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Men Of God: It’s Time To Stand Guard

Men Of God: It’s Time To Stand Guard

Men Of God Stand Firm Armor Of God The Village Christian Church

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a book that told us about the things we need to be careful of as Men of God? There are many books in the Bible that tell us what battles we are going to face and the tools we have available to us that will help us win! As a pastor, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of spiritual warfare on our families. It breaks my heart to witness couples on the brink of divorce, children rebelling against their parents, and men struggling silently with addictions and doubt. Time and again, I sit across from people, listening to stories of broken homes and shattered dreams. The Common Thread But there’s a pattern I’ve noticed that deeply concerns me: as men, we tend to face these battles alone. We’ve become experts at putting on a facade, pretending everything is under control even when our world is crumbling around us. We don’t ask for help, even when we’re clearly veering off course. This stubborn self-reliance, this reluctance to show vulnerability, is precisely what Satan uses against us. I believe that’s why the enemy targets men so fiercely. Women often have support networks, they band together in times of trouble. But us men? We retreat into our caves, thinking we can handle everything on our own. Satan uses this to his advantage. He slowly lures us to sleep, gradually pulling us out to sea, alone and unaware. And then, when we’re isolated and vulnerable, he raises a raging storm in our lives. These encounters and observations have made one thing crystal clear to me: many of us don’t realize the intensity of the spiritual battle we’re in, nor do we understand how our isolation makes us even more vulnerable. I know God has a better life for us. Jesus promised us an abundant life (John 10:10), yet so many families are experiencing heartbreak and disintegration. The disconnect between God’s promise and our reality often stems from our failure to recognize and actively engage in the spiritual warfare surrounding us, and our reluctance to fight these battles together. Today, I want to have an honest conversation with you about this. It’s not an easy topic, but it’s one that we, as men of God, need to address head-on. Our families, our communities, and our own spiritual lives depend on it. It’s time we break this cycle of isolation and recognize that true strength lies in our unity in Christ. Stand Together And Stand Firm We live in a world that’s increasingly hostile to our faith. Our beliefs are challenged daily, and the enemy is constantly looking for ways to undermine our relationship with God. As men, we have a God-given responsibility to stand firm and protect our families from these spiritual attacks. But Here’s The Hard Truth: Many Of Us Are Falling Short. We’re in a spiritual battle, brothers. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Let this sink in for a moment. Our enemy is not our wife when she’s upset with us. It’s not our rebellious teenager pushing boundaries. It’s not our boss who seems unfair, or that neighbor who always causes trouble. No, our true enemy is Satan himself and the spiritual forces of evil. This is why earthly plans and tactics aren’t effective in this fight. We can’t overcome spiritual battles with mere willpower, self-help strategies, or worldly wisdom, we need spiritual armor for a spiritual battle. God’s power and protection can stand against an enemy we can’t see with our physical eyes. This Battle Is Real, And The Stakes Are High Our enemy isn’t after our possessions or even our physical well-being – he’s after our souls and the souls of our loved ones. He wants to destroy our marriages, corrupt our children, and render us ineffective for God’s kingdom. How often do you feel like you’re fighting spiritual battles alone? The enemy is sneaky, and his attacks are often subtle. Let’s be honest about the real struggles we face as men: Career ambitions that slowly pull you away from your family and your faith. Financial pressures that tempt you to compromise your integrity for a quick gain. Overwhelming struggle with pornography that’s eroding your relationships and self-respect. Anger issues that flare up, damaging your family bonds and leaving you feeling guilty and ashamed. Lure of substance abuse as an escape from the stresses of life. Doubts that creep in when your prayers seem to go unanswered, making you question if God really cares. These are the battlegrounds where the enemy seeks to destroy us, our families, and our testimony. But we don’t have to face these challenges alone or unarmed. Armor For The Battle So how do we fight this battle? Paul gives us the answer in Ephesians 6:10-18. We need to put on the full armor of God: The Belt of Truth: Commit to regular Bible study and align your life with God’s Word. Make Scripture reading a daily habit, not just a Sunday activity. Let God’s truth shape your thoughts, decisions, and actions. In a world full of deception, God’s truth is our anchor. The Breastplate of Righteousness: Choose integrity in all areas of your life. This isn’t about perfection, but about consistently aligning your actions with your identity in Christ. At work, choose honesty over shortcuts. In relationships, seek reconciliation over being right. Let your life reflect Christ’s character. Feet Fitted with the Readiness of the Gospel of Peace: Be prepared to share God’s message of hope. This isn’t just about words, but about living a life that demonstrates God’s peace. Be ready to offer comfort, show kindness, and be a steady presence for others in turbulent times. Your actions can open doors for sharing your faith. The Shield of Faith: Trust in

From Corporate America to Kingdom Building

Shorewood Campus Grand Opening The Village Christian Church

As I prepare for The Village Christian Church’s new Shorewood Campus launch in the fall, I can’t help but marvel at the journey that’s brought me here. My path from corporate America to full-time ministry has been a testament to God’s perfect timing and provision. It’s a story of transformation, faith, and the power of following God’s call. Even when it leads you down unexpected paths. A Life of Service My journey of service began long before I entered the ministry. At 17, I left my hometown of Tampa, Florida, to join the Air Force. For eight years, I served as an air transportation specialist. This role took me from the Philippines to Nebraska and many places in between. Those years instilled in me a deep sense of duty and the importance of working as part of a team toward a greater goal. Little did I know then how God would use this experience to prepare me for His service. The Bible tells us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28, NIV. After leaving the Air Force, I dove into the civilian world, starting in the airline industry. Beginning as a baggage handler, I worked my way up to Regional Vice President. Within five years, I oversaw 84 aviation accounts across the central United States. This rapid ascent taught me valuable lessons in leadership, perseverance, and the power of hard work. My career then took me through various industries – from manufacturing and distribution to retail distribution. For the last 13 years of my corporate career, I was serving as a General Manager for a big name, corporate supply chain distribution center. This role proved to be, not just the pinnacle of my corporate journey, but also a crucial steppingstone towards my future in ministry. The Stirring of a New Calling Despite the success and satisfaction, I found in my business roles, there was always a sense that something was missing. I’ve been a person of faith throughout my life, but it wasn’t until recent years that I began to feel a strong pull toward full-time ministry. This calling, however, didn’t come as a sudden epiphany. Rather, it was a gradual realization shaped by a series of life experiences and divine interventions. As I reflect on this period of my life, I’m reminded of the words of Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God was quietly preparing me for a significant change, even when I couldn’t see it. A pivotal moment in my journey came about 11 years ago when my company asked my wife and I to transfer from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Salem, Oregon. I was less than thrilled about the idea of moving to the Northwest. We had no family, no friends, no connections, no roots in Salem. However, this move, which initially seemed challenging, became a crucial step in God’s plan for our lives. During our short couple of years in Salem, my wife, who was a new believer at the time, joined a ladies’ LifeGroup. Through this group, she experienced tremendous growth in her faith and knowledge of God’s word. This period was transformative for both of us, as we watched God work in our lives in unexpected ways. Financial Peace and God’s Provision One of the most significant experiences during our time in Salem was our participation in Financial Peace University (FPU). At the time, I thought I was making all the right financial moves. I had a good job, made great money, and had investments. However, as we went through the class, I realized I was making some poor financial decisions. One verse that stood out to me was Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” The idea of being a slave to anyone, much less a lender, didn’t appeal to me. Inspired by Dave Ramsey’s teachings, my wife and I attacked our debt with “Gazelle Intensity”. We paid off both our cars, all of our credit cards, and a personal loan – everything except our house. I found such peace in this and would later discover this was a crucial step in preparing us for the leap of faith we would take down the road. Looking back, I can see how God was preparing us even then for the transition to full-time ministry. Without this financial freedom, the move from corporate America to ministry would have been much more challenging, if not impossible. The Path to Ministry After two years in Salem, we were transferred back to Ohio. During our time there, we had the opportunity to help a pastor friend start a new church in Hebron, Kentucky. My wife and I provided leadership to the teams there for about six months, helping them get up and running. This experience gave us a taste of what it was like to be involved in church planting and leadership. We also became LifeGroup leaders at our local church in Ohio. Our group grew from about eight people to 22, and it was beautifully diverse – young and old, married and single, people from all ethnicities. This experience taught me the joy of shepherding a small community and watching people grow in their faith. During this time of searching and growth, I found myself increasingly drawn to Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23-24: “Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.’” These words challenged me to consider what it truly meant to follow Christ wholeheartedly. The Call Becomes Clear After 2.5 years in Ohio, we

Are You Rooted?

Rooted Shorewood Minooka Seneca Coal City The Village Christian Church

What Do We Need Roots For? “To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least-recognized need of the human soul” -Simone Weil, French Philosopher  Roots are one of the most important parts of the plant. Stretching into the soil, roots provide stability for the plant, allowing it to sustain high winds or trampling. They gather nutrients and water from the soil, feeding the plant and sustaining its life. They even store some of these nutrients to provide the plant with food in seasons of hardship. Healthy root systems can even ward off disease and keep a plant focused only on absorbing nutrients that are good for it. A few summers ago, my family took a trip to California and stood in awe in a forest of Redwoods. Redwoods are among the largest and tallest trees in the world. While their roots stay shallow in the soil, they spread 50–100 feet out from the tree. The roots intertwine themselves with the roots of all the other Redwood trees. This community of roots provide additional stability for the tree in storms and flooding.   What Do Roots Need To Survive? If you’ve ever gardened, taken a walk after a storm, watched the landscape change in times of drought, or seen crops decimated by bugs, you’ll realize that simply having roots is not all a plant needs to thrive. The roots have to stretch deep into the ground, and they have to be planted in the right kind of soil. They have to be watered and fertilized, and may even need to be surrounded by other plants that provide benefits to their well-being.   Growing up, my parents always kept a large garden in our backyard. As a child, I helped till the soil, plant the seeds, water, and harvest the vegetables. I used to love the fresh green beans and cucumbers, while my mom would eat tomatoes by the pound. The garden thrived, and it was something I believed I could replicate at my own home. Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, which also marks the 13th year we’ve been in our home. The first year we moved in, I planted a large garden in the back corner of our property. I watered it daily, my plants grew and flowered, and I became so excited about the fresh produce we would enjoy. As the vegetables began to grow, though, my plants began to shrivel. Some were eaten by beetles, deer, and rabbits. Some just dried up and sank back into the earth. I was so disappointed that all my hard work had amounted to nothing. I decided to stop planting things and, in fact, ripped out a bunch of plants around the house. Don’t Give Up – Dig In We put rocks in our landscaping, and I swore I wouldn’t plant again, as it was obviously something I wasn’t very good at. Sometimes, this is how our faith life can go. We try it for a season without laying any significant roots or really investigating how we can strengthen our faith. We come up fruitless. In our frustration, we don’t return to our faith or our relationship with God in a serious way. Because of fear that it won’t yield results, we may even become cynical or angry at God.   Scripture often provides metaphors between plants and our relationship with God. Within Scripture, we are compared to seeds that need planting in the right kind of soil, branches that need to stay connected to the Vine, and trees planted by streams of water if we remain focused on His ways.  Colossians 2:7 states, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness (NLT).”  Spiritual “Roots” Need Nourishment Too If you were to examine your life right now, where have you laid roots? Are you planted in soil that provides you nourishment and hope, or are your roots thirsting after something that leaves you dry and wanting more? When the wind blows and storms set in, are your roots planted firmly in the ground, or do you feel tossed about and unsettled? Have you surrounded yourself with other plants that enrich the soil, intertwining their roots with yours to help you stand strong and shield you, or are you attempting to stand alone and wish for the best?   Beginning September 11 at all campuses of The Village Christian Church, you will have the opportunity to spread your roots into good soil. To grow in a way that will be fruitful and long-lasting. To be planted in something stable and full of truth. The Village will be offering a program called Rooted for ten weeks beginning in September. And we will celebrate your growth on November 14. Find What You Are Missing During Rooted Our mission statement here at The Village is Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. Is your life is in a place where drastic change is needed, where you need to meet God face to face and invite Him into your heart? Rooted is the place for you. Do you know God, but need to grow in your relationship with Him and His believers? Rooted is the place for you. If you’ve been walking with God awhile, but you lack purpose and vision and don’t realize all the plans that God has for you, then Rooted is also the place for you.   For ten weeks, Rooted will walk all participants through the seven habits or disciplines of a relationship with God. Here at the Village, we have four core values: everybody grows, everybody serves, the Bible is our guide, and no boring here. The seven disciplines of Rooted will allow you to see these core values at play. Everybody will grow while learning how to pray and overcome strongholds in their lives, eventually learning to share their faith journey

Top Ten Ways You Can Serve

Serve others – that is at the core of who we are as a church. In fact, it’s so important that it’s part of our church mission – to be a catalyst for Life Change, Life Growth and Life Purpose! Life Purpose is all about doing what God created you to do, which is to serve and help others! Reach people in need, love the world around you, support others and provide a sense of hope in a world that’s sometimes hard to handle. “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk, but in deed and truth.” 1 John 3:17 Top Ten Ways You Can Serve Today: 1.  Help your family. (Romans 12:10) Make dinner, vacuum, do laundry, …there are lots of opportunities! It’s easy to forget that the ones we need to serve the most are often the ones closest to us. Try it today by asking, “How can I help you?” 2. Volunteer at church. (Peter 4:10-11) Everybody gets to participate, and we all get to be part of what God is doing! How great is that? There are many serving teams at The Village to give you an opportunity to serve where you’re interested and gifted. Use what God has uniquely given to you to serve Him and the needs of others. So many ministries come together to make The Village a great experience, and our church would not be possible without the help of MANY volunteers. Where can you jump in? 3. Donate stuff. (Matthew 25:46) Most of us have more than we need, so take an inventory and clear out the clutter. Then donate to someone that needs help! 4. Send a note to thank or encourage someone. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Take a minute to think about someone you can thank or someone that may be going through a difficult time. Then write a short email, text or send a card because you can make a huge difference! 5. Provide A Meal . (Acts 20:35) People go through difficult times due to a birth, surgery, illness, etc. Because of this, they may need help. This is a way to show compassion and provide help by cooking or purchasing a meal for them. 6. Feed families at our mobile food pantries (John 12:26) We host these mobile food pantries starting in the spring through the fall in Minooka, Seneca and Braidwood / Coal City. These trucks provide food, bread, dairy, meats, veggies and more for families in need in the communities. Examples of what you can do include unpacking the food from the truck and setting it on tables, handing out food, carrying baskets, and breaking down boxes. There is a lot to do and for all ages. It’s a great way to serve with the family! 7. Give a compliment. (1 Timothy 6:18) Most people like to be recognized for their accomplishments. Be generous with your words and give a compliment. Look for opportunities every day. 8.  Listen. (James 1:19) Take time to sit with your kids, a friend, your spouse, or a neighbor and just listen to them. Really listen without distraction and show them they are important. Spending time with someone can be such a great gift. 9. Babysit for free. (Hebrews 13:16) Do you know a single mom that could use some time for herself or to get errands done? Or maybe a young couple that could use a date night? If you do, this is an easy way to serve that can provide a much needed break. 10. Commit a random act of kindness. (Proverbs 11:24-25) Be on the lookout throughout your day for something nice you can do for someone. It doesn’t have to be something big. For example, help a mom unload her groceries into her car and return her shopping cart, or pay for someone’s meal at the drive through, shovel snow, cut grass, pump gas, buy someone flowers…think creatively. To summarize, the thing is to just ask God to show you opportunities. Next, keep your eyes, ears and heart open. Then, be ready to jump in whenever He whispers to you on a way that you can serve!

When Serving Becomes God’s Voice

serving with purpose is so important. You never know when God is ready to connect.

Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of serving in Kid Village a few times a month in the toddler room. Our time there consists of playing, cuddling, and distracting adorable 1-2 year olds while their parents are in church. A few weeks ago I was asked to move to the elementary aged kids space to help lead a group. We started out singing and dancing, and then settled into a Bible story. That week, they were learning about Nehemiah, and his task of rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. While rebuilding, Nehemiah saw that people in the city were hungry. So he went to the officials, and demanded better treatment for his fellow people. The lesson focused on Nehemiah’s initiative – seeing something that needed done, and doing it. Nehemiah, even though busy with rebuilding the wall, saw the hungry people and knew something had to be done about it. What Happened Next I was then grouped with the kindergarten students to talk about initiative in their lives. They shared times when someone showed initiative around them, or when they themselves showed initiative. It felt awesome listening to all of their stories, and how they were starting to figure out how to act out what the word of God was teaching. A few days later, while at work, God spoke to me. It was a busy day at work, and one coworker had called in sick. This left another coworker of mine doing the work of two all by himself. While standing around, many of us began to comment on how dirty the place was getting. I immediately heard the words Nehemiah and initiative in my head. I saw that my coworker was struggling to keep up with the task by himself, and I started to help him. When caught up, he was very thankful to have had the help. This was just a little bit of initiative in my life, but the event stood out to me because it was one of the first times something specific from the Bible popped into my head and caused me to take action. Here I was thinking I was serving the children, and it ends up, I was deepening my connection with Scripture. This is why serving with purpose is so important. You never know when God is ready to connect. Find out more about serving at the Village…

Girls, Noise, and Jesus

The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL has youth group for students.

I have two teenage sons.  They are AWESOME!  We play sports together, go to events, eat great food, and get along great. My wife, Rachelle. for the past 4 years has held a high school girls Lifegroup at our house. For those who don’t have girls, they are LOUD! When 6-8 of them gather at our house, the volume level goes from a 2 to a 10! Even our male dog runs to my office or to my car to get away from the noise ? Here’s what I’ve seen over the last 4 years with this group…. 1. These girls LOVE Jesus! They have a great mentor in my wife, Rachelle, but their love for Jesus is their own.  And they love BIG! 2. These girls support each other! Three of the girls who have graduated and are now in college still text and encourage each other every day. In addition, they also text and encourage the others still in high school. What a great example of connecting and community! 3. These girls serve! Every single one serves on Sunday and all have served outside the walls of the church, some even halfway around the world in Africa. Here is a picture of them serving at Heart for Africa in Swaziland, Africa. 4. These girls share their faith. This summer one of the girls made the decision to accept Christ and be baptized.  There were a 20 plus high school students and youth leaders there to cheer her on.  Every day the girls are inviting their friends to check out who Jesus is.  They don’t hide their faith, They share it openly. What a great example to us all! The moral to the story… Even though the volume in our house goes UP every so often, the growth in Christ that is happening amongst these teenagers is incredible! I’m so proud to see this great group head off to college and change the world and share their faith with so many.  So proud! Oh…by the way…once school gets started again, my wife,Rachelle, will lead a whole new group.  If you see me and the dog out walking in the neighborhood, you now know why. We are getting away from the noise and also thanking God for it!

People Are Brilliant

The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL gave away $100 to 55 people to use in their community to make a difference.

One of my most trusted mentors and friends in life has said to me thousands of times… “People are Brilliant.” His point is that God made each person, He made you, with a specific talent that is brilliant. I’m lucky enough to be in a position to help people use those talents for the Lord. Too many times in our world, we point out the flaws in others rather than pointing out their strengths. Think about that for a moment. Is your focus on the flaws or the strengths? Kingdom Assignment Challenge Kingdom Assignments are when our church gives cash to people so they can use it to make a difference in their community and beyond. This Kingdom Assignment is part of the Get Off Your Donkey series, based on the story of the Good Samaritan who got off of his donkey to serve. The Village is now 60 days into the 90 day Kingdom Assignment Challenge. The fun started on April 5th when we handed out $100 bills to 55 people who were ready to step out and make a difference. Here are the 3 parameters to using the Kingdom Assignment money: 1. The money isn’t yours, it’s God’s.  2. Do something outside the walls of the church to help others.   3. Report back in 90 days on what you did. The stories have been pouring in daily and it’s been so much fun to see what God is doing through His people! One family who has a heart for kids who have to be in the hospital for a long time had this to say… ” The Smith family would like to thank The Village for letting us take the “Get Off Your Donkey” Kingdom Assignment Challenge.  We took $100 and turned it into this… 29 goodie bags overflowing with amazing things for kids in the hospital , 1 special bag for a local boy battling leukemia, and plenty of prizes for the games offered at Lurie Children’s Hospital.  We asked on Facebook for others to get in on this movement and we were overwhelmed with monetary donations (totaling $190) and many generous gifts such as books, games, puzzles, toys, etc.” Allow God To Work Through You I’m reminded of Paul’s words in Philippians 1:6…. “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” I am confident that God has a plan for your life, a good work in store for you to do. Be confident that He will set you up to carry that plan on to completion. God thinks you’re brilliant. You are brilliant. He gave you specific strengths to use for others. Lean into those and watch God work in amazing ways! I can’t wait to celebrate how God will work through you!

Get Off Your Donkey To Help

The people are getting off their donkey to help others at The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL

How many times have you seen people in situations that just break your heart? How many times have you said to yourself, “If only there was something I could do to help”? Do you ever get the urge to help out and volunteer somewhere, but you just don’t know where or how to go about it? Get Off Your Donkey is all about serving and based on the story of the Good Samaritan who got off of his donkey to help the traveler. The Story of the Good Samaritan On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, love your neighbor as yourself.” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” – Luke 10:25-37 NIV You get busy and it’s easy to get wrapped up in your day to day life, but God built you for more.  He gave you gifts and provides opportunities for you to use those gifts to help others. Here at The Village we encourage everyone to serve – both inside the church and outside in the community and beyond. “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ ” -Matthew 25:40 NIV If you’re looking for a place to serve, check this out… If you’re interested in purchasing a Get Off Your Donkey t-shirt, contact

The Most Terrifying Emotion

The Most terrifying emotion is joy

 “As someone who studies shame and scarcity and fear, if you asked me, ‘What is the most terrifying, difficult emotion we experience as humans?’ I would say joy,” says Dr. Brene Brown. How many of you as parents have ever watched your child sleeping and thought, “I love you like I never imagined possible,” and then in that split second pictured something horrific happening? Or have you ever thought, “Work is going good, holy crap, what is coming? It can be terrifying. Do you know what that is? When we lose our tolerance for vulnerability, joy is foreboding. I’m not going to soften into joy because I’m scared it’s going to be taken away. Most of us try to beat joy to the punch because in the absence of vulnerability-joy is downright terrifying. However, people that choose to live with great joy feel that same shudder of fear, but instead of rehearsing tragedy, they practice gratitude. What does this have to do with Africa? Everything! The presence of God is joy. Project Canaan is the joy in the middle fo Swaziland. How do we describe what it is like there? Poverty. Orphans. Starvation. Rape. HIV. JOY! No one lives in denial that life is hard. And yet, rather than lamenting that there are problems, there is a faith that is pure and joyous, that is strong and evident in a land without distraction. In America, we cannot determine the length of our life, our birth order or our health. In America,  there is rape, starvation, and HIV, however, we live with distraction. We live with the greatest distraction of all: control. We deny our vulnerability to death and despair under this false pretense that we can control the outcome of our lives through our work, behavior, and choices. On Project Canaan, no one has a false illusion or distraction that we control our own lives. Only God. God is the supplier, the savior, and the hope. In America, we crave more. We crave more friends, community, wealth, health and beauty because we misunderstand the source of joy. What is Joy? Joy is not the absence of pain and despair. It is the presence of God, acknowledging the beauty in the midst of pain and faith in the ultimate supplier. Joy is gratitude for knowing we have a Savior! Africa’s greatest lesson to our team was JOY and FAITH…more on FAITH later… Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit,if any tenderness and compassion, 2 then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Philippians 2:1-2 NIV

Listen and Obey

Mandy Wallick from The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL traveled to Swaziland, Africa to help orphans

I’ve learned so much about Heart for Africa, that without even going there, I fell in love with the mission. God placed it on my heart to get involved.  Then I made the choice to listen and obey even though I had no idea why. That has been one of the BEST decisions of my life. I had the opportunity to travel to Heart for Africa open up to me in August, and I gladly said yes. I had no idea what to expect. Little did I know, God knew there would be MUCH more for me to learn and experience. The most profound experience on my trip was having the opportunity to rescue a baby in a hopeless situation. The mother gave birth on a Friday and died Monday of malaria. There was no formula or means to feed him. Without Heart for Africa taking him in, he would have died. We found out about Wilson from a social worker giving Heart for Africa a call; that’s how they find out what babies need a home. Through this time, the presence of God was evident. The power of prayer helped the family slowly hand over the baby, which was difficult since it was the last thing they had to remember their sister/daughter. Watching God answer our prayers in a critical time allowed my faith to go even deeper. There were so many little signs throughout that 6-hour journey that He was present.  For example, the baby’s name in Swazi is Lindani, meaning “we’ve been waiting for you,” and we waited 45 minutes in the hospital parking lot and 30 minutes at the homestead. Then on the way back, we crossed a river that was the same name as the town where Janine Maxwell (the co-founder of Heart for Africa) and her childhood friend, Lori (pictured). Please pray and ask what can you do to get involved.  Maybe it’s holding babies, gathering donations, selling ornaments, taking the trip, or giving a monetary donation.  I can tell you one thing from my experience:  listen and obey.  It doesn’t have to all make sense, for there is a purpose for you and He needs you to play your part.  Find your joy in obedience. “Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.” Psalm 103:20 (NIV)

Get Off Your Donkey To Serve

Based on the story of the Good Samaritan this series is all about getting off your donkey to serve.

Have you ever experienced something really great and recommended it to others?  And then watched your friends have the same great experience? Get Off Your Donkey is that experience. Serving is so much fun and we think everyone should get in it. To help people get started, we made some recommendations and the experiences have been incredible! The Village is currently working through a series, Get Off Your Donkey, based on the story of the Good Samaritan. During this series, we are encouraging people to volunteer. Last week, we had a big week to serve push and so many showed up! Here’s some of the highlights from my point of view….. One mom served at the food truck and brought her 9 month old and 2 year old.  That took a lot of effort, but her smile and the enjoyment of serving was priceless! A frantic post on facebook that we needed more bags because so many people came to pick up clothes at the Back to School Blowout resulted in several heros stepping up. One reply was from a mom sending bags with her child who was bringing to church on her bike ?  I love that! A mom posting a picture on facebook of her two girls in front of a sign saying that their group helped pack 22,000 meals at Feed My Starving Children. Those moments of kids and parents serving are so important! A lady who I’ve never met showing up with a $2500 check from her company because they could see we are all about serving the community.  WOW! My parents drove up from Missouri for a visit, but I think even more because they wanted to go and serve at Miss Pearls Ministry in Roseland. You don’t have time to listen to all of the stories, but each one is important and each one is unique and each one is life changing! Here’s my prayer…. That next year 1,000 people will serve outside the walls of the church! The more people serve the more we are helping fulfill Jesus words… That you are encouraged to Get Off Your Donkey and be an example is serving others… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ -Matthew 25:40  

Don’t Let Anyone Look Down On You Because You’re Young!

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young! You have the potential to do great things in life. All you need to do is step up. Back in our portable church days, it was always a challenge to find space to have student ministries. Some of our best days included meeting in a warehouse space (yep, you heard that right) that also doubled as our office space. It was small, it was dirty, there weren’t many windows, it was kind of depressing to be honest. It was pretty challenging and we had to overcome a lot because of our “not so great” meeting space. To help us overcome these obstacles we needed great leaders. Today I’m writing about one of those great leaders. A young gal in High School stepped up big time and led her entire neighborhood of kids to come to Youth Group. Literally, she made sure that at least 10 kids, if not more, from her neighborhood came to church youth group every week. Then she went to college, but that’s not where the story ends. During her college years, she came home every weekend for 4 straight years to continue to lead in our student ministries. She continued to invite kids from the neighborhood. I recently attended her college graduation party. It was a great day to celebrate her and all of her accomplishments. She already has a great job and will do great things in life. At her party, she asked that all gifts be given to our church, The Village Christian Church. I’ve never seen that in my 20 plus years of ministry! The church is truly humbled and honored by her generosity. What if she would have decided that she was too young to lead in her high school years? What if she would have decided that she was too cool to lead in her college years? Dozens of student’s lives would be different today. Their relationship with God would have been much less than what it is today. Also, she would have missed out on so much growth in her leadership and her relationship with God. Thank you Paige Mass for living out this verse…. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12 I would like to challenge you as you read this to step up and do something for the Lord. Step up and do something no matter what your age. Step up and do something no matter what your circumstance may be. Just step up.  

Memorial Day Thank You

Paying tribute this Memorial Day to all those that have served and will serve in the future to defend our freedom.

On this Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those that have given their lives for our country. We think about those that will give their lives in the future as we defend freedom. Thank you to Congressman Adam Kinzinger for summing it up so well!

Young Eagles Need To Fly

Serving and leading at The Village Christian Church in MInooka

When do your young eagles get to fly? I just got back from an incredible Pastor’s conference where a speaker asked this important question. The question simply means this….is your church a place where people are encouraged and challenged to serve and lead? OR…are there just a few spots of service and leadership and you have to wait in line (sometimes years) to be able to serve and lead? I’ve been a part of organizations and churches where it was very clear….In 10 years or maybe 20 you can sit at the big boy table, but for now, we’ve got this and don’t need your input.   Everyone Gets To Play My prayer is that in my role, I lead in such a way that “Everyone Gets to PLAY!” If you want to serve, you get to serve.  The more the merrier! If you want to lead (and you have that leadership gift), you get to lead!  The more the merrier! Oh yeah, by the way, my job description could truly be summed up in one verse of the Bible…. 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12) Simply put, my job is to EQUIP people to do God’s work SO THAT the body of Christ is built up! Please, understand, I don’t always get this right and struggle with this.  It’s so much easier for me to just do stuff myself or call a few friends who I know and trust to serve and lead, but God says I need to equip his people (all people!) for works of service.   Equipping Others Something happened this past Sunday which helped me to see we are heading in the right direction. There were three people working on the First Impressions Team that I introduced myself to.  I had never met them face-to-face.  Our First impressions Team Leaders have been equipped to serve and lead,  and now they are equipping others to serve and lead. This is great! I’m looking forward to many more Sundays where I’m introducing myself to new leaders who are serving that I haven’t yet met.   Are You Ready? Are you a young eagle who would like to serve or lead?  Shoot me an email ( and let’s find a time to sit and visit about what God is placing on your heart.  I can help you personally or can get you connected to some great people who will get you equipped to start serving and leading. When do your young eagles get to fly?  The answer is RIGHT NOW! We need you! I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks to Deb Sperling, one of our church family, for capturing and sharing these incredible pictures! Another example of one of the many ways you can serve here at The Village.  

We All Have Something To Offer

The Village Christian Church Food Truck Feeds The Hungry

I can’t do it. I don’t have time. I am not good enough. I have nothing to offer. Those are all the thoughts we have when someone asks us to serve. Trust me, I have had those thoughts numerous times. I still do. I am not perfect. But this is what Jesus asks of us. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. What I have discovered in my time at The Village Christian Church is that we all have something to offer. Even if you don’t think you have anything to offer, you do. YOU DO! God has given us all gifts. Some gifts are big, some are small, but they are ALL gifts from God. That makes them amazing! Every single person I have met at church has a gift. Even if you don’t think you do, I know you do. Jesus knows you do. All you need to do is take that first step. Stand up and say “I want to serve”. I want to share with you a secret that you might not know…shhh, don’t tell anyone…., but you don’t have to serve at the church. You can serve anywhere you like. Here are a few ideas: Help us with a food truck, go on a trip to Ms. Pearls, pack some food at Feed My Starving Children or just go out and talk to someone. Love on them and share with them the word of the Lord. Serving is not about BIG gestures. It is all about spreading the word of Jesus. Bringing people into a relationship with Jesus. Here is my promise to you. If you want to serve, but don’t know where or don’t think you have anything to offer, come see me and we will find something together. You are my brother, you are my sister, and we will serve the Lord TOGETHER.

God’s Presence In Swaziland

God's Presence in Swaziland, The Village Christian Church MIssion Trip

Nervous – Prior to leaving for our trip to serve at Project Canaan in Swaziland, I was very anxious. Normally I am a very at ease traveler, but this was much more than that. I was a full blown crazy woman. What was I worried about? I nervous about leaving my kids for 11 days and not having cell phone service to connect with them for a majority of that time. In addition,  I was nervous about everything that the country we were going to entailed. Swaziland is a land where 50-60% of the population suffers from HIV and TB, the highest AIDS rate in the world. The unemployment rate is 82%. The average life expectancy is in the 40’s. Most children drop out of school and begin working full-time before first grade. A “very good” job will pay the equivalent of $100 US a month.  And this is a land where vipers, spitting cobras, and black and green mambas are prevalent (and I HATE snakes).   Peace – And yet. . . Once we arrived in Johannesburg, I was filled with this amazing sense of excitement and peace. We were traveling with great friends and working with an amazing ministry. I  went into this experience with my heart and mind open and willing for God to work in me and outside in the world. What did that mean? Well, first and foremost it meant I had to leave my own expectations about what I wanted this trip to be checked at the door. When I think of a mission trip, I envisioned being out in the “world”, helping the poor and needy. While we did go out into the Swaziland community on our trip to distribute Feed my Starving Children manna packs, eggs from Project Canaan’s dairy farm, clothes and donated toys and trinkets,  a majority of our time was spent on Project Canaan. What did that look like? It was a lot of rocking babies and playing with little ones, painting fences, sorting through donated shoes, clothing and other items, making Christmas cookies, and decorating for the holidays amongst other things. To be completely honest with you, even though I knew I was going to an orphanage, these were not exactly the kind of “life changing experiences” I envisioned necessarily doing on a mission trip.   The Why – My own selfish desires lasted for probably about two minutes before I honestly felt the Holy Spirit speaking to me. I was on the playground playing with children close to the same age as my own youngest child. One of the kids looked up at me with huge eyes and a smiling face. I looked into those eyes and so clearly heard “This is why you are here”. Let me be clear, these children are LOVED and so well taken care of. Janine and Ian Maxwell love each and every one of these children as if they are their own. But each child is 1 of the currently 143 living there. These kids will never experience the one on one love and experiences that my own children will have. God brought me to Africa to love on these kids like they were my own children. Because – they are his children. If I had been set on what I wanted my African “experience” to consist of, I would have missed so much. I would have missed: the joy on the female employees’ faces when they were each able to pick out a new bra from the donated items we brought with. what it was like to provide the children of the women at the Kibbutz with toys that my own children picked out for them. the snuggles as five kids battled to sit on mine and my husband’s laps during the Christmas movie night. Swaziland is a beautiful country, but there are many sad and horrific things going on there. And yet, where we were on Project Canaan – it is a place of hope and goodness for 143 children, 280 workers and the surrounding community. If I had not freely opened myself to God working in me that week, I would have missed God’s presence. I would have missed His voice that I so clearly saw and heard. God was there. God IS there.

Be A Voice, Not An Echo

The Village Christian Church, Be a Voice, Not An Echo

Coming Home Coming home doesn’t seem like it should be hard. But when you see up close the beauty of God’s creation, His grace and mercy, His provision and His people doing “the work” really, really well, it feels sacred and my heart aches to return. Anyone who asks me about our experiences in Swaziland usually gets this: “So good…our best trip yet!” What I’ve Seen This is my generic answer for now because I am honestly not sure yet what I need to share. Occasionally, someone will get my over-detailed response and wish they had an appointment to get them out of the conversation because the work Heart for Africa is doing in Swaziland is exceptional and such a joy to share. I have seen it grow from a dream 5 years ago to a city on a hill. I’ve seen children rescued from the worst imaginable circumstances who are now fully loved and nourished physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They have been and will continue to be restored in the name of Jesus. In turn, they will restore others. I’ve seen a thriving Artisan business that makes absolutely beautiful pieces. This Artisan business gives hundreds of employees the opportunity and the ability to care for themselves and the other 13 or so individuals living in their homestead. Their work is exceptional and also allows more children to be seen and brought home to Project Canaan. I’ve seen food distributed to communities and churches serving meals regularly, mostly to the elderly, and orphaned and vulnerable children.  I’ve seen eggs – did you know how incredibly good eggs are for you?? – and milk and soon I pray to see water coming down the mountain, an answered prayer and a fulfilled promise of God’s provision. I could go on, but I know this is the point when my sweet audience begins to regret asking that innocent question, “How was your trip?” Sorry friends…I’m working on it, but I have never been great at giving a brief response. Thanks to my husband, Luke, I am now more aware of my rambling and tend to put the brakes on quicker, but I’m always happy to share if you want more information! Focus On This So rather than telling you about my personal experience, I want to focus on my voice – and yours. I teach music, and have been intentional with my junior high students this year about the power of their attitude and their “voice.” While searching for inspirational quotes about this topic, I stumbled upon this one: “Be a voice, not an echo.” I cannot get it out of my head. And I think God  intended this one for me. To remind me what He wants my voice to sound like, and stop trying to determine what I want. My voice has changed a LOT in my lifetime, and I am so glad He uses our brokenness and mistakes along the way to give us a new perspective. Growing up, I always had a plan and a picture in mind of what life would be. Don’t we all? But one lesson I have learned, and will continue to learn, is it’s not up to me. If I had complete control, I would mess it up (have messed it up), and I would miss out on an opportunity that God has for me. He can always find someone else. Zoom out for a second and be willing to say, “I don’t know and I am ok with that”. We are not called by our SAVIOR to have all the answers, all the plans. We are called to love, to listen, to seek wisdom and truth, and step forward in faith. Most people at The Village know me as one of two people: the girl who sings, or Nate’s sister. Both titles I am proud of and grateful for, but can I tell you that until a year ago I didn’t think my “voice” had much to offer? I loved singing, and that is why I wanted to be involved. It was selfish and self-serving. It made me uncomfortable to receive encouragement, especially from people I didn’t know because I wasn’t really doing anything…I was copying and hoping it communicated the way I had interpreted it. Please don’t misunderstand. This was not always my feeling, and I have always loved the experience and emotion worship brings. But I was an echo. Whether is was self-conscious or intentional, I wasn’t using the voice God had given ME. I was stifling it. Yet he used my insecurity to draw me close, build my confidence and let me see this year especially that I have something to offer. This is what I long for and this is what I saw in Swaziland. So many amazing voices saying yes to God’s calling on their life. Some voices carrying really far while others gently living their truths, each one coming together to make a beautiful and powerful song. We Need Your Voice We NEED all the voices. All the gifts. All the faith to say yes and recognize what God has given us. We NEED to stop echoing what we think we should be so we can be the voice He created us to be. If we all “sang” the same melody, no one would listen to Pandora. I pray we can each be more sensitive to the voice God has in store for us and fully experience the blessings and provision that come when we say yes. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him…May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.  Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.  Ephesians 3:16-19

Serve Others

Last year at Thanksgiving, I found myself in a new town.  My husband was working and my children went back to our hometown to spend Thanksgiving with extended family. I was lying in bed that morning, feeling especially sorry for myself, thinking that I might as well not cook at all. Then I had a realization. It was a day for being thankful and I sure do have a lot to be thankful for! I got up, called around and found a local organization that would be preparing lunch and dinner for anyone in need. As a result, I ended up helping to prepare a full meal for 800 people that day. I came home exhausted, happy, grateful for the opportunity to serve, and thankful for everything the Lord has blessed me with. Let’s talk for a moment about serving.  How often do you serve other people around you?  Do you make a conscious effort as individuals or as a group to offer your time and gifts? 1 Peter 4:10 says: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms”. How You Can Serve Grundy Area PADS board is in desperate need of volunteers. The program is offered to anyone in need in Grundy County seeking safe overnight shelter & a warm meal. Last winter, PADS hosted 71 different people seeking shelter & a warm meal. On average there were 10-11 guests per evening all winter ranging from single men & women to families with teenagers & young children. In total Grundy Area PADS provided meals & shelter 1,842 times last season. As you can see, there is a large need for these services in our community! The program rotates each night of the week to a different church within the city of Morris & it is staffed by volunteers. There are 3 shifts, 6:30-11pm, 10:45pm-3am, 2:45-7:30am. Sites are staffed with volunteers 7 days a week. Currently we have a huge shortage of volunteers for the 2nd & 3rd shifts at multiple locations on multiple days of the week. Usually the time commitment for volunteers is only 1 day a month (or more if willing). Is this something you would be willing to do?  What about serving together as a Lifegroup?  If you find it in your heart to serve in this way, please contact Becky Thomas.