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Answered Prayers

Answered Prayers

Moth Prayer Answered Prayers The Village Christian Church

It’s Just A Moth It’s also just a tangible, physical sign of a little girl’s answered prayers. A few weeks ago, our 6-year-old daughter Hailey was playing in the yard. All of a sudden, her three brothers came running inside to show me what they had just found. I come outside, and sitting on Hailey’s hand is one of the largest moths ever found in our area. She was so excited to have found this, yet also very worried. One of this moth’s wings was broken, and she didn’t think it would survive. Our daughter, the ever sweet, ever loving and compassionate girl, decided to turn our front tree into the “God tree.” She decorated the entire tree with beautiful painted rocks, scripture, flowers, and a handmade cross created from twigs. She enlisted the help of a few neighborhood kids. Rally The Troops When I looked out my front door, I saw Hailey, her siblings, and a handful of neighbors sitting around the tree in a circle, holding hands. They were praying for this little moth! It was heartwarming and adorable. Hailey placed her moth on the ground by the tree, and it was still there when we all went to bed that night. I knew I needed to get rid of this moth by the next day, otherwise our little girl would see the moth had died, and her prayers weren’t answered how she wanted them to be. Unfortunately, however, caring for a wounded moth is not high on my priority list, and I completely forgot in the midst of a busy family life. The next morning, I sat down at the table to do my normal Bible reading. It was all about not intervening with God’s will, and not rushing things. Which, in my own human nature, ironically reminded me I needed to go and dispose of the likely dead, giant moth outside. As I was getting ready to do so, Hailey came running downstairs and straight out the front door to eagerly see if her prayers were answered. Imagine my sheer and absolute surprise and disbelief when I saw what all the yelling was about. Not only was Hailey’s injured moth alive and well, there was a second identical moth next to it. They were both resting on the cross made of twigs under our God tree. They eventually ended up mating, and laying eggs under the tree. Both moths were healthy, alive, and flew off within the next day. We were left with eggs and the promise of new life. Are You Serious? This was such a physical, tangible way for our kids to see a prayer not only answered, but given even more than what we had asked for. I was able to share scripture during this crazy God moment. “God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). If only all prayers were answered like this. It led me to wonder why… Has a difficult diagnosis from one of our children not been lifted? That unsaved family member is still unsaved after years and years of praying? A good friend is struggling with an unimaginable loss of her husband? Why are so many other prayers left seemingly unanswered? We will never know the answer to that. It clearly isn’t through “works,” or “doing the right thing,” or “being a good Christian.” We don’t know the reason, and we may never know, but we do know one thing. God is good, even if He doesn’t respond to the prayer you’ve been praying in the way you wanted him to. God never promised us we would be exempt from hard times. He did promise us, however, that He would be with us. Him showing up in a very obvious way in this cute and silly moth story shows just that. He Is Here He is present. Not only that, but He is with us through every chapter of life. The creator of the universe doesn’t have to send us little reminders that He is here, yet he does. Don’t let that point be missed. He is kind, and he will show himself to those who ask. It doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed an overnight prayer being answered, but he does promise that he will always be present. Sometimes, all we have to do is look. We will never have all the answers to our questions. I do know, however, that a little girl’s faith was strengthened that day. The neighbors present outside saw God’s hand physically working through something as small as a moth. Those kids ran home to tell their families, and faith on our street grew that day. We have a story to share with family and unbelievers. Our kids have a “God moment” that will stick with them forever. Isn’t that the greatest answered prayer of all? Have A Prayer Request?

Back To School Wisdom

Back To School Kids FamBlitz The Village Christian Church

The end of summer conjures many different emotions from different people, here is some back to school wisdom for you… Summer’s End As summer winds down, it’s a time to look back on all the memories—whether it’s enjoying countless popsicles, patching up scraped knees, or splashing around at the pool or beach with friends. There have been moments of joy, sibling squabbles, and countless hours of cheering on your kids in their favorite activities, including America’s beloved pastime, baseball. Many of us have also savored family vacations and cherished quality time together. For working families, you might be thinking, “No, summer can’t be over yet! We haven’t done everything we planned!” That feeling of wanting more time is completely natural. And for those who stay at home, perhaps you’re looking forward to the routine of school days and a bit more quiet time. Both feelings are valid, and it’s important to remember: you are a great parents, no matter which perspective you have. God chose you to be the parent to your kids, and He knows you are the perfect fit for them. New Beginnings As we transition from summer to the school year, let’s embrace this new season with joyful, God-filled hearts. Our children, especially the little ones, are incredibly observant and absorb everything they see us do. Starting the school year with genuine faith and a desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus can have a profound impact on our families. When we model a life of bold, faith-filled living, it sets an inspiring example for our kids. They notice how we handle stress, how we worship, and how we live out our faith. These moments leave a lasting impression. Matthew 5:13-16 reminds us: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Consider doing a family Bible study, praying together, listening to worship music, and having Jesus-centered conversations. Shine your light before your children and show them the joy of a faith-filled life. A fun way to grow in faith together is by attending family-friendly, Jesus-centered events. One such event is FamBlitz, which we will be hosting soon. FamBlitz is a live, Nickelodeon-style event that uses games and excitement to teach the whole family about Biblical principles. Parents and children play games together, learning and having fun while hearing the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect as a family through fun and laughter while growing in your faith. When your kids see you enjoying learning about Jesus, they’ll be inspired to do the same. Let your light shine brightly for them to see. Purchase Tickets for FamBlitz

In A Relationship?

relationship, God, The Village Christian Church

What would you consider to be some key ingredients in a relationship? How about just spending time together without giving or receiving anything and enjoying the company of your loved one? Our dog got sick recently. We are still not exactly sure of the cause. We think he may have eaten something he wasn’t supposed to. He is a total trash panda; or someone (cough, cough) fed him something he should not have eaten. We cannot prove the cause, all we know, after a very large vet bill, is that he has high cholesterol, elevated liver enzymes and needs to be on a diet. He is less than thrilled; let me tell you. The night we knew something was wrong, it came on suddenly. My daughter came home after school and made a snack. She dropped food on the floor, and Roy did not come running. That was a huge red flag. She called him, and he was very reluctant to respond to her—red flag number two. She offered him a slice of ham, and when he refused, she texted me, “Mom, something is wrong with Roy.” When I got home, he had vomited. I took him outside, and he was clearly in distress. He was pacing in circles and would not interact with us at all. That was so strange for him. He is always excited to see us when we get home. His eyes seemed distant, and he was twitching his head in a strange way. I decided to take him to the after-hours animal hospital because whatever was wrong seemed serious. The ride to the animal hospital was unsettling. He remained on the floorboard of the passenger side, twitching and acting as if I were not even in the car. Roy loves to go for a ride in the car, and he always sits on the armrest as my trusty co-pilot. When we arrived, I explained his symptoms to the triage technician. My main concern was his change in behavior. His lack of attention and affection for me was disturbing. I felt like a total weirdo saying this to her, but if you are a pet owner, you know what I mean. I brought him home, and he struggled through the night, but his symptoms did fade with time. We took him for a follow-up appointment the next day. He looked fairly normal and healthy to our vet, but to us, he still wasn’t acting right. Finally, on day three, when I got home from work, he came and sat near me. He took his usual spot on the couch with me. He has a very particular way of nestling into my bent knees and laying his head on my leg. Then he looked at my face with that loving look a dog can give his owner. I felt so relieved. “Roy, you’re back!” I did not realize how much it had been bothering me until he started acting like his old self again. He seemed relieved as well as he snuggled up next to me and seemed comforted by my presence, which was a huge relief. While he was sick, he did not want us to touch him. He was even hiding under my bed. In this particular moment, he did not want anything from me. There was no urgency to go outside, go for a walk, or for his bowl to be filled. He wasn’t sitting near me because I had a snack he was interested in. He was sitting with me because he just wanted ME! I was driving home from church on Sunday with my daughter in the front seat. We were recapping the week we had with our beloved Roy, and I was telling her the above story. We talked about how sad we felt when he did not find comfort in our family members. I told her how good it felt when he finally sat near me. He didn’t want anything from me; he just wanted to be near me. He felt the comfort my presence offered him, and as I said those words out loud, it hit me. I said to Claire, “Don’t you think that’s exactly how God feels about us?” Come near to God and God will come near to you. -James 4:8 She was quiet for a minute and gave me a knowing look. It makes so much sense. That’s what prayer is. That’s what time with God should look like. Of course, He is glad to bless us and meet our needs when they arise, but having a relationship is why He created us. I think that having a relationship with an invisible God can be a pretty difficult concept for many people. However, if you have ever felt the feeling I’m describing with a pet or even a child, you have the capacity to experience a relationship with God. He desires a relationship with us. As we well know, the only way to strengthen a relationship is to spend time together. I challenge you to just sit in the presence of God this week. Make time aside from the prayer requests and just rest your head on His knee. Download the YouVersion Bible App. Spend time getting to know your Father in Heaven.

Do You Feel Empty?

Feeling Empty Void Unsatisfied Jesus Peace Joy Purpose

Are you missing a lasting satisfaction in life? Do the things that you are looking forward to having or achieving fade and leave you feeling empty again? I think I’m so passionate about Christ because I lived my life without Him for so long. Great on the outside. Inside – empty. Loving my kids and husband, of course, but constantly seeking something that I wasn’t aware I was missing. Can You Relate? I spent hours of mindless scrolling on TikTok or Facebook, emptying a few bottles of wine every night. Working out endless hours and tracking calories? Finding comfort in a political party? Binge-watching Netflix until 2 AM? Working on making the outside look great with material possessions and purchases? Brand names? The newest “fads”? I sought comfort in all of these things, yet none filled me. None of these could fill that void. When you’re living with that empty place inside that you’re not even aware of, life loses its beauty. When you love your husband or wife, but you complain about them, and you love your kids, but they’re exhausting and aggravating. You love your life, but to escape it if only for 15 minutes? Man, that would be amazing. I lived under the pretense that if I could only find “me time” for an hour, everything would somehow be better. That’s how I operated for so many years. I remember laughing off the idea of an “all-good, sovereign God” and mocking my closest friend’s faith (thank you for your forgiveness, both to my friend and to God). Jesus Fills The Void It wasn’t until Jesus literally grabbed my soul and turned me inside out that I felt that complete and total contentment. Purpose. Fulfillment. PEACE. Joy. The blessings in EVERY single season—yes, even the hard ones. Happiness in the chaos. Love inside our home. There was a black and white turning point in my life, and I’ll forever be grateful for that. I now see the true meaning of sacrificial love. Our marriage is radically transformed, renewed, and so much stronger. Our attitudes toward giving have changed so much. The way I look at those who are different from me is a complete 180 from what it used to be. Now we view our children as THE most important ministry. Not as interruptions or annoyances, but as physical proof of God’s blessings (even during temper tantrums and monumental, yes – monumental, fights). Spending hours in prayer and worship and connecting with the One who made you. Finding the beauty in everything. Living every moment in grateful response of the ULTIMATE sacrifice our creator gave for us. I remember reading a quote, and I can’t remember who it came from or what it was in. It went something like- “When you fully understand the magnitude of what Jesus did for you, you will live every single day of your life differently until you leave this Earth. If you aren’t living your life differently yet, then you don’t fully understand what he did.” From Emptiness To Peace It is my prayer that everyone would live to one day experience that peace and joy. A total and complete fulfillment that doesn’t leave you based on your circumstance. A peace that stays despite the bills, the pay cut, the kids’ school grades or sports shortcomings, or things in the news. That even in the midst of life’s terrible storms, your peace would not be shaken. That you could go confidently into whatever season of life you’re in, with the complete assurance that the creator of the universe is there, walking right alongside you. Check out these free Resources to help point to Jesus

That’s Why I Choose Kids

Kid Village is a safe, fun-filled place for infants - grade 3 at The Village Christian Church

Kids’ hearts are pure and genuine, and well, they just get it. They have an unwavering faith and curiosity. Kids often have a natural curiosity about the world around them, including spiritual matters. A children’s pastor gets to witness and nurture this curiosity, answering questions about God, faith, and morality in ways that are understandable and meaningful to young minds. One night, during Pulse 45 student ministry, I witnessed an amazing act of kindness with my fifth-grade boys. I have a group that is highly competitive, and they dog each other constantly. We were playing gaga ball, and everybody was having a great time and laughing and being silly. I have one little boy who is quiet, shy, and awkward, yet shows up every week and participates. Usually, he doesn’t win anything. As I watched kids get out of the game, I noticed a group of four boys who huddled real quick between rounds, and then I saw them leave the game one by one. It was down to two boys, the super-competitive one and the shy, not-so-athletic one. The super-athletic boy lost the game on purpose, making my other little guy the winner. Fifth grade boys don’t normally act that way. But because of their love for Jesus, it’s easy for them to recognize and make a decision to allow something like that to happen. I was so touched and moved by their gesture. That’s why I choose kids. I receive messages from parents, that say, “Hey, what’s that song that you guys sing in Kid Village? My child keeps requesting it because they want to listen to it in the car.” Recently, a parent sent me a message that said, “My daughter and I pray before every single one of her gymnastics meets. I ask her what she wants to pray about, and she tells me. It’s usually me who does the praying. But today she prayed out loud, and was not afraid because you told her to go out and be bold. A parent shared with me that their daughter is president of the kindness club in their neighborhood. She was currently having the first meeting of the club and planning out ways that they are going to be kind. When you walk alongside a child who’s parent passes away, and they stand up and say at the visitation, “My dad is not dead, he lives on because He is with Jesus.” My very favorite is when a parent tells you that their daughter wants to go into ministry because of the impact the church has had on them. Matthew 19:14 says: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Kids Are Filled With Joy In Simplicity The simple, unguarded moments of joy and discovery that children experience can be a powerful reminder of the beauty in the world. It reinforces the values of faith, hope, and love in their purest forms. Kid spiritual growth is a journey. One that involves helping kids understand the importance of kindness, forgiveness, and community, and seeing these values reflected in their actions and interactions. Working with kids also means facing the challenges they encounter, from family issues to personal struggles. But walking alongside kids, I help navigate these difficulties with faith and resilience. When you work with kids, there is a reward of influence. One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a children’s pastor is seeing the long-term impact of your work. Influencing children in a positive, faith-filled direction can shape their lives and the lives of those around them for years to come. Kids also teach me. I often find that I learn as much from the kids as the kids do from me. The honesty, openness, and fresh perspective of kids can inspire and challenge adults to see their faith and the world in new ways. Check out Kid Village  and Pulse 45 at all 3 of our campuses.


Seasons The Village Christian Church Blog

Have you ever stopped to think about how different times in your life are similar to how the seasons change? What have you learned in the different seasons of your life? There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. -Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Some people are morning larks, while others tend to be night owls. I’m definitely in the first group. I love to wake up early when the house is still quiet and dark, pour a cup of coffee, light a candle, and nestle into my favorite spot in the front room. This is my devotional time, where I sit near the window and open the blinds so that I can see the first signs of morning as the sun peaks over the trees, read from my Bible, and end with prayer. It gets me off to a good start to my day. There Is Beauty In Every Season Recently, we had a snow day, so I got to sit and rest longer than usual. My devotional ended with this guided prayer. “God, how majestic is your name? When I look at the sky, I see glimpses of your glory. When I spend time in nature, I’m amazed by your creativity. And when I talk to the people you place in my life, I see your beauty reflected in their faces. You are so good and so worthy of all of my honor and praise.” As I prayed this prayer, I stared at the morning sky. It was gray and dull. The sun was coming up, but it was not a bright, warm sky. It was no longer dark; however, instead of an obvious source of glowing light from the sun, the sky was just an even shade of white as the storm clouds masked the sun itself. The snow had accumulated overnight, clung to the trees, and covered the ground. No other colors were visible except the white snow and the dark contrast from the bare trees. It was so simple, yet so beautiful. I was thankful for the extra time to just sit and watch the gentle flakes fall and accumulate on the snow-heavy branches. As little bits of daylight began to hit the fresh snow, it created a sparkle. It was as if someone had sprinkled tiny diamonds on the tips of the trees. My body was quiet and warm as I looked through the window at this perfectly painted winter scene. It was the stuff screensavers are made of. As I appreciated the artwork God had created that morning, my mind went back to the days during this past year when I had sat and looked at the same scene, yet it was so different. Necessary Changes Jesus said, “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near.” – Matthew 24:32 I remembered the summer season, when the daylight hours were plentiful. The sun rose early and set late, as the earth was closer to the sun. The nature around my house was busy, active and full of color. Every day, a new flower was blooming and bursting forth a new color to add to the mural of my flower bed. Each flower bloomed in its own time: first the peonies, then the lilies, and as the last lily lost its colorful petals, the shasta daisies bloomed; filling the flower garden with a fresh coat of white. “As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.” –  Genesis 8:22 As the season changed into fall, the same view of trees began to turn from bright green leaves into a mirage of rich, warm colors. A tree with beautiful, bright yellow leaves stood in the midst of the warm red and orange tones. It added the most unexpected and beautiful contrast. I was sad to see the final leaves drop to the ground. As winter approached and the days became shorter and the sun rose later and set sooner, a sort of sadness set in. I missed the days of beautiful colors, warm sunshine and signs of life. In the winter, everything slows down and an innate sense of hibernation seems to overtake all living things. The trees have a stark and stripped-down appearance. “He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.” – Psalm 104:19 Preparing For The Next Season One year, we had unusually heavy snow in the fall before the trees had lost their leaves. The snow stuck to the leaves, and the weight of the heavy snow tugged the branches until a huge portion of the tree cracked under the weight and split the tree. It occurred to me how important and intentional the seasons are. God’s design is perfect. He thought of everything from efficiency to renewal, and He even cared enough to throw in beauty. “See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig

Who Do You Trust?

Trust God The Village Christian Church

Trust, by definition, is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. The Bible says that we are to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your path.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust can be very difficult for some people for a variety of reasons. Depending on our experiences and relationships, we can struggle with trust at times. If we have been hurt or let down by people, we may tend to take those experiences and feelings into our relationship with God. The problem with this is that, although we as humans are sinful by nature and will inevitably fall short and fail one another, God never will. He is perfect and without sin. He is wise and just. Furthermore, He is all-knowing. He always protects and perseveres. We often misunderstand these attributes when we see them through our own broken sinfulness. At times, we may not trust God because we feel that we know better or that God does not have our best interests at heart. We may even believe the lie that a “no” from God is intended to ruin our fun rather than protect us. I best understand God’s character and desire for me as I parent my own children. Who Knows Better? One fall day, several years ago, I had an experience with one of my children that really shaped our future parent-child relationship. It was one of those days that kept building, and then everything happened all at once. You know the days. I was arriving home from physical therapy and I was tired and in pain. My leg was in a locked brace, so I could not drive myself. My in-laws were helping me struggle my way up the front steps. I was met by an excited child who was asking me if he could go to a drive-in movie with a friend. As I stumbled through the doorway and made it over to the couch to elevate my throbbing leg, the last thing I wanted to do was make a decision and give permission. The problem was that the movie he wanted to see was scary, and my instinct was to give him a firm “No.” We did not allow him to watch scary movies, for good reason. At the moment, he was not thinking about what he was really asking permission to do or the consequences of making a bad choice. He was blinded by the idea of having fun and being with his friend. The situation intensified as my phone chimed. I received a new text message from the mom of my child’s friend. It said, “I don’t mean to pressure you, but is it ok if we take (my child) with us to the movie? We are in your driveway.” Sure, no pressure at all. I really did not want him to go to this movie because I knew it was not the best thing for him. Not only that, but I wanted to call my husband for backup on this unpopular opinion, but he was out of town and unavailable. Giving In To Pressure As my mind swirled, my knee throbbed and the anticipation of my excited kid was palpable. I felt like I was melting down. At that moment, I began to argue with myself. I’m always the fun killer. I say no a lot! Will it really hurt him to see one scary movie? The pressure to compromise was too much and I allowed him to go despite my strong instinct to not allow it. He got home that night and it wasn’t long before the consequences of my mistake were evident. It started with vomiting from too much junk food and ended with a scared boy sleeping in my bed. The guilt and regret I felt was heavy. I knew what was good for him, and I chose to go against my instincts. Now he was suffering. I wished that I had been stronger, more firm, and more confident in my decision to say no. The thing is, I am older and wiser. I could see past the immediate appeal of fun to think about how he was too young to watch something scary. This lasted for several months. He was afraid to go to bed and to be alone. My husband and I had to comfort and reassure him often. The experience wasn’t completely in vain, though. A few months down the road, my son wanted to do something that I did not approve of. When I gave him a no, his initial reaction was not great. He felt this was unfair and that I was just being a fun killer. Everyone else got to do it! I used this opportunity to remind him of the scary movie incident. I reminded him that I compromised, and we both lived to regret it. Trust God Knows Better Furthermore, I explained that he may not always like, agree with, or understand my answer. However, one thing that he could always trust was that I loved him very much and every decision I made was in his best interest. He hugged me and agreed to trust me, whether he liked it or not. I was overcome with a feeling that could only come from the Holy Spirit. It was an understanding that I could not fully explain. I somehow knew that God used this moment to show me how I needed to trust Him as my Father. I may not like His answer and may rarely understand it, but I can always trust that He loves me and will always protect me. “Look at the proud one, His soul is not right within him, but the righteous will live by his faith in the true God.” – Habakkuk 2:4 Trust in a relationship means that you rely on another because you feel

How Do You Trust His Plan?

Trust God, Obedience, God the Father

Have you ever thought about this, trust is not something you can be taught, it’s something you have to experience. It wasn’t until I became a parent that I truly started to understand the relationship God wanted to have with me. In my early years of following Jesus, the Bible was a history book to me. It was a great collection of stories about past events that explained our existence and how the world came to be. It also prophesied how it would cease to exist. Furthermore, it was filled with many dos and don’ts, and the idea that God loves us was sprinkled in there as well. I was comfortable with the fact that God was the Creator, the Savior and the King of Kings. What I did not fully understand is that God is my Father. Then It Happened One summer day when my kids were young, we were doing our boring morning routine and getting ready to eat lunch. The kids were restless because the weather was beautiful, and they wanted to enjoy it. I had planned to pack them up and take them to the beach for a fun day of sand and swimming. I did not tell them the plan because, in the past, when I would tell them about our fun plans too early, the hours leading up to leaving were rough. They would get so excited that they would become time-blind and ask every few minutes when we were leaving. They would focus on all the excitement to come and have no focused attention for the tasks at hand, like getting dressed, eating lunch, brushing their teeth, etc. Out of sheer survival and being outnumbered, I learned to withhold exciting news until closer to our departure time. I knew we had a fun day planned, but my kids did not. They all turned on me quickly. They began grumbling and complaining that “we never do anything fun” and our house is “boring.” I will be honest; it was difficult to keep my composure during these unfair and untrue accusations. I said to the grumpy mob of kids, “Would you just trust me? You don’t know it, but I have a good plan for you today! First, I need you to eat your lunch.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt it. I just spoke scripture to my children. “For I know the plan I have for you declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” – Jeremiah 29:11 Life Lesson Learned My mind left the room for a few minutes as I took in the words I spoke. This is exactly how God, MY father, feels about me. How often do I grumble, complain, and fail to receive His goodness because I do not know the good plan He has for me? It also occurred to me that I don’t tell my children what is coming because, at their ages, they do not have the capacity to handle knowing things that are too far into the future. In order to both protect them and get the best out of them in the moment, I would give them information on a need-to-know basis. As their mom, I knew that I was bearing the weight and responsibility of what the future held. The planning and readiness were on my shoulders, not theirs. What I needed from them was obedience. I needed them to do what I asked of them and trust that I had a good plan and was capable of carrying it out. What a moment of total clarity! That day, I saw God as my Father. I am His child. I need to trust Him and be obedient. As I parented my own children, I could fully relate to who He is.

How Do You Follow What God Says To Do?

God's ways, God says, follow God

  The ways of the world are certainly different from the ways God says we are to live, aren’t they? I constantly see this pattern displayed in the media, TV shows, commercials, everywhere. It seems like society almost prides itself in complaining about their children, their spouse, their work. If we can’t commiserate together about how “aggravating” or “time-consuming” our family is, what other common ground do we share? Now, we are going to talk about God’s ways. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. – Romans 12:2 In a world that says “kids are so stressful,” God says they’re a blessing. In a world that says “you do you, as long as you’re happy,” God says to serve others before yourself. In a world that screams pride and accomplishments, God calls us to humility and recognize our flaws and desperate need of saving. In a world that thrives on badmouthing your spouse, God asks us to lay down our own life for them. What Are You Going To Build Your Life Upon? While the ways of the world may seem enticing, shiny, popular, and fulfilling… that happiness is only fleeting. Your circumstances can and will change, and building your life upon anything other than the solid foundation of Jesus will inevitably make your home fall apart. When I tell people we homeschool our 4 kids, they often look at me like I’m crazy. It’s almost always followed by the question, “how in the world do you do it?!?” Spoiler alert: I don’t. God does. Something I’m working on every single day is not placing all of my value and worth in what reading level my kids are on or how athletically gifted our kids are (or aren’t). If my children learn one thing in life and one thing alone – That God loves them, and they are HIS – then I can rest in that, feeling accomplished. A relationship with Jesus is and always will be my biggest goal for our children. The world will never satisfy their souls. Being number one on their little league team will never find them eternal peace. Having the most expensive pair of shoes will never cause them to repent of their sins. Making sure they “fit in” and are enrolled in every activity possible will never deepen their relationship with Jesus. There are times and places for sports, clubs, and things of that nature, of course… But prioritizing their spiritual life needs to always be first. Something That Lasts God tells us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” He tells us to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to His commandments. Not only that, but to “repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 The world says they should be reading at XYZ levels, going to Ivy League school, enrolled in 8,000 sports programs and extra activities, and so much more. God says all we need to do is love him & love others more than ourselves. God’s way wins. Every time. We would love to meet you and share more about what to do to take the next step. We are here to help. Contact us.  Learn more about God’s ways and how to follow them, Check out Rooted.

GivingTuesday – Give in Gratitude

Have you heard of #givingtuesday? Here’s a challenge for you, and it starts like this… Yesterday was a fun day a church. A friend told me that he was able to sell his house and move into another. He was so grateful that he decided to give a special gift. In gratitude to God, he gave a special gift of $2000 to Destiny Rescue, a mission that rescues girls from human trafficking in Cambodia and Thailand. On #GivingTuesday I can’t think of a better cause to give towards. In 2016, Destiny Rescue rescued 485 girls out of human trafficking. In 2017, they are well past this number of rescues and anticipate being close to 600 girls rescued! Take a moment to think about that. 600 young girls being rescued from human trafficking! Incredible! The key part to the rescue is the after care. After care includes a home to live in, food for each day, emotional and physical counseling, an opportunity to learn a new trade, and then a transition back into society. The goal is to get the girls to a point where they will not return to trafficking. While the increasing number of rescues is outstanding, the funds for after care are not enough to handle the amount of rescues. So…will you consider making a $20 gift to The Village that will go directly to Destiny Rescue?  Here’s the challenge: If we can get 100 people to donate $20 each, that will be $2000 going to provide after care for these young girls rescued from human trafficking! We add that to my friend’s generous $2000 gift and we have a total of $4000 to donate to this life changing mission! This is a challenge for #GivingTuesday only so act now! You can give at The Village Christian Church. All gifts are 100% tax deductible. Share this with your friends so we can hit our goal! Give Now  

Celebrate Easter At The Village

Easter is a great time for family, friends, traditions, and celebration. Our hope is that you would stop by, connect, celebrate and have a great experience with your family and friends! We invite you to The Village Easter Egg Hunts! We like to have fun here at The Village. Watch this to see 2 of our Pastors… 2 Egg Hunts To Choose From! Come to service Saturday, 4/8 @ 5 pm, or Sunday, 4/9 @ 11 am, then immediately following will be the egg hunts. Both egg hunts will be exactly the same – airplane flyover (weather permitting), the Easter Bunny, Minooka police and fire departments will be there with a police car and fire truck, an inflatable obstacle course, $1 hot dog meals, and loads of candy! All Kid Village rooms will be open Saturday and Sunday for the 9:30 and 11 am services. Infants – preschool only will be open for the 8:30 am service. Note: There will also be Sunday services at 8:30 and 9:30 am on Sunday, April 9th. We invite you to Easter Services at The Village! You have four service choices: Saturday, April 15 @ 5pm Sunday, April 16 @ 8:30, 9:30, 11am Nate will be teaching about “How Good Is Good Enough?” We’ll look at the Bible to answer the questions, How do we know who is good enough?  How do you become good enough? Kid Village will be closed Saturday, but will be open Sunday during all services for infants – 4th grade. Our services are open to all. If you don’t have a church home, please come and visit. If you’ve never been to church, please come and visit. You’ll find that The Village is a little different type of church! If you’re new, click here to find out a few things about us. We usually dress casual, but feel free to dress in your Easter best on this special day! We’re excited to see you, your family, and your friends! Come early to get your seat!