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How Do You Share Your Faith In Jesus?

How Do You Share Your Faith In Jesus?

Share your faith Lifegroups Discussion Guides One At A Time The Village Christian Church

Do you feel a responsibility to share your faith in Jesus with those that are close to you? How can you encourage others to have faith in Jesus too? Who’s First? We had to leave the house for family pictures at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday. I have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. Between […]

Choices Create A Ripple Effect

Your choices have a ripple effect

The choices we make in this life have a ripple effect. Each drop creates an initial little wave in the lives of those closest to us. If you choose to go on a diet, how does it affect your family? Are their eating habits changed because you are preparing the food? Is all the junk […]

Rightnow Media Equips You

Rightnow Media is a digital library for you

When I was a little girl, I loved the library. It was one of my favorite places to go. I loved the wealth of information available at my fingertips, the smell of the books, the anticipation of learning something new or discovering a new author. At one point, we lived in a tiny town that […]

Ain’t No People Like My People

Lifegroups are a place to find my people, where real connection and growth takes place. Get connected in a group at The Village Christian Church.

I have a t-shirt that says “Ain’t no people like my people.” SO TRUE! My people, my friends, my sounding boards, at times my guardrail. They love and support me well. They know I have a hard time asking for help so instead, they offer it and sometimes, they just tell me they are helping […]

A Cheering Section Just For You

Life change is happening at The Village Christian Church in MInooka, Il. Students were cheering for and celebrating the life changing decision of their friend to be baptized.

Have you ever had someone cheer for you? Have you ever wanted someone to cheer for you, but it just didn’t happen? Here at The Village we feel it’s very important to encourage and love everyone. When it comes to baptism especially, everyone should have a cheering section. Every Thursday The Village has a church […]

Ending And Beginning

Going off to college is both a beginning and an ending.

This past weekend, my wife, Rachelle, and I dropped off our oldest son Kaden at college. It’s an ending, but also a beginning. Now…before you worry about me getting sappy and mushy please read on. This is an encouraging and fun blog! When The Village Christian Church began Kaden was 4. It’s been a huge blessing […]

Girls, Noise, and Jesus

The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL has youth group for students.

I have two teenage sons.  They are AWESOME!  We play sports together, go to events, eat great food, and get along great. My wife, Rachelle. for the past 4 years has held a high school girls Lifegroup at our house. For those who don’t have girls, they are LOUD! When 6-8 of them gather at […]

Calling All Men

It's time to get in the game and make a decision to get involved in men's group at The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL

Men, this isn’t going to be a normal Blog post.  I am not here to write about something I have read recently, or how a message from our Pastors has affected me.  I am here to drop the gauntlet.  I am here to swipe my proverbial glove in your face and to challenge my fellow […]

Serve Others

Last year at Thanksgiving, I found myself in a new town.  My husband was working and my children went back to our hometown to spend Thanksgiving with extended family. I was lying in bed that morning, feeling especially sorry for myself, thinking that I might as well not cook at all. Then I had a […]

God Doesn’t Just Work On Sunday

Saying yes to God through baptism

It was a Monday afternoon and I got a text message and the picture above from one of our Lifegroup leaders. This is what the text message said, “Just wanted you to know Barb is being baptized by our Lifegroup and her granddaughter today.” My first thought was, “Wow! So amazing!!!” Then I got to […]