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How To Incorporate Jesus In Your Life

Have you ever wondered how to incorporate Jesus into your daily life? Have you ever wanted an instruction manual for how to be a Jesus follower? You love Jesus, but maybe you just don’t know where to start or how to grow closer to Him. Those are common questions that I come across.

We are in the midst of a series at The Village titled, Here’s How, that addresses some of those questions.

I want to start by referencing this verse…

Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3 now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. -1 Peter 2:1-3

Get Rid Of The Bad Stuff

In short…Get rid of the bad stuff and replace it with good stuff.

In the message, I challenged everyone in a couple of ways to put this into practice.

One of those challenges was to only listen to Christian radio while in the car for a month. This was especially pointed at ME (just in case you don’t realize…a lot of what I teach I’m struggling with…just like you ?).

At this writing, I’m 4 days in and continuing to push forward. It’s remarkable how much I miss my talk radio! I miss everyone being crabby about the Chicago Bears and other political pundits creating division.

Why do I crave the bad stuff? Ugh!

Find The Time For The Good Stuff

At the same time, for me, my only time to step away from work is in the car. The ride to and from work, lunch, or a meeting is a respite from the busy schedule. I’m pretty much in the car every day.

If you don’t know me, I tend to be a bit high-strung. Now in my times of stress, I get in the car and “escape” to the Good Stuff!!!  It’s so good to hear (through music) God’s reminders for my soul. This daily time in the car is a great time to incorporate Jesus into my everyday life. It’s so important to continually remind yourself of who you are in Christ.

To be honest, I do miss the ugly stuff. However, while I miss the ugly stuff each day I’m finding a difference in my life by only putting in the good stuff.

What’s the bad stuff for you? I encourage you to take the time to think about it. Make a plan to eliminate it and replace it with the good stuff.

What’s the good stuff for you? Think about it, make a list. Consider this question, what do you think God may do in and through your life? If you need help finding the good stuff let me know, I’d love to help you.

There are many ways you can incorporate Jesus into your life every day. Sometimes you just need to slow down, spend some time thinking about it, pray about it, and ask God to help you figure it out.

Check out the entire message, Here’s How To Stand Out

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