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Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust?

Trust God The Village Christian Church

Trust, by definition, is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. The Bible says that we are to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your path.” – […]

Choices Create A Ripple Effect

Your choices have a ripple effect

The choices we make in this life have a ripple effect. Each drop creates an initial little wave in the lives of those closest to us. If you choose to go on a diet, how does it affect your family? Are their eating habits changed because you are preparing the food? Is all the junk […]

You Are The Church

Connecting at The Village

Do you remember the last time you went somewhere new? You didn’t know where the location was (you trusted your phone app ?) and arrived and everything was new. It may have been exciting, uncomfortable, or scary. Last Fall my wife, Rachelle, and I made a trip to Washington, D.C. We had an appointment to […]

Ain’t No People Like My People

Lifegroups are a place to find my people, where real connection and growth takes place. Get connected in a group at The Village Christian Church.

I have a t-shirt that says “Ain’t no people like my people.” SO TRUE! My people, my friends, my sounding boards, at times my guardrail. They love and support me well. They know I have a hard time asking for help so instead, they offer it and sometimes, they just tell me they are helping […]

A Cheering Section Just For You

Life change is happening at The Village Christian Church in MInooka, Il. Students were cheering for and celebrating the life changing decision of their friend to be baptized.

Have you ever had someone cheer for you? Have you ever wanted someone to cheer for you, but it just didn’t happen? Here at The Village we feel it’s very important to encourage and love everyone. When it comes to baptism especially, everyone should have a cheering section. Every Thursday The Village has a church […]

Girls, Noise, and Jesus

The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL has youth group for students.

I have two teenage sons.  They are AWESOME!  We play sports together, go to events, eat great food, and get along great. My wife, Rachelle. for the past 4 years has held a high school girls Lifegroup at our house. For those who don’t have girls, they are LOUD! When 6-8 of them gather at […]

Speak Faith Into Fear

Having Faith at The Village Christian Church located at 8965 S. Bell Road in MInooka, Illinois

My facebook post on August 11, 2016 was this….. I’m surrounded by great leaders. While sharing with a leader that we are a little short in our offerings this year, he responded by saying “It won’t matter when we are reaching 1000 people and we need to expand parking”. I really needed to hear that […]

Celebrate Easter At The Village

Easter is a great time for family, friends, traditions, and celebration. Our hope is that you would stop by, connect, celebrate and have a great experience with your family and friends! We invite you to The Village Easter Egg Hunts! We like to have fun here at The Village. Watch this to see 2 of […]