God Doesn’t Just Work On Sunday

It was a Monday afternoon and I got a text message and the picture above from one of our Lifegroup leaders.

This is what the text message said, “Just wanted you to know Barb is being baptized by our Lifegroup and her granddaughter today.” My first thought was, “Wow! So amazing!!!” Then I got to thinking more about it…How many great things, God things, happen in peoples lives Monday thru Saturday?  We see many great things God does “At Church” on Sundays and it’s important to celebrate these, but sometimes we forget all of the incredible “WINS” in peoples lives happening every day! God doesn’t just work on Sundays! There are 168 hours in a week and church is just 1 hour of that. What about the other 167 hours?

Here are a few more examples of some of those “WINS” that are happening during the week:

  • The dad who came home to spend time with his kids instead of spending time at the bar.  As result, his marriage is being restored and his kids will grow up with a godly parent.
  • The teenager who is reading her Bible throughout the week every night before she goes to bed.
  • The salesman who when traveling is committed to stay away from pornography.

The list can go on and on if I spend some time thinking about it. Life is about choices. Every hour brings more choices and you have to stop and make that important decision. There are “WINS” EVERY DAY as God works in and through our lives! This is an important thing to remember as you are in the trenches during the week. Be aware, celebrate, and thank God for those “WINS”!