God Created Us To Be In Community

When surrounded by both good times and bad, we find ourselves desiring to feel support from those around us. That’s because God created us to be in community with one another and it’s during times like these that we remember why.

As I considered writing my next blog post, I knew that I wanted to write about the idea of community but had no idea what to say about it. Then God provided the perfect inspiration.


Recently, a friend invited me to her church for a women’s ministry event. I was excited but my mind was racing, wondering if there would be tables set up or rows of chairs, friendly and welcoming women or cool and standoffish ladies, values reflected that aligned to my own or a night of discomfort ahead, and so on.

You see, most people think I’m outgoing but I’m more of an introvert at heart. And I overthink- a lot. Sometimes I even let these types of thoughts psych me out. Does that ever happen to you? Do you ruin something before even giving it a chance?

Fortunately, the Holy Spirit was working hard and I attended the event. And it was great!

On the way home I found myself reflecting on all of the ways I’ve benefited from the community throughout my life.


Most recently, I’ve benefited from expanding my community to include other believers. This didn’t happen easily for my husband or me, especially me. But The Village made it so easy that once our hearts and minds adjusted, God began to clear paths for us to a new community, one with other believers.

We now have a network of other believers that come alongside us regularly, without judgment and with total selflessness and compassion. They speak truth to us, pray for us, encourage us, send us scripture, and so much more. The best part is that we get to try our best to return this care to them.


So, knowing this, I ask you: Are you surrounded by a strong community of believers? If not, I encourage you to pray on this and become involved in opportunities to build this system for yourself. It is unlike any other support you’ll receive from humanity.

You can build up your community by participating in some of The Village’s activities such as Rooted, Lifegroup, serving on a team, and numerous ministry opportunities.