….is your church a place where people are encouraged and challenged to serve and lead?

OR…are there just a few spots of service and leadership and you have to wait in line (sometimes years) to be able to serve and lead?

I’ve been a part of organizations and churches where it was very clear….In 10 years or maybe 20 you can sit at the big boy table, but for now, we’ve got this and don’t need your input.


Everyone Gets To Play

My prayer is that in my role, I lead in such a way that “Everyone Gets to PLAY!” If you want to serve, you get to serve.  The more the merrier! If you want to lead (and you have that leadership gift), you get to lead!  The more the merrier!

Oh yeah, by the way, my job description could truly be summed up in one verse of the Bible….

12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12)

Simply put, my job is to EQUIP people to do God’s work SO THAT the body of Christ is built up! Please, understand, I don’t always get this right and struggle with this.  It’s so much easier for me to just do stuff myself or call a few friends who I know and trust to serve and lead, but God says I need to equip his people (all people!) for works of service.


Equipping Others

Something happened this past Sunday which helped me to see we are heading in the right direction. There were three people working on the First Impressions Team that I introduced myself to.  I had never met them face-to-face.  Our First impressions Team Leaders have been equipped to serve and lead,  and now they are equipping others to serve and lead. This is great! I’m looking forward to many more Sundays where I’m introducing myself to new leaders who are serving that I haven’t yet met.


Serving at The Village Christian Church in MInookaAre You Ready?

Are you a young eagle who would like to serve or lead?  Shoot me an email ( and let’s find a time to sit and visit about what God is placing on your heart.  I can help you personally or can get you connected to some great people who will get you equipped to start serving and leading.

When do your young eagles get to fly?  The answer is RIGHT NOW! We need you! I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thanks to Deb Sperling, one of our church family, for capturing and sharing these incredible pictures! Another example of one of the many ways you can serve here at The Village.


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