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Saying Yes To Jesus

The Before

My vision for myself 5 years ago is very far from where I actually am.  Five years ago, I was a full time mom working part time at the same job I had for the previous 10 years. I had absolutely no foundation in the church at all, but I had a longing. I was in a “secure spot”. When I say secure, I mean I was comfortable with my predictable routine. I am a true introvert by nature, but a piece was missing from the puzzle.

Things started changing when I decided to take a drive and explore a bit since I was relatively new to the area. I drove down Bell Road and saw new construction of something big. My curiosity was peaked. “What are they building in the middle of a cornfield?” I wondered. It stayed in the back of my mind. I would drive past every so often. The Village Christian Church sign appeared and I was drawn to it. It took some time, but I finally got up the courage to stop by one day during the week (I said yes). I went inside the office and was greeted by Karol. She took me on a tour of the building, asked me questions, answered my questions and made me feel welcome. I brought my kids to church that Sunday (yes).

After The First Yes

Here are some highlights that have happened since (a bunch more yeses):

I started attending The Village in February 2017. It was scary at first, not knowing anyone, but I started volunteering at the church office and met some awesome people. An opportunity to work part time in the office became available and my husband encouraged me to quit the job I was at for 14 years (again, really scary!) I joined a Lifegroup and then felt the pull to get baptized. I participated in the first Rooted session that was offered and God laid some things on my heart during that time. A Google search led me to Moms In Prayer International, a ministry that I am very passionate and excited about. More hours became available to work at the church office. The most impactful event happened when I began “A Discipleship Journey”. It’s a 48 week in depth study of learning to teach others to be disciples so they can teach others to become disciples. Things started to really come together.

I want to be clear when I say I did not plan any of this. I still get stuck sometimes when I’m presented with a new experience outside of my “comfort zone”. Then I look at the journey I have been on for the last 3 years and I know there is no turning back. I’m not the same person I was 5 years ago. God has been leading, opening doors, and doing some major renovations in my life!

Game Changer

It has become very clear after I completed the “Discipleship Journey”: Saying yes to Jesus is LIFE CHANGING! This is what we are here for. It is the way we live, what we say, and how we approach and see others. If you are truly looking for a purpose in your life, this is it. Every person who accepts Jesus into their hearts and makes a commitment to having a relationship with Him is qualified for this job. Our life changing stories will help others to find and follow Jesus so He can change their lives and have a committed relationship with Him too. Can you imagine the amount of lives that would be changed if we all committed to disciple someone and be intentional?  What purpose could be more important?

I never thought of myself as a teacher or mentor or that I was qualified to lead anyone else. And I’m not on my own, but because of what God has done in my life I’m free to say with confidence, “Yes! He can do this for you, let me show you!” Matthew 9:37-38 says:

He said to the disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers in his fields.”

I challenge you to say yes! Come and be an answer to this prayer!

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