
We know it can be intimidating to be the new person, so here are some of the questions we get and answers to help you feel more comfortable when you stop by. We can’t wait for you to be our guest!

Where Is The Village Christian Church Located?

We are one church with multiple locations.

Our Minooka Campus is located at 8965 South Bell Road, Minooka, IL, 60447. Directions to the Minooka Campus…

Our Seneca Campus is located at 104 North Main Street, Seneca, IL, 61360. Directions to the Seneca Campus…

Our Coal City Campus is located at 965 E. Division Street, Coal City, IL 60416. Directions to the Coal City Campus…

Our Shorewood Campus is located at 901 Shorewood Drive, Shorewood, IL 60404. Directions to the Shorewood Campus…

There is an online campus, The Village Live, where you can experience church anywhere, anytime. Learn more…

When Is Church?

Minooka Campus: Sundays, 8:00, 9:00 and 10:30 AM

Coal City Campus: Sundays 9:00 and 10:30 AM

Seneca Campus: Sundays 9:00 & 10:30 AM

Shorewood Campus:  Sundays 9:30 AM

Online LIVE Service: Sundays, 9 + 10:30 am Central Time. You can watch on Facebook, YouTube, website, Roku, AppleTV or Amazon FireTV. If you’re on those last 3 platforms, search for us at The Village Live. Make sure to space between each word.

If you miss the LIVE, watch on-demand when it’s convenient for you!

What Are Services Like?

If you have a Catholic background, you may call these mass. Here at The Village we call them services, and they are casual and relaxed.

We worship – this is our response to God’s great love. Some people think worship is music – that’s part of it, but there’s so much more! Worship is a time to praise and honor God, a time to be close to Him, thank Him, a time to put life in perspective.

They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

After Worship, it’s time for the message, which is straight from the Bible and taught in a way that you can understand and apply to your life. We take communion at our seats. Communion is available to everyone, and then the service ends in prayer.

What Do I Wear?

You’re welcome to dress however you are most comfortable, but most people (including our Pastors) wear jeans. Don’t worry if you’re wearing the right thing, acting the right way, or if you’re the right kind of person. We care about you, not what you’re wearing.

Where Do I Park And Enter?

Minooka Campus: The parking lot entrance is off of Bell Road. Once you pull in and park, look for the blue canopy, which is our main entrance. There is handicapped parking available. Enter the front doors, and you will see our Welcome Center in the center of our lobby. Please stop by so we can meet you!

Seneca Campus: There is no parking lot, but you can street park on Main Street or Union Street. The main church entrance will be at the front of the building. If you have kids/students, and they will be going to Kid Village or Pulse (grades 4 – 8), please enter through the back door. Go down the stairs to the Kid Village check-in for infants – grade 3. Students in grades 4-8 can go to their rooms.

Coal City Campus: You can park anywhere in the main lot. There will be two entrances at the front of the building. The door to the far right will provide an elevator to get to our second floor location. The door between Athletico Physical Therapy and Fitness Premier will take you to a stairwell that will bring you to our Kid Village and Pulse Students space. Look for our Welcome signs for easy navigation.

Shorewood Campus:  The Shorewood Campus is located at the Trinity Christian School, 901 Shorewood Drive. The school parking lot is open to anyone visiting the Shorewood Campus. You can enter through the main entrance of the school.

What Is There For My Kids?

Kid Village is for infants – grade 3 and is open during both the 9 and 10:30 AM Sunday services at the Minooka, Seneca and Coal City Campuses, and at the 9:30 AM Shorewood Campus service.

To get to Kid Village/Minooka Campus, take the hallway to your left and stop at the check-in counter at the end of the hallway. If you’re at Seneca Campus, enter the back door, go down the stairs to the check-in desk. For Coal City, enter the door to the left of Premier Fitness, follow the hall to the stairwell, and you’ll find the check-in at the top of the stairs. The exception to the schedule is on Family Worship days.

Students in grades 4-8 meet during the Sunday morning services. Pulse Students also meet during the week. Learn more…

Will My Kids Be Safe?

Yes! The health, safety, and security of all kids in Kid Village is very important. For this reason, our church has policies and procedures to ensure the safety of your kids and your peace of mind. We have a dedicated security team in place to make sure all is safe and secure. Both buildings are thoroughly cleaned weekly, and each classroom is cleaned again between services.

Check out the Safety & Health information.

How Is The Leadership Structured?

The Village Christian Church is self-governed by the Leadership Team. This team consists of people from within our church who are nominated and then called by the team. Their volunteer role is to make sure the church is achieving its mission  – helping people experience Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. Read more…

The Village also has an Elder Team to focus on the spiritual growth of our church and a Finance Team to oversee the church finances. Read more…

Is The Village Christian Church Part Of A Denomination?

No, The Village is a non-denominational Christian Church. What this means is we welcome all people of all backgrounds and religions. In fact, we have former atheists that are now developing relationships with Christ.

Do I Have To Be A Member?

No, we do not have membership at The Village. The only requirement is that you are open to having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Love your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.

What Is Baptism?

Life change is what it’s all about – God changing us from the inside out. Getting baptized is a making a public commitment to say YES to Jesus! It’s a symbol of the burial of the old self and the resurrection of the believer’s soul to walk in life with Christ. It’s an opportunity to show on the outside what’s happening on the inside.

The Village believes in baptism by immersion. There are three reasons for this: Jesus was baptized that way (Matt. 3:16), every baptism in the Bible was by immersion (Acts 8:38-39), and it best symbolizes a death and a resurrection.

We wait until kids are old enough to believe and understand the true meaning of baptism before we baptize them. The Village holds Parent Dedications, which allow parents and family to make a public faith commitment to raise their kids in a Christian home.

What Happens During Communion?

  • Communion is something we do together weekly as a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.
  • We use bread and juice for communion because the bread represents the body of Jesus and the juice represents his blood shed for us on the cross.
  • Anyone who has placed their trust in Jesus is welcome to share and celebrate communion with us.
  • Sealed communion cups are handed to you as you enter the worship space. We’ll explain it when it comes time to take the bread and juice. You will have a time of quiet meditation, and take the bread and juice when you are ready. When you’re finished, you can put your empty cups in the cup holder under the seat in front of you.

Communion Is All About The Heart. Read now…

What About Giving Money?

Your generosity helps us to continue to grow and work towards our mission of being a catalyst for Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. We are able to help our communities and introduce people to Jesus because of your generosity. Our church could not exist without the generosity of so many people. We will never guilt you or pressure you into giving.

Read more…

How Can I Stay Connected And Find Out About Upcoming Events?

There are various ways you can find out what’s happening and stay connected:

Website – Check out the home page What’s Happening At The Village. These will be the all church events. If you’re looking for an event happening at a specific campus only, please visit the respective campus page, which you can find under the locations tab. 

ENews – Sign-up to stay updated on what’s happening with this weekly email newsletter that hits your inbox Wednesday mornings. Click here to sign-up.

Facebook – We have a page and various groups. 

  • Facebook Church Page
  • Facebook Village Friends Group   – This is a place for all of our church family to have conversations, connect, and care for each other. Celebrate the great things happening here at The Village, ask questions. You can post prayer requests, needs, community information, etc.
  • Pulse Students at The Village Group – This group is a community for Pulse 45, Pulse Jr. and Sr., which are our youth groups for 4th grade – high school.
  • Kid Village Group – This group, a community for Kid Village leaders and parents. A place you can communicate with leaders and other parents, a place to ask questions and see what your kids are doing while you’re in church.
  • Instagram

Church Database – Church Community Builder (CCB) is where you can find other people in the church and access your giving statements here. Click here to sign up or to log in.

Text – Join our text thread! To be added to our text notifications, text the word text to the number (815) 792-9006. We promise we won’t blow up your text feed with announcements. This will be an open line for prayer, send encouragement and let you know of any urgent news.