Are You Rooted?

Rooted Shorewood Minooka Seneca Coal City The Village Christian Church

What Do We Need Roots For? “To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least-recognized need of the human soul” -Simone Weil, French Philosopher  Roots are one of the most important parts of the plant. Stretching into the soil, roots provide stability for the plant, allowing it to sustain high winds or trampling. They gather nutrients and water from the soil, feeding the plant and sustaining its life. They even store some of these nutrients to provide the plant with food in seasons of hardship. Healthy root systems can even ward off disease and keep a plant focused only on absorbing nutrients that are good for it. A few summers ago, my family took a trip to California and stood in awe in a forest of Redwoods. Redwoods are among the largest and tallest trees in the world. While their roots stay shallow in the soil, they spread 50–100 feet out from the tree. The roots intertwine themselves with the roots of all the other Redwood trees. This community of roots provide additional stability for the tree in storms and flooding.   What Do Roots Need To Survive? If you’ve ever gardened, taken a walk after a storm, watched the landscape change in times of drought, or seen crops decimated by bugs, you’ll realize that simply having roots is not all a plant needs to thrive. The roots have to stretch deep into the ground, and they have to be planted in the right kind of soil. They have to be watered and fertilized, and may even need to be surrounded by other plants that provide benefits to their well-being.   Growing up, my parents always kept a large garden in our backyard. As a child, I helped till the soil, plant the seeds, water, and harvest the vegetables. I used to love the fresh green beans and cucumbers, while my mom would eat tomatoes by the pound. The garden thrived, and it was something I believed I could replicate at my own home. Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, which also marks the 13th year we’ve been in our home. The first year we moved in, I planted a large garden in the back corner of our property. I watered it daily, my plants grew and flowered, and I became so excited about the fresh produce we would enjoy. As the vegetables began to grow, though, my plants began to shrivel. Some were eaten by beetles, deer, and rabbits. Some just dried up and sank back into the earth. I was so disappointed that all my hard work had amounted to nothing. I decided to stop planting things and, in fact, ripped out a bunch of plants around the house. Don’t Give Up – Dig In We put rocks in our landscaping, and I swore I wouldn’t plant again, as it was obviously something I wasn’t very good at. Sometimes, this is how our faith life can go. We try it for a season without laying any significant roots or really investigating how we can strengthen our faith. We come up fruitless. In our frustration, we don’t return to our faith or our relationship with God in a serious way. Because of fear that it won’t yield results, we may even become cynical or angry at God.   Scripture often provides metaphors between plants and our relationship with God. Within Scripture, we are compared to seeds that need planting in the right kind of soil, branches that need to stay connected to the Vine, and trees planted by streams of water if we remain focused on His ways.  Colossians 2:7 states, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness (NLT).”  Spiritual “Roots” Need Nourishment Too If you were to examine your life right now, where have you laid roots? Are you planted in soil that provides you nourishment and hope, or are your roots thirsting after something that leaves you dry and wanting more? When the wind blows and storms set in, are your roots planted firmly in the ground, or do you feel tossed about and unsettled? Have you surrounded yourself with other plants that enrich the soil, intertwining their roots with yours to help you stand strong and shield you, or are you attempting to stand alone and wish for the best?   Beginning September 11 at all campuses of The Village Christian Church, you will have the opportunity to spread your roots into good soil. To grow in a way that will be fruitful and long-lasting. To be planted in something stable and full of truth. The Village will be offering a program called Rooted for ten weeks beginning in September. And we will celebrate your growth on November 14. Find What You Are Missing During Rooted Our mission statement here at The Village is Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. Is your life is in a place where drastic change is needed, where you need to meet God face to face and invite Him into your heart? Rooted is the place for you. Do you know God, but need to grow in your relationship with Him and His believers? Rooted is the place for you. If you’ve been walking with God awhile, but you lack purpose and vision and don’t realize all the plans that God has for you, then Rooted is also the place for you.   For ten weeks, Rooted will walk all participants through the seven habits or disciplines of a relationship with God. Here at the Village, we have four core values: everybody grows, everybody serves, the Bible is our guide, and no boring here. The seven disciplines of Rooted will allow you to see these core values at play. Everybody will grow while learning how to pray and overcome strongholds in their lives, eventually learning to share their faith journey

How Do You Follow What God Says To Do?

God's ways, God says, follow God

  The ways of the world are certainly different from the ways God says we are to live, aren’t they? I constantly see this pattern displayed in the media, TV shows, commercials, everywhere. It seems like society almost prides itself in complaining about their children, their spouse, their work. If we can’t commiserate together about how “aggravating” or “time-consuming” our family is, what other common ground do we share? Now, we are going to talk about God’s ways. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. – Romans 12:2 In a world that says “kids are so stressful,” God says they’re a blessing. In a world that says “you do you, as long as you’re happy,” God says to serve others before yourself. In a world that screams pride and accomplishments, God calls us to humility and recognize our flaws and desperate need of saving. In a world that thrives on badmouthing your spouse, God asks us to lay down our own life for them. What Are You Going To Build Your Life Upon? While the ways of the world may seem enticing, shiny, popular, and fulfilling… that happiness is only fleeting. Your circumstances can and will change, and building your life upon anything other than the solid foundation of Jesus will inevitably make your home fall apart. When I tell people we homeschool our 4 kids, they often look at me like I’m crazy. It’s almost always followed by the question, “how in the world do you do it?!?” Spoiler alert: I don’t. God does. Something I’m working on every single day is not placing all of my value and worth in what reading level my kids are on or how athletically gifted our kids are (or aren’t). If my children learn one thing in life and one thing alone – That God loves them, and they are HIS – then I can rest in that, feeling accomplished. A relationship with Jesus is and always will be my biggest goal for our children. The world will never satisfy their souls. Being number one on their little league team will never find them eternal peace. Having the most expensive pair of shoes will never cause them to repent of their sins. Making sure they “fit in” and are enrolled in every activity possible will never deepen their relationship with Jesus. There are times and places for sports, clubs, and things of that nature, of course… But prioritizing their spiritual life needs to always be first. Something That Lasts God tells us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” He tells us to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to His commandments. Not only that, but to “repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 The world says they should be reading at XYZ levels, going to Ivy League school, enrolled in 8,000 sports programs and extra activities, and so much more. God says all we need to do is love him & love others more than ourselves. God’s way wins. Every time. We would love to meet you and share more about what to do to take the next step. We are here to help. Contact us.  Learn more about God’s ways and how to follow them, Check out Rooted.

It’s Time To Get Rooted In Your Faith

 “This is the first time I’ve been honest with another person about my struggles.” “Before I felt like there were a lot of toxins in my life. I am feeling loved by the Lord and am happier after working through Rooted.” “I used to want to control everything in my life. Rooted has helped me to lean on my faith and surrender it all to God.” These are huge, life changing statements! In Rooted there were people who weren’t sure what they thought about God and hadn’t accepted Jesus when they started. There were also people that were long time Christians who needed to be refocused and recommitted to following Jesus. We had people that were lonely and looking to find community. Rooted changed all of that. It provided a new perspective. What Is Rooted It is hard to explain the journey called Rooted, but here are the key points of what it is: 10 weeks of intentionally serving with, praying with, and growing your relationship with God and the people in your group. Asking questions and receiving answers to BIG questions. Learning how to do the thing that many Christians are afraid or unsure of, which is sharing Jesus with other people. Share what Jesus has done in your life and practice telling your story in a safe environment. “I loved the camaraderie I experienced in Rooted. I loved the diversity of backgrounds, thoughts and opinions, arriving at the same common place and goal.” – Rooted Graduate Some people came to Rooted because they were signed up without their knowledge, some came ready to learn, some, unsure of what it would be and if it would hold any benefit for them. There were even a few people that came because they heard the announcement wrong and thought it was something else entirely! 10 % of the room dropped out over the 10-week period for various reasons. 90% collectively arrived at a place of thanksgiving, gratitude and joy. They had a stronger knowledge of God, who He is and how He speaks to them. This group was able to explore their purpose, why He allows suffering, how and why we pray, serve, and most of all, how very loved we are by our Father in Heaven. Take the plunge, make the commitment. If you are willing to follow the experience for 10 weeks, you will receive a maximum impact in your life. It is the best odds ever! Now is the time to experience real Life Change, Life Growth and Life Purpose! Learn more about Rooted…

Is Following God A Waste Of Time?

Is following God a waste of time?

Have you ever invested time, money, or energy, or maybe all 3 into something, and then found out later it was a waste of time? Maybe you thought it was not worth what you put into it. How did that make you feel? Some Super Bowl commercials stick in your memory a long time. Over 20 years ago, E-Trade was a 5-year-old company that made a commercial with a monkey and two old guys all clapping off beat. During the last 5 seconds, they said, “Well, we just wasted 2 million dollars.” That was the cost of 30 seconds of air time during the big game that year. They urged their viewers to not waste their own money how they had. Looking a little deeper, you might find it wasn’t as much of a waste as they had let on. E-Trade was a newer company back then, providing a platform to buy stocks and options from the comfort of your own home, as the internet and personal computers were finding their way into more homes. They had a net profit of $671 million dollars the year of that “2 million dollar waste” commercial. They also added over 1 million new accounts – more than double the previous year. We might look at the commercial as a waste, but they were laughing all the way to the bank. They weren’t paying for a quality commercial or for 30 seconds of fame. They knew that money would go toward something of far greater value and return to them ten times over. How Do You Know Following God Is Worth It? In Matthew 13:45-46, Jesus says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” In the short parable, Jesus tells of a man who found something that held such great value that it was worth trading in all he owned. I bet some of his merchant buddies thought, “what a waste” or “what are you thinking?!” He saw the greater value behind it and knew it was worth the cost up front of all he could offer. What would you do in that situation? Would you risk it all? Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like that. It’s worth laying down everything, so we can take hold of it. Others may look at you and think, “what a waste.” All that time and money you put toward that God stuff – it isn’t worth it. But we have tasted and have seen that it is worth it. It’s worth everything we could offer and more. We’re getting the better end of the deal, if you could even call it that. Jim Elliot was a missionary who died doing his work and was famous for saying, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Let that sink in. No matter how you look at it, we’re all spending our lives on something. If we’re brutally honest, we see a lot of those things don’t hold their value for long. The memories fade. The clothes wear out. The things break. Spend your life on what matters and what holds value beyond this life. Jesus shows us the way in this parable, and was willing to give us His life so that we could grasp the greatest thing this world cannot offer – eternal life with our Heavenly Father. Where Do You Start? If you are looking for a place to start living a life with value, check out Rooted. Rooted is a 10-week life-changing experience where you will connect with God, the church, and your purpose. Learn and practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus and build strong roots in the truth of God’s Word, the Bible. You were made for a purpose! Here are some Missions that are always looking for volunteers. Find one or more that break your heart and dive in! We encourage you to take that first step and just start. It will not be a waste of time. Following God is not a waste of time.

What Is Real Life-Change Worth?

Rooted at The Village Christian Church

What is REAL life-change worth?  It is a powerful question. Is there a set time limit or dollar amount you are comfortable investing to experience it?  Will it require change? Change can be difficult, but sometimes necessary. The Gift of Time In general, we all have a daily schedule that we stick to and are comfortable with.  I myself, am regimented about my schedule each day.  So today, I sit and ponder the ways I use the gift of time I receive daily. It is filled with a variety of necessary and unnecessary items; I sleep, shower, grocery shop, eat, pay bills, work inside and/or outside the home, spend time with family, put gas in my vehicle etc. What about how we spend “free time”?  I can easily use every minute of it engaged in activities that fill a ton of space time-wise, but don’t “fill” my heart.  It is easy for me to fill it with my favorite TV shows and social media.  How about you?  What does your free time look like? Now ask yourself, “where does my relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe fit in with all the demands and choices I make?  He has a far better plan for your life then you do.  Are you really leaning into that?”  There are many things that you must do and choose to do that don’t produce REAL life-change.  They may change your circumstances but not your heart. What Do You Want? Do you want a feeling of being full?  How would it feel if you didn’t have to look further for peace, happiness, or reasons to be thankful?  How about not having to search for freedom from uncertainty, confusion, and insecurity, or for your purpose?  Would you like to feel ready for tomorrow with all the energy and support you need?  Come to Rooted. Everyone wants to be a part of something big and this is your chance.  Have a purpose,  know what your purpose is, and champion an effort that will make a difference.  Do you want to change the world?  Do you want your world to change?  Come to Rooted. Do you want to find community?  Come to Rooted. Do you want to know why the Village should be your home?  Come to Rooted. Maybe you’ve been walking with the Lord for a long time.  Why would you want to come to Rooted?  Rest assured that it is for everyone, even you.  It will extend your roots, fills in any gaps in understanding and expand your vision past your current line of sight.  Come to Rooted. Experience life-change together. Learn more about Rooted

When It’s Hard To Trust God’s Plan

trust God

Trusting God’s Plan Whether you are the type of person who goes through life with a solid plan (and backup plan) or you fly by the seat of your pants, most of us would agree that sometimes life throws you a curveball. You have probably encountered something unexpected that seemingly tossed you off course. Perhaps it was a shifting relationship, a job loss, a health scare, or something else that left you feeling lost and uncertain. Have you found it hard to trust God’s plan? Do you find yourself questioning God? What if I told you that God welcomes your questions. When we encounter the unexpected, we often perceive it as a barrier. But in that, we are forgetting the greatness of God and His plans. Fortunately, nothing can disrupt God’s plan for us! If He establishes a barrier, He wants us to pivot. He is not keeping us from our purpose, He is ensuring it. Romans 8:28 reminds us, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” But in the pridefulness of life, we forget to trust Him wholly. Fortunately, God is not afraid of you or your questions. He welcomes them when we allow them to bring us into a closer relationship with Him. His desire is for a close and personal relationship with every one of us. He knows that through our questions we can seek Him, find Him, and discover His plans for us. Purpose of Waiting Sometimes we grow anxious and weary as we await His great reveal. However, this waiting season is purposeful. It is preparation and, as followers, we benefit from using it wisely by growing our relationship with Christ and remaining obedient. Scripture promises us that. He is growing, pushing, and preparing you because Psalm 139:14 tells us we are, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” His plan for you is a special journey meant only for you. You will be called upon to carry out tasks that others are not equipped to do. He Understands While our journeys will be unique to each of us, we know they will be filled with triumphs and hardships alike. Changes to our plans can leave us feeling devastated and lost. But we can find rest and comfort in knowing our Christ the Lord lived as a man. He understands our struggles and not once has said this would be easy. What He wants are our obedience and trust. He is asking us to submit to His plan and carry out his work. We are truly doing the Lord’s work in obeying and trusting His plan. If you find yourself struggling, remember to seek a relationship with Him daily, especially when you are questioning Him. Remember that He isn’t afraid of your questions. He knows His plan for you is a great one. Spend time with Him in prayer. Read the Word. And take time to listen and look at what He is saying to you. Psalm 40:1 says: “I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” If you invest in your relationship with him, you are certain to see His faithfulness. The Village also offers opportunities to help you in your walk with Christ. In addition to Sunday messages, we encourage you to Serve Experience Rooted Join a Lifegroup

What Is REAL Life-Change Worth?

Find your purpose and answers to questions about God, Jesus, and the Bible at Rooted.

What is REAL life-change worth?  It is a powerful question. Is there a set time limit or dollar amount you are comfortable investing to experience it?  Will it require change? Change can be difficult, but sometimes necessary. The Gift of Time In general, we all have a daily schedule that we stick to and are comfortable with.  I myself, am regimented about my schedule each day.  So today, I sit and ponder the ways I use the gift of time I receive daily. It is filled with a variety of necessary and unnecessary items; I sleep, shower, grocery shop, eat, pay bills, work inside and/or outside the home, spend time with family, put gas in my vehicle etc. What about how we spend “free time”?  I can easily use every minute of it engaged in activities that fill a ton of space time-wise, but don’t “fill” my heart.  It is easy for me to fill it with my favorite TV shows and social media.  How about you?  What does your free time look like? Now ask yourself, “where does my relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe fit in with all the demands and choices I make?  He has a far better plan for your life then you do.  Are you really leaning into that?”  There are many things that you must do and choose to do that don’t produce REAL life-change.  They may change your circumstances but not your heart. What Do You Want? Do you want a feeling of being full?  How would it feel if you didn’t have to look further for peace, happiness, or reasons to be thankful?  How about not having to search for freedom from uncertainty, confusion, and insecurity, or for your purpose?  Would you like to feel ready for tomorrow with all the energy and support you need?  Come to Rooted. Everyone wants to be a part of something big and this is your chance.  Have a purpose,  know what your purpose is, and champion an effort that will make a difference.  Do you want to change the world?  Do you want your world to change?  Come to Rooted. Do you want to find community?  Come to Rooted. Do you want to know why the Village should be your home?  Come to Rooted. Maybe you’ve been walking with the Lord for a long time.  Why would you want to come to Rooted?  Rest assured that it is for everyone, even you.  It will extend your roots, fills in any gaps in understanding and expand your vision past your current line of sight.  Come to Rooted. Experience life-change together. Learn more about Rooted