Celebrate Easter At The Village

Easter is a great time for family, friends, traditions, and celebration. Our hope is that you would stop by, connect, celebrate and have a great experience with your family and friends!

We invite you to The Village Easter Egg Hunts!

We like to have fun here at The Village. Watch this to see 2 of our Pastors…


2 Egg Hunts To Choose From!

Come to service Saturday, 4/8 @ 5 pm, or Sunday, 4/9 @ 11 am, then immediately following will be the egg hunts.

Both egg hunts will be exactly the same – airplane flyover (weather permitting), the Easter Bunny, Minooka police and fire departments will be there with a police car and fire truck, an inflatable obstacle course, $1 hot dog meals, and loads of candy!

All Kid Village rooms will be open Saturday and Sunday for the 9:30 and 11 am services.
Infants – preschool only will be open for the 8:30 am service.

Note: There will also be Sunday services at 8:30 and 9:30 am on Sunday, April 9th.

We invite you to Easter Services at The Village!

You have four service choices:

Saturday, April 15 @ 5pm
Sunday, April 16 @ 8:30, 9:30, 11am

Nate will be teaching about “How Good Is Good Enough?” We’ll look at the Bible to answer the questions, How do we know who is good enough?  How do you become good enough?

Kid Village will be closed Saturday, but will be open Sunday during all services for infants – 4th grade.

Our services are open to all. If you don’t have a church home, please come and visit. If you’ve never been to church, please come and visit. You’ll find that The Village is a little different type of church!

If you’re new, click here to find out a few things about us. We usually dress casual, but feel free to dress in your Easter best on this special day!

We’re excited to see you, your family, and your friends! Come early to get your seat!