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That’s Why I Choose Kids

That’s Why I Choose Kids

Kid Village is a safe, fun-filled place for infants - grade 3 at The Village Christian Church

Kids’ hearts are pure and genuine, and well, they just get it. They have an unwavering faith and curiosity. Kids often have a natural curiosity about the world around them, including spiritual matters. A children’s pastor gets to witness and nurture this curiosity, answering questions about God, faith, and morality in ways that are understandable […]

How Do You Forgive?

Forgive, Forgiveness, God forgives you, The Village Christian Church

What comes to your mind when you hear the word forgive? That can be a loaded question, right?!? Is forgiveness something that you hope to receive, but you struggle to give? Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, I would submit that this statement is true. “Not forgiving someone who has wronged you […]

When Tragedy Strikes

When you feel like a wave is taking over when tragedy strikes

2017 has been a tough year with disaster and tragedy becoming a common occurrence. Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, shootings, attacks, and the list goes on and on. You haven’t recovered from the last one when the next one hits. So much loss, so much devastation, so much hurt. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, and sometimes […]

A Divine Appointment Part 2

A Divine Appointment. Blog By Sarah O'Sullivan, Connections Pastor at The Village Christian Church in Minooka, Illinois

I listened intently as she spoke about her past. So much pain, layer upon layer of it. I kept thinking about how incredible God is and how he sees each one of us, exactly where we are at any given moment. With this thought in mind I dialed into the conversation, “Lord, what do you […]