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How To Improve Your Relationships

How To Improve Your Relationships

Improve your relationship

Taking The First Step To Improve Your Relationships As an adult, I took a step and began attending a bible teaching church. Now, I not only believe in God, but desire to know Him personally. He drew me to scripture, Bible study, and yes, even stirred an appetite to never miss church services. My relationship with Jesus continues to be more and more important to me. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. The empty place in my soul is now overflowing with His amazing grace! He put the offer on the table, and I seized it. Will you? I almost forgot the best part—it was free. Now, we know not every relationship lasts forever. Some end because of distance or a change in interests. There is a portion we lose because of arguments, betrayals, or misunderstandings. Even though some end, each shaped something in your life. Relationships are at the forefront of our lives and it takes work to improve your relationships. Whether it be our family, friend circle, church family, or a ministry in which we serve, each one of these relationships has meaning and purpose. We value these connections and, therefore, nurture them. We take time to grow closer and share in each other’s joys and sorrows. They aren’t always easy, but when watered with honesty, love, time, and commitment, they bloom into beautiful blessings. “and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds,” – Hebrews 10:24 You Were Created For Relationship Did you know you were created for relationship? Not just with other people, but with your Creator Himself. Wow! Talk about a valuable friendship. I can’t think of any other relationship that could top the one God offers. It might be difficult to believe He is interested in us, but He is. After all, God orchestrated a perfect plan, that we might know Him for eternity. We don’t always realize this offer is on the table, do we? Growing up, I thought going to church was a chore. I treated it as something I had to do because my parents told me to. I kept going week after week because of expectations or half-explained traditions. Furthermore, I never gave a thought to “who” might wait for my presence in that big brick building with stained-glass windows. It wasn’t a place of relationship for me, but a place of obligation. Sounds terribly sad, doesn’t it? So many years wasted when I could have had so much more. But God saw me. “For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” – Zephaniah 3:17 Ask yourself, is there something within you longing for something greater? Is your soul nearing empty? God places the same offer before you. Will you take it? Walk into a genuine relationship with Him. You will find what you’ve been seeking, receive all that you need, and begin a journey of a lifetime. He sees you too. “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13 Do You Need Encouragement? We all need encouragement. One way to experience encouragement is to connect with others. Weare here for you. You are not alone. Join a Lifegroup and surround yourself with people who will lift you up and encourage your relationship with God Let Us Pray For You Talk To A Pastor

How Do You Experience God’s Redemption?

How do you experience God's redemption

How often do we feel overwhelmed, forgotten, scared, guilty, hurt, or disappointed, and yet, by the grace of God, we have been redeemed, but how do you experience God’s redemption? All we have to do is participate. Redemption, defined by, is an act of redeeming, rescue, or deliverance from sin. For followers of Christ, we know He is our Rescuer. Ephesians 1:7 states, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” It Hit Me The other night I was wiping down my kitchen counters for the evening, reflecting on some of the different aspects of faith and being a follower of Christ. Simple moments can bring such clarity. The idea came to me (no doubt from the Holy Spirit) that you cannot fully know the power of God’s redemption until you allow yourself to fully participate in the process of God’s redemption. Jesus is Our Rescuer. He died on the cross, bearing the world’s sins. There’s not a pain you’ve felt that He didn’t also experience. So when we find ourselves lost for one reason or another, we need only to look to Him. What If I Don’t Believe? If you are not a Christian, if you had a bad experience, if you’re not sure what to believe, if you don’t believe in any God, or whatever else, I ask you to try participating in the process of His rescue. God wants a relationship with you. No. Matter. What. Much like if you shut out a close friend trying to help you, Jesus cannot rescue you unless you participate in a relationship with Him. Actively so. I ask you to try. Try walking alongside Him, allowing Him into your heart, and letting Him guide your path. Unless you participate, you may not experience the greatest joy possible. This looks like reaching out to someone who does believe for help and mentorship. It looks like praying. A lot. It looks like reading the Bible, joining a church community, and even a church Lifegroup. How Can I Help? If you are a Christian, I encourage you to remember that those who haven’t experienced the power of redemption, cannot walk in and live from this understanding. Grace, grace, grace. Remember our call to lovingly help restore the hurt by bringing them to the One who can help, the only One who can. This looks like inviting people to church or Lifegroup. It looks like praying for them. A lot. It looks like sacrificing your comfort to show them God’s love. It looks like doing what you can to bring them to God.

Ain’t No People Like My People

Lifegroups are a place to find my people, where real connection and growth takes place. Get connected in a group at The Village Christian Church.

I have a t-shirt that says “Ain’t no people like my people.” SO TRUE! My people, my friends, my sounding boards, at times my guardrail. They love and support me well. They know I have a hard time asking for help so instead, they offer it and sometimes, they just tell me they are helping me, even if I say no. They know me well. That wasn’t always the case. I didn’t always have these people in my life. I had to step out of my comfort zone and into the “uncomfortable” world of Lifegroups to get there. These relationships were built as we got to hang out, learn, laugh, open up our lives, serve alongside each other, study, and chase Jesus together. I can call my people when I need prayer, good advice, or a checkpoint for my thoughts or actions. This is so necessary to have in our Christian walk. James 5:16 says “therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” I have experienced and I have witnessed followers go “off-roading” in our journey with Jesus and I have wondered, where are their friends? How did it get this bad or go so far, so fast and unchecked? They must not have had “my people”. Because they call me out left and right if I get off track. They have permission to do so because they know and love the Lord and me and want what is best for me. Find a Lifegroup. Find your people. Invest in relationships that will invest in you. Check out Village Lifegroups…