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Who Do You Trust?

Who Do You Trust?

Trust God The Village Christian Church

Trust, by definition, is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. The Bible says that we are to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your path.” – […]

How Do You Trust His Plan?

Trust God, Obedience, God the Father

Have you ever thought about this, trust is not something you can be taught, it’s something you have to experience. It wasn’t until I became a parent that I truly started to understand the relationship God wanted to have with me. In my early years of following Jesus, the Bible was a history book to […]

Mind Your Own Business

God's plan, finding purpose, live life to the full

Mind your own business! Anyone ever tell you this? Or maybe it’s something you have said out loud, or thought in your head? Any way you slice it, it doesn’t come off very gracious. But sometimes when we get sidetracked from “what we are doing” because someone else has stepped in our way or questions […]

When It’s Hard To Trust God’s Plan

trust God

Trusting God’s Plan Whether you are the type of person who goes through life with a solid plan (and backup plan) or you fly by the seat of your pants, most of us would agree that sometimes life throws you a curveball. You have probably encountered something unexpected that seemingly tossed you off course. Perhaps […]

Time Well Spent

Time for Change

Half Empty Or Half Full COVID-19 has certainly changed our lives. We have been on a Shelter-in-Place order for 3 weeks. How are you doing with that?  I have talked to people who are thoroughly enjoying the slower pace, time with their families, and others who are ready to tear their hair out. I’ve spoken […]

Stand Still And Trust

he first thing we should do is stand still an ask for God’s help

When you were a little kid, did you have trouble standing still? I’m 46 years old and I have trouble standing still. I like to be on the move and exercise. I like to lead and get things done! But sometimes, it’s important for me to just stand still. After Moses led God’s people out […]