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People Are Brilliant

People Are Brilliant

The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL gave away $100 to 55 people to use in their community to make a difference.

One of my most trusted mentors and friends in life has said to me thousands of times… “People are Brilliant.” His point is that God made each person, He made you, with a specific talent that is brilliant. I’m lucky enough to be in a position to help people use those talents for the Lord. […]

The Most Terrifying Emotion

The Most terrifying emotion is joy

 “As someone who studies shame and scarcity and fear, if you asked me, ‘What is the most terrifying, difficult emotion we experience as humans?’ I would say joy,” says Dr. Brene Brown. How many of you as parents have ever watched your child sleeping and thought, “I love you like I never imagined possible,” and then in that split second pictured something horrific happening? Or have you ever […]

Listen and Obey

Mandy Wallick from The Village Christian Church in MInooka, IL traveled to Swaziland, Africa to help orphans

I’ve learned so much about Heart for Africa, that without even going there, I fell in love with the mission. God placed it on my heart to get involved.  Then I made the choice to listen and obey even though I had no idea why. That has been one of the BEST decisions of my […]

GivingTuesday – Give in Gratitude

Have you heard of #givingtuesday? Here’s a challenge for you, and it starts like this… Yesterday was a fun day a church. A friend told me that he was able to sell his house and move into another. He was so grateful that he decided to give a special gift. In gratitude to God, he […]

Get Off Your Donkey To Serve

Based on the story of the Good Samaritan this series is all about getting off your donkey to serve.

Have you ever experienced something really great and recommended it to others?  And then watched your friends have the same great experience? Get Off Your Donkey is that experience. Serving is so much fun and we think everyone should get in it. To help people get started, we made some recommendations and the experiences have […]

Young Eagles Need To Fly

Serving and leading at The Village Christian Church in MInooka

When do your young eagles get to fly? I just got back from an incredible Pastor’s conference where a speaker asked this important question. The question simply means this….is your church a place where people are encouraged and challenged to serve and lead? OR…are there just a few spots of service and leadership and you […]

We All Have Something To Offer

The Village Christian Church Food Truck Feeds The Hungry

I can’t do it. I don’t have time. I am not good enough. I have nothing to offer. Those are all the thoughts we have when someone asks us to serve. Trust me, I have had those thoughts numerous times. I still do. I am not perfect. But this is what Jesus asks of us. […]

God’s Presence In Swaziland

God's Presence in Swaziland, The Village Christian Church MIssion Trip

Nervous – Prior to leaving for our trip to serve at Project Canaan in Swaziland, I was very anxious. Normally I am a very at ease traveler, but this was much more than that. I was a full blown crazy woman. What was I worried about? I nervous about leaving my kids for 11 days […]

Be A Voice, Not An Echo

The Village Christian Church, Be a Voice, Not An Echo

Coming Home Coming home doesn’t seem like it should be hard. But when you see up close the beauty of God’s creation, His grace and mercy, His provision and His people doing “the work” really, really well, it feels sacred and my heart aches to return. Anyone who asks me about our experiences in Swaziland […]

Serve Others

Last year at Thanksgiving, I found myself in a new town.  My husband was working and my children went back to our hometown to spend Thanksgiving with extended family. I was lying in bed that morning, feeling especially sorry for myself, thinking that I might as well not cook at all. Then I had a […]