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Celebrating All That God Did

Celebrating All That God Did

Celebrating all that God did. The Village Christian Church Annual Report 2023

We are celebrating all that God did in and through The Village Christian Church in 2023. It was an incredible year of growth in so many ways, and we are praising God for all of it. The Lord HAS DONE THIS, and it is marvelous in our eyes. – Psalm 118:23 The Village Christian Church […]

One At A Time – The Impact Of Personal Connections

One At A Time - The Impact of Personal Connections

In the midst of the busyness of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of the significance of individual connections. We want to equip you, so you are more aware and that doesn’t happen. There’s so much to learn from the timeless compassion of Jesus Christ. He prioritized personal connections one at a time and […]

Wanting A Spiritual Connection

Connect With God

Life is filled with highs and lows. Amidst the busyness of daily responsibilities, it’s important to develop a spiritual connection, a genuine friendship with God. In this blog, I want to share this perspective on why having a spiritual connection with God is essential and how it can positively influence your life. Seek Something Deeper […]

Why Didn’t God Intervene?

Why didn't God intervene? Healing from grief and loss

I held her hand as my precious mama and best friend took her last breath. I was on the verge of losing my faith and asking why didn’t God intervene. We all have storms in our lives, difficult circumstances where the diagnosis came or when the casket gets lowered, and you’re standing there, just numb. […]

What The Bible Says About Rest

Rest, relax, Sabbath

Can you think of a time when someone gave you great advice, but you didn’t take it? Today we’re looking at what the Bible says about rest and God’s advice on rest and how He has a plan for you to rest. You may think of God’s advice as rules, restrictions and regulations. I challenge […]

Is It Too Good To Be True?

is it too good to be true

We all love a good movie based on a real story, even if it seems too good to be true. They often inspire us to look more into the story they were based on, which can be dangerous. All of a sudden, we find the heart-warming story we just learned about for the past 2 […]

Mind Your Own Business

God's plan, finding purpose, live life to the full

Mind your own business! Anyone ever tell you this? Or maybe it’s something you have said out loud, or thought in your head? Any way you slice it, it doesn’t come off very gracious. But sometimes when we get sidetracked from “what we are doing” because someone else has stepped in our way or questions […]

Is Following God A Waste Of Time?

Is following God a waste of time?

Have you ever invested time, money, or energy, or maybe all 3 into something, and then found out later it was a waste of time? Maybe you thought it was not worth what you put into it. How did that make you feel? Some Super Bowl commercials stick in your memory a long time. Over […]

How To Improve Your Relationships

Improve your relationship

Taking The First Step To Improve Your Relationships As an adult, I took a step and began attending a bible teaching church. Now, I not only believe in God, but desire to know Him personally. He drew me to scripture, Bible study, and yes, even stirred an appetite to never miss church services. My relationship […]

What Is Real Life-Change Worth?

Rooted at The Village Christian Church

What is REAL life-change worth?  It is a powerful question. Is there a set time limit or dollar amount you are comfortable investing to experience it?  Will it require change? Change can be difficult, but sometimes necessary. The Gift of Time In general, we all have a daily schedule that we stick to and are […]

How To Be Thankful In The Challenging Times

How to be thankful in the challengiing times

Do you ever wonder how to be thankful when you’re going through some challenges? So many people are dealing with hard times. This blog will share ideas about being thankful. Count Your Blessings The picture was a drawing made by my son, but it has so much more significance than just colorful artwork done by […]

How To Pray With Purpose

How to pray

I don’t know about you, but when I pray, I pray with an expectation that something will happen. That can vary depending on the situation, but usually I’m hoping for something; an answer, wisdom, healing, opportunity, grace, mercy, favor, forgiveness…… Lately, the thing I’m wanting most from prayer is the peace, love, and serenity that […]

How Do You Experience God’s Redemption?

How do you experience God's redemption

How often do we feel overwhelmed, forgotten, scared, guilty, hurt, or disappointed, and yet, by the grace of God, we have been redeemed, but how do you experience God’s redemption? All we have to do is participate. Redemption, defined by, is an act of redeeming, rescue, or deliverance from sin. For followers of Christ, […]

When It’s Hard To Trust God’s Plan

trust God

Trusting God’s Plan Whether you are the type of person who goes through life with a solid plan (and backup plan) or you fly by the seat of your pants, most of us would agree that sometimes life throws you a curveball. You have probably encountered something unexpected that seemingly tossed you off course. Perhaps […]

Life Change When God Is On The Move

life change

Watching God on the move has been my favorite thing ever. Looking back at how life used to look, it is so encouraging knowing that life change was possible. I was such an angry person inside. Every little bother or inconvenience usually instigated a slew of curse words in my head about how lacking someone […]

How To Get To Know God

Do you ever wonder, who is God? Do you know of God, but don’t know Him personally? Did you know He wants to know you, and He wants to have a personal relationship with you no matter what you have done in the past? This blog will guide you with simple and practical steps on […]

Prayer Tips

How to plan time to pray

Do you ever feel like you’re just coasting in your spiritual life or not feeling connected to God? Do you struggle to be intentional with Him during life’s busy seasons and let your time for prayer fall through the cracks? Most of us struggle with being too short on time and being too busy to […]

Top Ten Ways You Can Serve

Serve others – that is at the core of who we are as a church. In fact, it’s so important that it’s part of our church mission – to be a catalyst for Life Change, Life Growth and Life Purpose! Life Purpose is all about doing what God created you to do, which is to […]

Stress Buster

Stress. Does just reading that word make your blood pressure go up a bit? Life is hard, you’re being pulled in different directions – work, family, finances, parenting, marriage, house, maybe an illness, a loss, and the list goes on and on. The enemy wants you to be stressed. It can be overwhelming and just […]

God Is Present And At Work

Today we are thanking God. In the midst of a pandemic and national unrest, a time unlike no other, He has done so much. God is working in the midst of the chaos and we are thankful to be part of the solution. We are thankful for such an incredible God. He is present in […]

A Simple Guide To Surviving Loneliness

Loneliness is a real feeling, especially in the times we’re in. The pandemic is resulting in isolation and feelings of loneliness that are difficult. We’re told to social distance and stay home to keep our family and loved ones safe. The struggle is real and today we want to encourage you with ways you can […]

When Tragedy Strikes

When you feel like a wave is taking over when tragedy strikes

2017 has been a tough year with disaster and tragedy becoming a common occurrence. Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, shootings, attacks, and the list goes on and on. You haven’t recovered from the last one when the next one hits. So much loss, so much devastation, so much hurt. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, and sometimes […]

Memorial Day Thank You

Paying tribute this Memorial Day to all those that have served and will serve in the future to defend our freedom.

On this Memorial Day, we pay tribute to those that have given their lives for our country. We think about those that will give their lives in the future as we defend freedom. Thank you to Congressman Adam Kinzinger for summing it up so well!

Celebrate Easter At The Village

Easter is a great time for family, friends, traditions, and celebration. Our hope is that you would stop by, connect, celebrate and have a great experience with your family and friends! We invite you to The Village Easter Egg Hunts! We like to have fun here at The Village. Watch this to see 2 of […]