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The Village Blog

Rest, relax, Sabbath

What The Bible Says About Rest

Can you think of a time when someone gave you great advice, but you didn’t take it? Today we’re looking at what the Bible says about rest and God’s advice on rest and how He has a plan for you to rest. You may think of God’s advice as rules, restrictions and regulations. I challenge you to shift your perspective to look at God’s advice as gifts. These are gifts from a God who loves you and wants to offer you the best life you could possibly have. What Does God Say About Rest In Genesis, God created the world, and everything in it was perfect. God rested on the seventh day. He blessed the seventh day and made it holy. Then the Lord took man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. In Hebrew, “put him in” actually means rested him. So, in God’s perfect design, He rested man in the garden to work. This was when everything was perfect and there was no sin. Enter the serpent and, before long, everything gets out of whack. Adam and Eve get sent out of the garden and out of God’s presence. Work gets hard. But, God always had a plan to restore us to the rest that Adam and Eve got in the garden. Many years after Adam and Eve messed up, God’s people were enslaved in Egypt. Remember the story where God sent Moses to get them out of Egypt? So, He rescues them out of Egypt, and they’re in the wilderness. Do you remember how He fed them? He dropped bread from heaven, and they could only pick up enough for each day. Except on the sixth day, bread could be picked up for two days because on the seventh day the bread didn’t come down. On the seventh day, God’s people were supposed to rest. God gave people the 10 commandments, one of which is to remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it, you shall not do any work, neither you nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Exodus 20:9-11 When Is The Last Time You Let God Have Your Full Attention It’s easy to miss the point of the Sabbath, and we’re not the only people who missed the point of it. Luke tells us the story: As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:38-42 Martha dismissed the idea of rest and the value of being at the foot of Jesus. She didn’t give God her full attention. 3 Steps To Taking A Sabbath Change your brain about it. Rest is a gift, not an oppression. Why do you resist rest? It may be because you like to accomplish things, and you like people to tell you that you’re good at accomplishing those things. It’s all about ego and need for affirmation. You may think you don’t need it and what you got going is working. Or maybe you try to reason it this way…”I’ll take a couple of hours here and there, but I don’t need to take a full Sabbath.” Or maybe you think if you take a vacation and average it out that it all works out. God wants you to live life and live it to the full, and His advice is to take a full day of rest. When is the last time that you took God’s advice, and it steered you wrong? Plan for it. You plan for the important things in your life, right? Make it a priority and put it on your schedule. Rest is delighting in who God created you to be, something that fills your soul, puts you in the presence of God and reminds you that you were created for good. This can look different for each person. If you work all week with your brain, then you need to rest your brain on the Sabbath. If you work all week with your body, then you need to rest your body on the Sabbath. Some people may need to wake up and not know what they are going to do for the day – a total open schedule. Maybe it’s eating with friends, playing a game, reading or biking. The important thing is to figure out what Sabbath looks like for you and plan for it. Remove something. If you’re going to have Sabbath in your life, you’ll have to take something out to free up space. It’s time to lighten the load, so you have space for time with God. The Sabbath is a gift from God. It’s for you. Take it. Watch a message about rest and taking a Sabbath…  

Pray Big, Pray Bold, Be confident in the Lord

Are You Afraid To Pray Big Prayers?

What kind of prayers do you pray? Do you go all out and pray those big prayers with boldness? Or, do you pray within the limits of what you think you are capable of? If so, you are limiting the God who is limitless! Think Bigger What kind of kid were you? Were you a dreamer, or were you confined by the limits of your mind? My oldest son had the opportunity at age 7 to have a Make a Wish. The hospital that we received treatment had set us up with representatives from Make a Wish, and we had a meeting with them, my son, myself and my husband. It was quite memorable. They approached my son and explained this idea in terms that he would understand at his age. “I remember the woman saying whatever you can possibly think of that you would want, think bigger. Think as big as you can!” My husband and I looked at each other with a knowing side eye. Clearly this woman does not know our son. He does not need any encouragement to dream big. We knew this conversation was about to get good, and it did not disappoint. Evan’s first wish was a limo driver for life. How did a 7-year-old who had a mother who drove him everywhere he needed to go think to wish for this, you ask? We were not sure either. I guess a limo was a huge step up from the Chevy Traverse I was ubering him around in, but the look on the woman’s face was priceless. She had to find a way to break the news to him that it was not a wish her organization was capable of granting. Keep Thinking She opened herself up again for a second attempt. He made a counteroffer that included an installation of an indoor outdoor pool in our yard. He went on to explain how cool it would be to get in the pool from the inside and swim under the wall, and then be instantly enjoying his outdoor pool as well. It was hard for my husband and I to keep a poker face as we watched intently on how she would gracefully let him down a second time. She was clearly experienced at dealing with children and set the stage for one more attempt at a wish that we could all agree on and would also make him happy. He was unfazed by his previous two rejected wishes and continued to dream big, just as he was originally instructed. I could tell in his voice that this request was indeed a third option, but would still satisfy. With all the confidence in the world, he decided to settle on an RV/motor home. We had a camper at the time, but it was a pull behind, and he could not ride in it, or most importantly, could not use the restroom while we were travelling. At this point, the woman realized that she was clearly underestimating this little person, and she gently referred to the written rules of Make A Wish, which only forbids a few things. They will not pay off mortgages, purchase vehicles, or purchase motor homes. My thought was that this clause was inserted for a reason. Evan wasn’t the biggest dreamer they had ever seen. Now We’re Getting Somewhere She suggested that maybe he wished for something like a trip to Disney World. He thought for a moment. It was definitely on his bucket list, but he was willing to follow her train of thought, and the two of them settled on a family vacation to a Beaches resort with a limo ride to the airport, since the promise of a limo driver for life was off the table. As I reflect on this story, I think of my own 7-year-old self. I do not think I would have been brave and confident enough to ask for something so big. I would have had many self limiting thoughts. Furthermore, I would not have wanted to put anyone out, even though they were offering. I would probably have wished for a bicycle and had the woman tell me to wish bigger. Don’t Hold Back As an adult, I find myself still holding back in so many ways. I am reluctant to wish big, to dream big and, most importantly, to pray big. I realized very recently that I pray small, sad little prayers. Not only that, but I have been through some hardships and I tend to assume the worst. So, I want to be prepared for hardship, pain, loss, and disappointment. If I pray tiny prayers, then I do not put myself in the position to be let down by God. It occurred to me that with this self-limiting mindset, I am often falling short of what God is willing to do. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Mark Batterson author of “Circle Maker” said “I would rather pray really big and get half of it than pray really tiny and get all of it.” So ask yourself, are you confident in the Lord? Pray big!! Pray boldly!! You may ask for a limo driver for life and end up with an unforgettable family vacation on the beach. That is definitely better than a bike! Do you need prayer? Submit Your Prayer Request and our Prayer Warriors will pray for and with you.

is it too good to be true

Is It Too Good To Be True?

We all love a good movie based on a real story, even if it seems too good to be true. They often inspire us to look more into the story they were based on, which can be dangerous. All of a sudden, we find the heart-warming story we just learned about for the past 2 hours wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. After all, some stories need to be cleaned up a bit for the big screen. A little embellishment here or there can keep the heart of the story intact while making it a better watch. Spoiler Alert If Rudy is your favorite movie, you might want to stop reading. I’m going to burst a bubble. If you’re unfamiliar with the movie, Rudy tells the story of a college student who desperately wanted to play football for his beloved Notre Dame team, but he didn’t quite have the skills to do so, especially for a program like Notre Dame. Rudy makes it on as a walk on and puts all of his efforts into practice, but never comes close to sniffing the field. He’s running out of time to play because he’s a senior and the season is coming to a close. Making the team as a walk on was one thing, but his real dream was to get on the field. There’s this iconic scene in the movie where one of the captains walks into the coach’s office to lay down his jersey. He wants Rudy to dress in his place. The coach doesn’t know what to think and tells the captain to snap out of it. Several more players flood into the office to do the same – lay their jersey down and say they want Rudy to dress in their place. It’s such a feel good moment. There’s only one problem – it never happened. It’s too good to be true. Several players from that 70s Notre Dame team gave interviews about their thoughts about the movie Rudy. Many of them mention that specific scene, probably because it’s so iconic and central to the movie. They all said it never happened. In fact, the real coach was quoted as saying, “If a player ever laid his jersey on my desk like that, he would never get it back.” How’s that for heart-warming? The Reality We’re drawn to these stories of sacrifice because they aren’t the norm. Most people are looking out for number one, or merely trying to survive. There’s no margin to sacrifice for another. The scene was beautiful for the movie, but it doesn’t reflect reality. It was too good to be true. Romans 5:6-8 says: For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person – though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die – but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. That scripture reflects a truth we all know – we’re unwilling to die for others. Outside our immediate family, I bet the list of people you would die for is pretty short. And I know it doesn’t include people you don’t know, or furthermore, people you do know and can’t stand. The passage also reflects something that sounds too good to be true, like a movie based on a true story that has to clean up the unseemly parts. God, became flesh, and came to this earth to die for those who were opposed to Him? There’s no way. No one would do that. We don’t even want to die for a good person – how could someone, especially God, die for the worst of the worst? That’s God’s love on full display. He didn’t wait for us to clean ourselves up. He died for us while we were still sinners. It’s not too good to be true. In fact, it can be true for you when you give your life to Him.

God's plan, finding purpose, live life to the full

Mind Your Own Business

Mind your own business! Anyone ever tell you this? Or maybe it’s something you have said out loud, or thought in your head? Any way you slice it, it doesn’t come off very gracious. But sometimes when we get sidetracked from “what we are doing” because someone else has stepped in our way or questions our plan, this phrase could easily flow off our tongue. What’s complicated is when that someone is God. Although it should be tougher to tell Him to mind His own business, I bet there are times we all have. We create a plan for our life and chart a map of our future, or at least what we hope our future will look like. But when our plotted course sets sail in a direction never purposed by God and all our striving hits roadblock after roadblock, are we able to shift our mindset and be open to a path we didn’t expect to be on? What if we paused, laid it before God and asked for His wisdom? What keeps us from letting go of “our” way and more readily walk in His? Proverbs 3: 5-6 encourages us to lean on Him: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (NIV) Submitting all our ways to Him, doesn’t mean we can’t have input. God allows us to try things, to enjoy new experiences, and even helps us endure hard seasons. But, if we keep going day by day, feeding our own desires, never asking God what He has for us—we are going to miss the best parts. We all have beautiful gifts and abilities from God. I don’t want to waste them, do you? As followers of Christ, He is the only navigator we need. We can trust His leading even when we can’t see the entire path ahead of us. In scripture, we learn that our ways and thoughts don’t always line up with His: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV) At your next planning meeting (with yourself), try a fresh approach. Invite the Lord to sit at your table and ask Him for wisdom as you formulate your thoughts. Seek His guidance for any perimeters He may set for you. And most importantly, allow Him full access to “your business.” It will mean putting God in the driver’s seat and you rejoicing as a passenger. As you release control you will gain so much more. You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)

Is following God a waste of time?

Is Following God A Waste Of Time?

Have you ever invested time, money, or energy, or maybe all 3 into something, and then found out later it was a waste of time? Maybe you thought it was not worth what you put into it. How did that make you feel? Some Super Bowl commercials stick in your memory a long time. Over 20 years ago, E-Trade was a 5-year-old company that made a commercial with a monkey and two old guys all clapping off beat. During the last 5 seconds, they said, “Well, we just wasted 2 million dollars.” That was the cost of 30 seconds of air time during the big game that year. They urged their viewers to not waste their own money how they had. Looking a little deeper, you might find it wasn’t as much of a waste as they had let on. E-Trade was a newer company back then, providing a platform to buy stocks and options from the comfort of your own home, as the internet and personal computers were finding their way into more homes. They had a net profit of $671 million dollars the year of that “2 million dollar waste” commercial. They also added over 1 million new accounts – more than double the previous year. We might look at the commercial as a waste, but they were laughing all the way to the bank. They weren’t paying for a quality commercial or for 30 seconds of fame. They knew that money would go toward something of far greater value and return to them ten times over. How Do You Know Following God Is Worth It? In Matthew 13:45-46, Jesus says, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” In the short parable, Jesus tells of a man who found something that held such great value that it was worth trading in all he owned. I bet some of his merchant buddies thought, “what a waste” or “what are you thinking?!” He saw the greater value behind it and knew it was worth the cost up front of all he could offer. What would you do in that situation? Would you risk it all? Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like that. It’s worth laying down everything, so we can take hold of it. Others may look at you and think, “what a waste.” All that time and money you put toward that God stuff – it isn’t worth it. But we have tasted and have seen that it is worth it. It’s worth everything we could offer and more. We’re getting the better end of the deal, if you could even call it that. Jim Elliot was a missionary who died doing his work and was famous for saying, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” Let that sink in. No matter how you look at it, we’re all spending our lives on something. If we’re brutally honest, we see a lot of those things don’t hold their value for long. The memories fade. The clothes wear out. The things break. Spend your life on what matters and what holds value beyond this life. Jesus shows us the way in this parable, and was willing to give us His life so that we could grasp the greatest thing this world cannot offer – eternal life with our Heavenly Father. Where Do You Start? If you are looking for a place to start living a life with value, check out Rooted. Rooted is a 10-week life-changing experience where you will connect with God, the church, and your purpose. Learn and practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus and build strong roots in the truth of God’s Word, the Bible. You were made for a purpose! Here are some Missions that are always looking for volunteers. Find one or more that break your heart and dive in! We encourage you to take that first step and just start. It will not be a waste of time. Following God is not a waste of time.

Improve your relationship

How To Improve Your Relationships

Taking The First Step To Improve Your Relationships As an adult, I took a step and began attending a bible teaching church. Now, I not only believe in God, but desire to know Him personally. He drew me to scripture, Bible study, and yes, even stirred an appetite to never miss church services. My relationship with Jesus continues to be more and more important to me. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. The empty place in my soul is now overflowing with His amazing grace! He put the offer on the table, and I seized it. Will you? I almost forgot the best part—it was free. Now, we know not every relationship lasts forever. Some end because of distance or a change in interests. There is a portion we lose because of arguments, betrayals, or misunderstandings. Even though some end, each shaped something in your life. Relationships are at the forefront of our lives and it takes work to improve your relationships. Whether it be our family, friend circle, church family, or a ministry in which we serve, each one of these relationships has meaning and purpose. We value these connections and, therefore, nurture them. We take time to grow closer and share in each other’s joys and sorrows. They aren’t always easy, but when watered with honesty, love, time, and commitment, they bloom into beautiful blessings. “and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds,” – Hebrews 10:24 You Were Created For Relationship Did you know you were created for relationship? Not just with other people, but with your Creator Himself. Wow! Talk about a valuable friendship. I can’t think of any other relationship that could top the one God offers. It might be difficult to believe He is interested in us, but He is. After all, God orchestrated a perfect plan, that we might know Him for eternity. We don’t always realize this offer is on the table, do we? Growing up, I thought going to church was a chore. I treated it as something I had to do because my parents told me to. I kept going week after week because of expectations or half-explained traditions. Furthermore, I never gave a thought to “who” might wait for my presence in that big brick building with stained-glass windows. It wasn’t a place of relationship for me, but a place of obligation. Sounds terribly sad, doesn’t it? So many years wasted when I could have had so much more. But God saw me. “For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” – Zephaniah 3:17 Ask yourself, is there something within you longing for something greater? Is your soul nearing empty? God places the same offer before you. Will you take it? Walk into a genuine relationship with Him. You will find what you’ve been seeking, receive all that you need, and begin a journey of a lifetime. He sees you too. “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13 Do You Need Encouragement? We all need encouragement. One way to experience encouragement is to connect with others. Weare here for you. You are not alone. Join a Lifegroup and surround yourself with people who will lift you up and encourage your relationship with God Let Us Pray For You Talk To A Pastor

Rooted at The Village Christian Church

What Is Real Life-Change Worth?

What is REAL life-change worth?  It is a powerful question. Is there a set time limit or dollar amount you are comfortable investing to experience it?  Will it require change? Change can be difficult, but sometimes necessary. The Gift of Time In general, we all have a daily schedule that we stick to and are comfortable with.  I myself, am regimented about my schedule each day.  So today, I sit and ponder the ways I use the gift of time I receive daily. It is filled with a variety of necessary and unnecessary items; I sleep, shower, grocery shop, eat, pay bills, work inside and/or outside the home, spend time with family, put gas in my vehicle etc. What about how we spend “free time”?  I can easily use every minute of it engaged in activities that fill a ton of space time-wise, but don’t “fill” my heart.  It is easy for me to fill it with my favorite TV shows and social media.  How about you?  What does your free time look like? Now ask yourself, “where does my relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe fit in with all the demands and choices I make?  He has a far better plan for your life then you do.  Are you really leaning into that?”  There are many things that you must do and choose to do that don’t produce REAL life-change.  They may change your circumstances but not your heart. What Do You Want? Do you want a feeling of being full?  How would it feel if you didn’t have to look further for peace, happiness, or reasons to be thankful?  How about not having to search for freedom from uncertainty, confusion, and insecurity, or for your purpose?  Would you like to feel ready for tomorrow with all the energy and support you need?  Come to Rooted. Everyone wants to be a part of something big and this is your chance.  Have a purpose,  know what your purpose is, and champion an effort that will make a difference.  Do you want to change the world?  Do you want your world to change?  Come to Rooted. Do you want to find community?  Come to Rooted. Do you want to know why the Village should be your home?  Come to Rooted. Maybe you’ve been walking with the Lord for a long time.  Why would you want to come to Rooted?  Rest assured that it is for everyone, even you.  It will extend your roots, fills in any gaps in understanding and expand your vision past your current line of sight.  Come to Rooted. Experience life-change together. Learn more about Rooted

become debt free

3 Steps To Becoming Debt Free

Recently, our family became completely debt-free – no mortgage, no car payments, and no credit card bills. We’ve entered into a new arena of truly enjoying our income. Since we don’t have the weight of debt, we can share our resources in significant ways with others. There are plenty of resources out there that can assist you with the money side of this journey: budgeting, interest rates, refinancing, investing, etc. If this is a journey you are ready to take yourself and debt is controlling your joy and peace, then looking into those resources is worthwhile. We were able to find some great resources through The Village Christian Church. 1. Build a Community While the first Christians began to build their church in Acts, the Bible says: “all the believers were together and had everything in common.” -Acts 2:44 NIV This was not referring to having hobbies in common, but the pooling of resources. First, be open about your goals to becoming debt-free. And be honest with your community about what you need to move forward with your goals. You’d be amazed at how God’s people show up. Investing your time in a lifegroup is one way you can build such a community. I’ve participated in and heard of lifegroups helping with bills, childcare, meals, car rides, job opportunities, Christian counsel, and the list goes on. When you are a part of a community of believers, you do not have to do this alone. Utilize the help offered, especially if it could help you put more money down on your debt. Initially, we tried doing this all on our own because we felt guilty about accepting help from others. Don’t let yourself fall into that trap. The second you aren’t paying money to interest, you can certainly have the time and resources to significantly impact someone else’s life. So, you can help someone who was once in the same position as yourself. 2. Be Prepared for Emergencies Unfortunately, trials will come your way, especially when trying to get your finances under control. Scripture says: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sister, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” -James 1:2-3 So the year of our biggest financial trials is the year we started attending The Village Christian Church. We were feeling pretty broken from all the trials we had just been through. While we built on our faith, however, our spirits were brought back to life. And we found new perseverance to keep going on. Now we are prepared for emergencies, both financially and emotionally. Trusting in God allowed us to see the hope on the other side of things. It helped us lean into our chaos, and come out better for it in the end. 3. Find Contentment Lastly, I’d like to talk about some lifestyle changes our family made to achieve our goal. These mindset changes were crucial in having the perseverance needed to tackle such large sums of money. Contentment is the best tool to becoming debt-free. As believers in Christ, we are living for the eternal, not for the ways of this world. The world wants you worrying about what you wear, how flashy your house and car are, and the trends you are participating in. Do you have the latest electronics, are your kids in the “best” programs/schools? All of these things that the world deems important cost money. Plus, they can bring you farther from your goal of becoming debt-free, especially if you are using credit to achieve them. Yet Scripture tells us, “godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.” -1 Timothy 6:6-8 Find contentment and enjoyment in your relationship with God – not in the things of this world. This takes practice and self-discipline. But this results in the ability to say no to frivolous spending, and focus on what matters. Print out a few months’ worth of your spending. I guarantee you can free up a couple of hundred dollars worth of spending right off the bat. You will find the things that don’t contribute to your contentment in life, things you can live without. In Philippians, Paul says: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation…I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” -Philippians 4:12-13 NIV Always… Lean on the Lord throughout this process, and ask that he give you the strength to find contentment in this situation – the situation of becoming debt-free.

How to be thankful in the challengiing times

How To Be Thankful In The Challenging Times

Do you ever wonder how to be thankful when you’re going through some challenges? So many people are dealing with hard times. This blog will share ideas about being thankful. Count Your Blessings The picture was a drawing made by my son, but it has so much more significance than just colorful artwork done by a child. This particular Thanksgiving, my son Evan had been through 11 months of cancer treatment. After being home bound, he had just returned back to school and this was one of the first art projects he brought home. Now I remember that day, being so thankful for a child that was able to go to school. I was thankful that he finally had enough of an immune system to be around other kids. I was thankful that he was healthy enough to get through an entire day of school. In the previous year these were things I took for granted, and now I felt so thankful for them. As I look at this picture today I realize I could use a recalibration of my perspective on gratitude. Thanksgiving is a perfect day to hit the reset button! Choose Gratitude Over Complacency I think of the Israelites. Hungry in the desert. They had no idea what the future would hold but they were trusting God for provision. He sent down manna. Literal provision from the sky everyday. They lived with such awe and gratitude of such a simple thing provided by God. As the days piled up, they started to become complacent and even complained about the manna. The thing they were so thankful for had now become insignificant. They wanted more. They wanted meat. If you finish the story you see that God did eventually give them what they wanted, only to prove to them it would not make them happy, on the contrary, it caused misery. So I ask you, as I search my own heart today; where have you begun to take advantage of God’s blessings in your life? If we focus on “getting more” we will never feel fulfilled, but if we focus on God and thank Him for all He’s done, we will have indescribable joy. I can’t even explain it to you, but during Evan’s cancer treatment I experienced the most joy I’ve ever felt. Not because my circumstances were good. That’s for sure; but because I spent more time being aware of my need and dependency on God. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6

How to pray

How To Pray With Purpose

I don’t know about you, but when I pray, I pray with an expectation that something will happen. That can vary depending on the situation, but usually I’m hoping for something; an answer, wisdom, healing, opportunity, grace, mercy, favor, forgiveness…… Lately, the thing I’m wanting most from prayer is the peace, love, and serenity that comes from simply being in the presence of God. If we pray with the expectation that God, will in some way, bless us; isn’t it fair to assume that we all desire to pray with purpose? Sometimes it can feel like we are doing it all wrong. Have you ever felt like your prayers were jumbled or confusing; or maybe you trail off and get distracted or sleepy when you are praying? If you have ever felt like your prayer life could be better, stick with me! I have a few things I’d like to share with you! Have you ever asked yourself if God can and will do what He wants, why should I pray? The point of prayer is not to change God, it’s to change you. It’s about a relationship, and there is no shortcut to a relationship. It just takes time! God gave us free will, which means a relationship is up to us, and no one can do it for us. Prayer is not an activity, it’s a relationship! It is within our relationship with God that we will discover His will. When you are praying God’s will, that’s when you are really praying effective prayers. Do you ever feel like you are mumbling or are at a loss for words when you pray? There is no right or wrong way to pray, and even crying out the name “Jesus” is a prayer. There aren’t certain words that you need to use to have your prayer heard by God. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Holy Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” Romans 8:26 If God knows what you need before you ask, then why pray? “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 God already has a great plan for your future, as promised in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” There are blessings predestined for you in the realm of heaven. Jennifer Kennedy Dean worded it well, “The intent of prayer is to release the power of God to accomplish the purpose of God.” God’s desire is to release the best possible solution in every situation, but he requires your participation. He will let you miss it sometimes. God puts blessings in our path all day, like little wrapped presents, but if we do not open them, we do not get the joy of experiencing what is inside. Do you ever feel like you are begging God, or trying to change His mind? The secret to purposeful prayers is not how to change God, but how to be changed by Him. We can sometimes get caught up praying for a certain desired outcome that we have decided would be best. The huge problem with that is if we do not get that outcome, we believe the lie that God did not answer our prayer. A better way to pray is to work backward and ask yourself, “What is the desire of my heart?” Does it align with the will of God and His promises? Then scripture shows us, He would love nothing better than to answer our prayer. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.” Psalm 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Matthew 7:7 Prayer has an instant impact on the spiritual realm of heaven, no matter how unformed it may be. No need to worry or beg after you pray! Praying Perfectly As my final thought, I want to take a look at the one person who prayed perfectly, Jesus. Jesus would often sneak away to a quiet place and pray. He knew to turn down the noise of the world around him in order to hear the still small voice of his Father who loved him. Jesus was in the world and felt all the feelings you and I feel today. He dealt with sadness, betrayal, and the pain of being misunderstood, just like we do. He did not always get the “answer” to prayer that he was hoping for. It says in Matthew 26:36 “My Father, if possible, let this cup pass over me, nevertheless, not as I will but as you will.” Jesus could see the cross coming, and He did not want to suffer, but He wanted what God wanted more than what He wanted. That’s exactly what that prayer is saying. He’s being honest with God and telling him he does not want to suffer, but He wants God’s will to override His own. If he lived in 2019 he might say “Father download your will into my heart so that it overrides mine.” God is looking for an intercessor. Someone who, through prayer, is willing to stand in that gap between heaven and earth. A person willing to be a conduit through which the power of heaven can be brought to earth. Prayer is a process. God initiates it by His love for you. He will bring you into submission over the thing you want. You start by desiring something and end only desiring Him. That’s when you know your prayers are powerful. That’s when you are praying like Jesus!  

How do you experience God's redemption

How Do You Experience God’s Redemption?

How often do we feel overwhelmed, forgotten, scared, guilty, hurt, or disappointed, and yet, by the grace of God, we have been redeemed, but how do you experience God’s redemption? All we have to do is participate. Redemption, defined by, is an act of redeeming, rescue, or deliverance from sin. For followers of Christ, we know He is our Rescuer. Ephesians 1:7 states, “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” It Hit Me The other night I was wiping down my kitchen counters for the evening, reflecting on some of the different aspects of faith and being a follower of Christ. Simple moments can bring such clarity. The idea came to me (no doubt from the Holy Spirit) that you cannot fully know the power of God’s redemption until you allow yourself to fully participate in the process of God’s redemption. Jesus is Our Rescuer. He died on the cross, bearing the world’s sins. There’s not a pain you’ve felt that He didn’t also experience. So when we find ourselves lost for one reason or another, we need only to look to Him. What If I Don’t Believe? If you are not a Christian, if you had a bad experience, if you’re not sure what to believe, if you don’t believe in any God, or whatever else, I ask you to try participating in the process of His rescue. God wants a relationship with you. No. Matter. What. Much like if you shut out a close friend trying to help you, Jesus cannot rescue you unless you participate in a relationship with Him. Actively so. I ask you to try. Try walking alongside Him, allowing Him into your heart, and letting Him guide your path. Unless you participate, you may not experience the greatest joy possible. This looks like reaching out to someone who does believe for help and mentorship. It looks like praying. A lot. It looks like reading the Bible, joining a church community, and even a church Lifegroup. How Can I Help? If you are a Christian, I encourage you to remember that those who haven’t experienced the power of redemption, cannot walk in and live from this understanding. Grace, grace, grace. Remember our call to lovingly help restore the hurt by bringing them to the One who can help, the only One who can. This looks like inviting people to church or Lifegroup. It looks like praying for them. A lot. It looks like sacrificing your comfort to show them God’s love. It looks like doing what you can to bring them to God.

overcoming the blind spot of pride

How To Identify And Overcome Pride

Let’s talk about blind spots, but not the ones on the road. Today we’re talking about the blind spot of pride. Pride is easy to see in other people, and we can all think of an example of an arrogant or prideful person who crossed our path in the past. You may have heard someone glorifying their abilities and accomplishments with their own words. Or you may have witnessed a very wealthy person speak about their material possessions as the result of their hard work and success. Seeing our own pride is near impossible without some help. Where Are Your Blind Spots? It’s usually a turn-off when you encounter a bold and prideful person, but have you ever considered the idea that you too may suffer from a pride problem? If you are shaking your head as you read this, saying to yourself, I am definitely not full of pride. I actually lean more toward insecurity than pride. You may be just like me. I was sitting in church one day listening to a message on pride, tuning most of it out because it did not seem to pertain to me. Then I was struck with the convincing truth that I too had a pride problem. You can check out the Message Here. It snuck into my life as a “blind spot.” A blind spot, by definition, is just as it sounds. It’s an area where a person’s view is obstructed. In the area of pride, this simply means that you are unaware of your own sin of pride.  For the arrogant professional athlete boasting to the media about his skill, the problem of pride is obvious. But have you ever failed to seek advice because you thought you already knew the answers? Have you ever sought out the advice that the world offers rather than seeking God’s truth because you place a higher value on what others think? Then you may have a pride problem. How To Identify Pride Some may call them problems or blind spots, but as Rachelle Ferguson pointed out in her message, How To Change When The Hits Keep Coming, it’s really called pride. Pride shows up in two ways We think we know when we really don’t. We take credit for God’s work in our lives. I have been guilty of seeking the advice and approval of my friends and family before God when I have had a big problem. I believe the lie that the problem is mine to solve, and seeking God’s wisdom is, sadly, sometimes the last thing I do. If I’m being really honest, when I am upset, confused, worried, or offended I will even seek the comfort and advice of the people in my life that I know will agree with me rather than the advice of those I respect, because it is easier.  Joyce Meyer has a really cheesy saying, but it is so true that it has stuck in my brain for many years. She says, “before you go to the phone, go to the throne.” I know! Silly, but oh so true. When I am tempted to call a friend for some unhealthy conversation, I think of how true this statement is. Have I gone to God with this problem? If not, why? Is it because I don’t really want wisdom, I just want someone to agree with me that I am right? Ouch, that’s pride.  It says in Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” If you are truly seeking wisdom, then seek God.” Proverbs 16:5 says “The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: they will not go unpunished.” I know that sounds aggressive, but here is the point that must not be missed! God does not hate the sin of pride just because it’s unbecoming or arrogant. He detests pride because PRIDE IS A HINDRANCE TO SEEKING GOD. Where Do You Look? If you are acting in pride, you are looking inward or outward but not upward. God wants you to lean on and trust in Him in all things. This does not mean trust Him with the big things and micromanage the small things yourself. I was guilty of this myself. When my son was very sick, I found it easy to turn everything over to God. Cancer seemed so much bigger than me. I couldn’t figure it out, plan through it, or fix it. I instantly surrendered it to God. However, the smaller things seemed to cause me more stress and heartache, if you can imagine that. I believe the reason is that I decided I could be in control of the smaller things. God wants to be on the throne of your life. Pride wants to put you on the throne of your life. So spend some time reflecting, and if you find you spend your days constantly striving to make your own life better rather than focusing on the hope God has for you, you may have a blind spot, better known as pride. If you find yourself in this place, there is hope. God will help you reveal your blind spots. James 4:6-7 says “But he gives us more GRACE. That is why scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.’ Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”

say no to busy

Why You Should Say No To Busy

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the busyness of life? Do you know why you should say no to busy? What does that even look like? Memories Of Being Carefree It’s summer, and I love everything that comes with it. I love the smell of hamburgers cooking on the grill, the tingle of sun-kissed skin after a long day of swimming, gardens filled with the hope of fresh vegetables soon, and the memories of being a carefree kid during summer. This week I saw two of my little neighbor girls sitting on a blanket, giggling and eating a popsicle. They were so carefree. So simple. So happy. It brought me back to being a kid myself in the 80s. The highlight of my summers were Disney popsicles and summer reading at the library. I was pulled from my daydream and jerked back into reality as my phone began to chime over and over. It was text messages and email reminders for everything my kids either needed to do or needed to sign up to do soon. I don’t know when we got to this place, but this summer my daughter had 3 open gym times for 3 separate sports, all in one day, and that was just school-related sports. On To The Next Activity It seems that being busy has become the new norm. Whether you are single, married, have children, or are an empty nester, you need to have a full schedule. You need to have picture-worthy date nights, vacations your friends envy, and hobbies to post about. Your kids need to be scouted by a reputable college at their little league game, and one sport or activity must now overlap the previous one. There is no room for downtime, and the busy days leave little time for more than a frozen pizza or drive-through dinner at the end of a long night. We are subconsciously fed the message that we need to do more, be more, and accomplish more. The “world” has figured out how to make us believe this lie. Algorithms are designed specifically to know what we want, what we think, what we fear, and what we desire in a matter of clicks. It’s so subtle we don’t even realize it’s happening. We are all on one big lazy river! Have you ever been on a lazy river? I will say it’s relaxing for a while. You lay back on a raft, and the current takes you. No effort is necessary on your part. You can even close your eyes and get some sun. Everyone is moving in the same direction, at the same speed, and at the same time. Then comes the moment you are ready to get out. You see the stairs coming, and you hop off your raft, but you miss it. You now have to walk against the current, pushing against other rafts, to make it to the steps to get out of this lazy river. Turn Off The Autopilot That is how I see this current season of life. Everything from audible books, to razors, to pre-packaged meals, has an “autopilot” option. Vendors want you to lock into something, so you don’t need to give it a second thought. It’s all taken care of. It’s very passive, and can be very dangerous in our spiritual life. If we are not alert to what we are passively saying yes to, then we become another floater on the lazy river. Being a follower of Christ, especially during this time in history, takes action on our part. If you are going to be a person who follows Jesus, you WILL look different from those around you. Even more difficult, if you are raising a family who follows Jesus, you will look different from those around you and that is rarely going to be easy. Jesus said in Matthew 7:13: “Enter the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” Distractions Lead To Destruction The enemy knows he cannot steal our salvation, but he can distract us. He can avert our eye from God and put it on the things of the world. Many times the things that distract us are not bad per se, the problem lies when those things get priority over God. The world makes it so easy to just enter the wide gate that leads to destruction. Heck, the world will even install a lazy river, so you can float right through the gate. I challenge you to hop off your raft! Climb out of the lazy river and make an active decision to participate in the life God wants you to have, not the busy life that the world says will bring you peace, satisfaction, and success. Say no to busy. Clear up your calendar. Dare to have enough time to be bored, rest, and listen to God’s still small voice. “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10

God’s Unending Love

We have a choice whether or not to follow Christ. He does not promise us a life without trouble, but He does promise us His unending love. My Reflection The other day I was scrolling social media. You can imagine my feed because it’s probably not all that different from yours. There’s some good, some funny, and a whole bunch of negativity and divisiveness. I wish Jesus had a Facebook. Am I right? As I mindlessly scrolled, I was struck enough by a particular post that I stopped to read it. I was paused by the anger behind it. I quickly decided to abandon it and kept going. A few moments later, I stopped to read a second, entirely different post. This post felt equally as enraged as the first. But what interested me were the striking differences between the two writers. These two writers, and their messages and posts, could not have been any more different from each other. But their anger was the same. Our Troubles So I found myself reflecting on anger and all of its “cousins:” frustration, impatience, criticalness, irritation, and more. I thought about how these apply to me and how they’re a stronghold for me. I was flooded by one thought: it is unending. There is no depth or ending for anger. It can last decades, generations even, and grow to a point that all it does is destroy everything in its path. Other strongholds are like this too, right? Sin takes hold so strongly that if we don’t turn from it towards God, there’s no end to it. We will quickly find ourselves lost in it. And it will take many forms, sometimes causing us to be blind to it. His Truth And while I held this thought in reflection, God quickly revealed His truth: He is infinite, He has no end either. God has no limitations, no barriers. He can fill us without end and fulfill to no end! So we have a choice. We can choose to be fulfilled by our strongholds, our pain, and our emotions so dark and deep that they feel hopeless. But we can also choose to live our lives in relationship with God. He will be our strength and absorb our burdens. He will light our path and fill us with hopeful joy at His mercy and grace. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He does not promise us a life without trouble. We will experience sin and strongholds. But He does promise He has already won. For those who choose the path of Christ, we can walk in the footprints of this unending love and victory. You can read more of His truth with the YouVersion Bible.

Grace, A Free Gift For You

Are you familiar with the word “Grace”? There are many meanings and definitions of the word, but only one has power. says grace is:  “The freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.” Freely given, you can’t pay for it or earn it. Unmerited, none of us deserve it. Grace is, by definition a free gift of favor and love from God for you. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Who doesn’t love a free gift?  How many of you reading this have been around long enough to know that a “free gift” isn’t always all it’s cracked up to be? I really started to learn this lesson when I left home and went to college. The free t-shirt and a two-liter of Mountain Dew I got for signing up for a credit card came with some strings attached. As children, we excitedly accepted any free gift we were offered. My favorite free gift was a sucker when my mom took me to the bank. With age comes wisdom, experience, and skepticism. Maybe that is why we tend to struggle so much with the idea of grace. By the time we reach adulthood we are very aware that sin exists, both in the world and in us. If you are a parent, you have realized that sin is not something you need to teach a young child. They can figure out how to be naughty all on their own. We all seem to react to our sin differently. Some of us try to hide it, like Adam and Eve with their homemade fig leaf undies. We feel shame for the thing (sin) that separates us from God. Some of us shift the blame somewhere else; again, Adam and Eve. Adam said, “this woman you gave me caused me to sin.” Eve quickly came to her own defense and pointed out that the serpent deceived her, and it was not her fault either. Maybe you are not a blamer or a shamer; maybe you are a good deed doer. Have you ever felt bad for something you have done and tried to do something good, to in some way, cancel that debt? Let me be clear here that none of these things will work. You were created in the image of God. He is perfect and Holy and he cannot be in the presence of sin. It literally separates us from God. That’s why sin makes everyone feel so bad. We inherently know we have separated ourselves and we want it made right, but we go about it in the wrong way. We complicate things and try to hide it, blame it away, and fix it ourselves. God knows us because he created us. He knew our flesh would try to leave Him out of the equation and we would think we could save ourselves. He designed salvation in such a way that only Jesus could provide it. Ephesians 2:8 says: “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” God loves us so much that He gave us His only son, to come into the world, and be the perfect sacrifice. He died so the brokenness that sin created between us and God could be restored. We are given eternal life instead of what we deserve which is eternal death and eternal separation from God. Why would He do that? Why would he withhold punishment and instead, give us a free gift? It doesn’t make sense. That’s what makes grace so amazing. I love the lyric from the song What a Beautiful Name, it says, “He didn’t want heaven without us, so Jesus you brought heaven down. My sin was great, your love was greater. What could separate us now?” This song so beautifully paints the picture of grace. He chose us, He loves us and He wants us, not because we are good, but because He is good. That’s grace!

trust God

When It’s Hard To Trust God’s Plan

Trusting God’s Plan Whether you are the type of person who goes through life with a solid plan (and backup plan) or you fly by the seat of your pants, most of us would agree that sometimes life throws you a curveball. You have probably encountered something unexpected that seemingly tossed you off course. Perhaps it was a shifting relationship, a job loss, a health scare, or something else that left you feeling lost and uncertain. Have you found it hard to trust God’s plan? Do you find yourself questioning God? What if I told you that God welcomes your questions. When we encounter the unexpected, we often perceive it as a barrier. But in that, we are forgetting the greatness of God and His plans. Fortunately, nothing can disrupt God’s plan for us! If He establishes a barrier, He wants us to pivot. He is not keeping us from our purpose, He is ensuring it. Romans 8:28 reminds us, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” But in the pridefulness of life, we forget to trust Him wholly. Fortunately, God is not afraid of you or your questions. He welcomes them when we allow them to bring us into a closer relationship with Him. His desire is for a close and personal relationship with every one of us. He knows that through our questions we can seek Him, find Him, and discover His plans for us. Purpose of Waiting Sometimes we grow anxious and weary as we await His great reveal. However, this waiting season is purposeful. It is preparation and, as followers, we benefit from using it wisely by growing our relationship with Christ and remaining obedient. Scripture promises us that. He is growing, pushing, and preparing you because Psalm 139:14 tells us we are, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” His plan for you is a special journey meant only for you. You will be called upon to carry out tasks that others are not equipped to do. He Understands While our journeys will be unique to each of us, we know they will be filled with triumphs and hardships alike. Changes to our plans can leave us feeling devastated and lost. But we can find rest and comfort in knowing our Christ the Lord lived as a man. He understands our struggles and not once has said this would be easy. What He wants are our obedience and trust. He is asking us to submit to His plan and carry out his work. We are truly doing the Lord’s work in obeying and trusting His plan. If you find yourself struggling, remember to seek a relationship with Him daily, especially when you are questioning Him. Remember that He isn’t afraid of your questions. He knows His plan for you is a great one. Spend time with Him in prayer. Read the Word. And take time to listen and look at what He is saying to you. Psalm 40:1 says: “I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.” If you invest in your relationship with him, you are certain to see His faithfulness. The Village also offers opportunities to help you in your walk with Christ. In addition to Sunday messages, we encourage you to Serve Experience Rooted Join a Lifegroup

life change

Life Change When God Is On The Move

Watching God on the move has been my favorite thing ever. Looking back at how life used to look, it is so encouraging knowing that life change was possible. I was such an angry person inside. Every little bother or inconvenience usually instigated a slew of curse words in my head about how lacking someone else was. I walked around my own house, which should have been a safe and welcoming place, picking apart the mistakes of my family while resentment brewed. Alcohol was a huge part of my social life. It was something I desperately clung to while interacting with others. Even when my kids would comment about how many empty white claw cans were on our counter, I didn’t care. I was selfish and living for myself, and everyone around me just fell into second place. Then Jesus Happened You can roll your eyes or think Jesus is made up and silly. You can think He isn’t here with us to show that 100% of the Bible is accurate. There is no way to produce Him physically to tell and show the miracles He is capable of doing. I get it. If you’ve ever loved someone, clung to that love, and were willing to die over that love, then you’re not too far from putting all of your eggs into the basket of faith, yourself. You can’t prove love, touch love, or produce a physical entity of love. But you sure can believe in it with all of your heart, body, and soul. God was on the move and Jesus came into my life. Slowly but surely, so many negative things were stripped out of my life: Anger was peeled back, giving way to thankfulness. Bitterness was quietly replaced with forgiveness behind the scenes. My attitude that things were never good enough changed to humbling, unbelievable gratitude to our God for the people and blessings He’s placed in my life. From there, the rest was history. God Moves And Change Takes Place Once you experience the weight being lifted off your shoulders, you are eager for more. I dove into reading His Word (I highly recommend the New Living Translation for new readers) and immersed myself in studying the Bible. I watched relationships renew, gratefulness emerge, and my own life transform into something better. My quiet scorn was replaced with a smile, and I didn’t realize it, but I hadn’t rolled my eyes in months. A year ago, I was focused on material objects, partying, having what appears to be a perfect life, jealousy, and so many selfish desires and goals. Today, I have faith that God directly intervened in my life to save me. The happiness I have experienced from having a relationship with Jesus is just as valid as the love a parent has for their kids. It’s tangible, unbreakable, and without a doubt – REAL! Is There More To Life? The answer is yes – there is. Pick up a copy of the Bible and read it, search for it online, or download the YouVersion Bible App on your phone. I was told by a few incredible Christian friends to start with the New Testament and see where God leads you. Read it. It is filled with a literal blueprint of how to live your life and how to find a better way, a better place, a better purpose. In doing so, I have full faith that you will be able to: “throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.” Ephesians 4:22 and instead, find yourself with a: “…new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:24 I know I did. I would love for everyone to know what a better life they would have if they just read it. After all, you can’t knock something you don’t know anything about, right? I challenge you to get to know the Bible and Jesus’s love and make your decision only after that. God is there, patiently waiting on the other side. He is ready and willing to change your life, just as He so lovingly did to mine. All you have to do is open a book. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

How To Build Your Spiritual Endurance

What exactly is spiritual endurance? The ability to continue on, especially during difficult times. Even those who consider themselves resilient sometimes waiver. It can be hard to overcome seasons of discouragement without feeling some sort of shift or discomfort. In these times, we may feel spiritually drained or out of sync with God. But He knows our heart and instructs us.  You may be reading this as a person who struggles to feel brave or encouraged. Or, you may feel like me, a fighter that’s more tired than usual. You may be feeling something in between or completely different. Either way, our struggles are often similar. We all experience loss, sorrow, disappointment, fear, worry, stress and the list goes on.  The Struggle is Real  During times like these, we can end up feeling drained- financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc… Whether you’re used to leaning into God or not, that’s a scary feeling for anyone.  What do you do when you have prayers that feel unanswered? How do you respond when you feel you’re not on the same page as God? Do you struggle with feeling connected and motivated to maintain your relationship with Him?  This happens to nearly all believers at some point. Don’t believe me? Just ask them!  And He Knows It Fortunately, our God knows us well and designed us to be in community with others for support. He sent His Son to the cross so we could go before Him and have a relationship with Him. Jesus knows your pain because He struggled as a human. Last, but not least, God provided us with Scripture to better know Him. He has provided us with tools to build up our spiritual endurance. Our God may be mysterious but we also know He is an intentional provider with perfect timing.  Pray  So when you find your spiritual endurance being tested, know there is more ahead. God sees time as eternal, not as we do. So the best thing you can do is…pray and wait.  I know, I know. This isn’t what you want to hear! Keep reading though because it’s what you NEED to hear.  God has a plan for you! Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” So while we are not guaranteed ease and happiness at every turn, that only strengthens our understanding of His greatness. The same Father that created you is the same Father that will carry and deliver you. Just pray. And wait.  If you need some other ideas to dust yourself off and continue your journey with God, I’ve included some below.  Ideas: Stay in the community: come to church, join a Lifegroup (if you haven’t), and/or volunteer.  Switch up your spiritual routine: consider adding a prayer or Bible study, start a devotional, or spend more time in prayer.  Seek wise and trusted spiritual counsel. 1 John 4:4-6 Get in the Word daily! Seek an accountability partner, if needed. The YouVersion Bible App is a great tool and you can download it onto your smart device and take it with you wherever you go.

Who’s Going To Win In Your Life?

It’s all about the win. When I was in Jr. High and High School and my family would go visit my grandparents and we’d always spend time watching sports on TV. My grandpa would always walk in the room and ask the question, “Who’s winning?” It didn’t matter who was playing, only who was winning. I actually love that question as it relates to our relationship with Jesus. Who’s winning in my life? Jesus or Satan? Maybe better said, “Who am I allowing to win in my life?” Did you know Jesus is the key to the kingdom? John 10:10 clearly shows us who the opponents in our life are and their plans for us. By the way, these are the words of Jesus to his friends: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 Don’t Let The Trash Talk Win I love sports and competition. I love strategy and figuring out the weakness of my competition so that I can exploit it for a win. Basketball is one of my favorite sports and often times when playing basketball, you could easily trash talk another player into playing like garbage. I’m pretty sure that was a sin when I did that in High School and Bible College. ? Satan is going to do anything he possibly can to get your off your game. He will trash talk you (tell you things that aren’t true), trick you and steal anything he can from you. He wants to kill the good things in your life and steal your joy. If you ever need a reminder about that just go back and read John 10:10. That sounds like a lot of bad news, and it could be. But there’s good news – you get to choose. You can choose not to let the trash talk win. You can choose to stay connected to Jesus. He loves you, He chose you. Jesus is the key to the Kingdom. Jesus came not only so that you can have life, but have it to the FULL. He always meets us where we are and continues to develop us if we make the time. Just like sports, it takes dedication to have a solid relationship with Jesus. You can’t just show up once in a while and expect it to happen. You need to practice daily. It requires commitment and setting priorities in your life. Ways To Connect With Jesus Stay connected by reading truth, God’s Word/The Bible, every day. A great way to do that is the YouVersion Bible App. In addition to Bible verses, there are reading plans on just about any topic you can think of. You can even invite a friend to work through a reading plan with you. Spend time praying. Don’t let prayer intimidate you. Think of it as a time to talk to a friend and just let out what’s on your heart. God wants you to have an honest conversation, let Him know your struggles and ask Him to guide you. Just sit. Life gets busy and often we are running from one thing to the next with little to no downtime. When you just sit and be quiet, reflect on your day, your week and all that has been happening.  Close your eyes and ask God to reveal where He walked with you. Try this experiment for today and continue this week and this month. Ask yourself 3 times a day, “Who’s winning…Jesus or Satan…in my life? Don’t allow Satan to win. Choose to win and receive the amazing life Jesus has for you.

God Created Us To Be In Community

When surrounded by both good times and bad, we find ourselves desiring to feel support from those around us. That’s because God created us to be in community with one another and it’s during times like these that we remember why. As I considered writing my next blog post, I knew that I wanted to write about the idea of community but had no idea what to say about it. Then God provided the perfect inspiration. TAKE THE RISK Recently, a friend invited me to her church for a women’s ministry event. I was excited but my mind was racing, wondering if there would be tables set up or rows of chairs, friendly and welcoming women or cool and standoffish ladies, values reflected that aligned to my own or a night of discomfort ahead, and so on. You see, most people think I’m outgoing but I’m more of an introvert at heart. And I overthink- a lot. Sometimes I even let these types of thoughts psych me out. Does that ever happen to you? Do you ruin something before even giving it a chance? Fortunately, the Holy Spirit was working hard and I attended the event. And it was great! On the way home I found myself reflecting on all of the ways I’ve benefited from the community throughout my life. SEE THE BENEFIT OF COMMUNITY Most recently, I’ve benefited from expanding my community to include other believers. This didn’t happen easily for my husband or me, especially me. But The Village made it so easy that once our hearts and minds adjusted, God began to clear paths for us to a new community, one with other believers. We now have a network of other believers that come alongside us regularly, without judgment and with total selflessness and compassion. They speak truth to us, pray for us, encourage us, send us scripture, and so much more. The best part is that we get to try our best to return this care to them. MAKE IT HAPPEN So, knowing this, I ask you: Are you surrounded by a strong community of believers? If not, I encourage you to pray on this and become involved in opportunities to build this system for yourself. It is unlike any other support you’ll receive from humanity. You can build up your community by participating in some of The Village’s activities such as Rooted, Lifegroup, serving on a team, and numerous ministry opportunities.

How To Get To Know God

Do you ever wonder, who is God? Do you know of God, but don’t know Him personally? Did you know He wants to know you, and He wants to have a personal relationship with you no matter what you have done in the past? This blog will guide you with simple and practical steps on how to get to know God so you can have a close, personal relationship with Him. Start Here I want to start with an apology. If you’ve been hurt by the Church, I am so sorry. If you feel that you have been hurt by God, I am so sorry. Our world can be a hard place, a place with a lot of hurt and suffering. When difficult things happen it can definitely be challenging and you may feel let down and all alone. Let’s be honest, you may blame God. God doesn’t promise us that there won’t be pain and suffering in our lifetime. In fact, the Bible tells us that there will be, check out this verse and note where it says you WILL have trouble. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 Today I want to encourage you that you are not alone. I encourage you to set those past hurts aside and clear your mind. Open your heart to all that God wants for you. He doesn’t want you to have chaos in your life and He wants to be there for you when you are hurting. Take the step to start fresh and take a step to start a personal relationship with Him. God created everything from nothing. It’s hard to wrap your mind around that, right?!? Take a minute and really think about that, God created EVERYTHING from NOTHING. He has the power to do anything so are you willing to give Him a chance? Are you ready to get to know Him? Take The First Step To Know God – Prayer If you’re ready to take that first step, I want you to take a minute to pray. Don’t be intimidated, don’t be scared. Think of prayer as if you were talking to your best friend and just talk. Prayer isn’t a magical conversation. You don’t have to use certain words, or get on your knees, or have superpowers. You don’t have to go on and on with a long dissertation. Just talk. Here’s one example of a prayer to get you started: Dear God, I’m really struggling right now and I need you. Help me open my mind and my heart to you. Guide me for your will to be done, not my own. I want to get to know you, really get to know you. Lord, provide the opportunity, the time, and space for me to get to know you personally. Thank you, amen. Take The Next Step To Know God – Set Aside Time Now that you have opened up your mind and heart to God, the next step is to set aside time for Him. Life is busy – you may be running kids from activity to activity, or maybe you’re buried at work or school. The list of distractions is endless and I get it. Did you know that being busy is one way that Satan uses to distract us? If you don’t take the time to make time with God a priority, then it will be impossible to get to know Him and build that personal relationship. So take a look at your calendar. Do it right now and find a time to schedule with God. Make it a daily appointment at whatever time works for you. I prefer first thing in the morning, but the time doesn’t matter as long as you commit to making the appointment and sticking with it. Set an alarm, set two alarms or whatever it takes to remember and hold that appointment. Now What – Get Into God’s Word, The Bible So now you’ve prayed and set your time with God, now what? The next step is to turn to the Bible. If you prefer to work online, the YouVersion Bible App is a great resource. If you prefer a hard copy, I suggest a life application study Bible or a journal Bible. The life application study Bible includes clarifications that help you understand the language, advice on how to apply the Bible’s teaching to everyday life, descriptions of the context and setting, profiles of key Bible people, guides for finding what you’re looking for and more. The journal Bible provides space on each page for you to add notes, questions, resources and more. Culture likes to throw a lot of lies at us, but the Bible is truth, 100% of the time. It can be difficult to understand at times, but if you try that life application study Bible or the Youversion Bible app it can easier. The app has reading plans that you can search by topic for whatever life is throwing at you. The reading plans include various Bible verses. You have to make time in God’s Word a priority to stay focused on the goal, which is getting to know your creator. Feel free to contact me if you need help finding a YouVersion reading plan or need some help getting started or working through your Bible. Take the step to start fresh and take a step to start a personal relationship with God so you can get to know Him. Check out this message from one of our Pastors, Nick Sandeno, about Who Is God…

How to plan time to pray

Prayer Tips

Do you ever feel like you’re just coasting in your spiritual life or not feeling connected to God? Do you struggle to be intentional with Him during life’s busy seasons and let your time for prayer fall through the cracks? Most of us struggle with being too short on time and being too busy to notice. But this is a reminder that your prayer life shouldn’t wait. What if I told you planning time for prayer daily could change your life for the better? With the new year, I know many of us are feeling the need to “get back on track.” In our spiritual lives, prayer is an area we should never neglect, but sometimes it’s the first to be delayed. It’s an area I’ve struggled with greatly but am determined to change this year. Between advice from mentors and friends to my discipleship study, I’ve got a list of ideas below on how to help you. Remember: You don’t have to try and use them all (or any). These are just ideas! Take What Works And Leave The Rest If you are struggling with the motivation to pray, don’t let that stop you! Not praying doesn’t hide our excuses from God. If you feel overwhelmed, bored, or distracted, bring THAT to your Father. (Hint: He already knows!) He loves you and wants to help you. You can pray about this struggle and because it aligns with His will to be in relationship with you, He will help you!  Consider when you can schedule daily prayer time, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. Schedule it and stick to it. Figure out the excuses you tell yourself and start to recognize when you’re using them. Start with a time you’ll be successful in using. Set an alarm on your phone for halfway through your lunch break. Put a post-it note on your bathroom mirror. Whatever it takes, schedule your time and get creative in reminding yourself. Plan your prayers. This concept was foreign to me when I first heard about it. Pray scripture? Pray a prayer I pre-wrote? Take down bulleted points so I don’t forget? It didn’t feel “right” at first. It felt like…cheating or taking the easy route. Until I realized that prayer is so much about intentionality. You can even find prayer planners to help with this if that’s your style; that’s what I’m trying this year! Track your progress. This one might sound strange, but if you write out your prayers, you can also write down when and how they are answered. Or you could write down other ways God is working in your life. Talk about a motivator! Pick a designated place to pray. This can help build a habit of prayer, making consistency easier. Ask an accountability partner to check in with you weekly. Choose wisely: a fellow believer who will take it seriously. This can help keep you on track, serve as a reminder, and encourage you. This includes calling upon the Holy Spirit. Ask the Spirit to build excitement in your heart for prayer! Keep Your Prayers Simple Don’t feel like you need a whole bunch of right words or fancy words. Keep your prayers simple if you need that. Matthew 6: 5-8 outlines a life of prayer, and verse 8 specifically reminds us that: “your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Most important: Remember, you don’t have to be perfect in your prayer life! You don’t have to use all of these tips…or any. It’s about building a prayer life that keeps YOU connecting with your Father. As you build towards a better prayer life and relationship with God, any steps you take towards improving this will bring about good change.

Digging Ditches To Catch God’s Rain

The Greater Than Message for 2022 is about learning to ask God for help. But, we have to realize, God may require us to dig a ditch to prepare for what He is going to do. Have You Been Here Before? A little boy was playing in his sandbox. He had his box of cars and trucks, his plastic pail, and a red plastic shovel. In the process of creating roads and tunnels in the soft sand, he discovered a large rock in the middle of the sandbox. The lad dug around the rock, managing to dislodge it from the dirt. With no little bit of struggle, he pushed the rock across the sandbox by using his feet. When the boy got the rock to the edge of the sandbox, however, he found that he couldn’t roll it up and over the wall. The little boy grunted, struggled, pushed, and shoved. But his only reward was to have the rock roll back, smashing his chubby fingers. Finally, he burst into tears of frustration. All this time the boy’s father watched from his living room window as the drama unfolded. At the moment the tears fell, a large shadow fell across the boy and the sandbox. It was the boy’s father. Gently but firmly he said, “Son, why didn’t you use all the strength that you had available? Defeated, the boy sobbed back, “But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had!” “No, son,” corrected the father kindly. “You didn’t use all the strength you had. You didn’t ask me.” With that, the father reached down, picked up the rock, and removed it from the sandbox. I wonder what dreams or needs you might be bringing into 2022.  What Big Rock Is In Front Of You That You Need To Be Moved?   We are going to look at the scripture today for encouragement on how to come to God for help. Background…3 kings set out to go after an opposing army. 2 kings from God’s people (northern/southern kings) and another ally. They are supposed to fight against an enemy that they should have been able to defeat easily… And we pick it up right here in 2 Kings 3:9: So the king of Israel set out with the king of Judah and the king of Edom. After a roundabout march of seven days, the army had no more water for themselves or the animals with them. There had been famine in the land, a drought. The kings had been running their kingdoms with not much thought to God. But, when you run out of water, you look to God real quick.  But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there no prophet of the Lord here, through whom we may inquire of the Lord?”  An officer of the king of Israel answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He used to pour water on the hands of Elijah.”- 2 Kings 3:11 This was a very common thing in the Old Testament. Ask a prophet to ask God and tell us what to do.  What need do you have in your life that only God can meet? What thing beneath the surface of your smile is bothering you at night that no one knows about because you are too embarrassed to admit it. You can do all you can do…but only God can make it rain. You need something only God can give. “The Lord says, ‘Dig a lot of ditches in this valley.’ – 2 Kings 3:16 Only God Can Make It Rain, But He Wants You To Dig A Ditch.  They dug ditches to hold the water. God was saying, “I’m going to bring the water, you get ready for it by digging the ditches.” Before God sends the rain in your life, often He will call you to dig some ditches in preparation for the rain. What ditch is God calling you to dig in an area of your life in preparation for the blessing He wants to send? You answer that question, you will be living out your faith. If we do what we can do, God will do what he can do! Our mission at The Village is helping people experience Life change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose:  Life Change:  Faith/Repent/Confess/Baptism/Live the Christian Life, Daily Prayer, Daily Bible reading, taking that next step in generosity, inviting friends to church so their lives can be changed. Life Growth:  Join a Lifegroup, Reaching out to others to connect and experience community. Life Purpose:  Serve (dig ditches so others can experience God’s Grace). You dig a ditch, God will bring the rain! Don’t stop digging. Do it because the Lord says, ‘You will not see wind or rain. But this valley will be filled with water. Then you, your cattle and your other animals will have water to drink.’ “That’s an easy thing for the Lord to do. The next day, the time came to offer the morning sacrifice. And then it happened! Water was flowing from the direction of Edom! The land was filled with water! 2 Kings 3:17-20 Ask God To Help You Do Greater Things Every year, we come before God and ask for his blessing on another year. Each year, He is faithful and does way more than we could ask or imagine. Every year, we remind ourselves of Jesus’ words in John 14:12 which say: “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.” We believe these words of Jesus, that together, everyone giving room for God to work and us doing what we can do (“digging ditches”) that this is true.   What ditch is God calling you to dig? Where do you need to step out in faith and give him room to work? You might be tired, you might be worn out, just keep digging. Keep serving. Keep believing!  

Jesus Came To Redeem Humanity

On December 12th, Julianna Pena – a +850 underdog – managed to defeat Amanda Nunes for the bantamweight championship. Amanda was the No.1 fighter in ESPN’s women’s pound-for-pound ranking and a winner of 12 straight fights. She was considered one of the greatest MMA women fighters of all time. Many UFC analysts suggest this upset defeat by Pena was one of the greatest upsets in MMA history. Some argue that Pena will not be forgotten after this past weekend’s fight.   As Christians, we know this MMA historic event will soon be forgotten. Although the excitement of the fight is still fresh in the minds of many, one story of one person continues to stand the test of time. Today I want to talk about why Jesus’ arrival to earth is still remembered after all this time. He did not win a fight or an MMA belt, but He did redeem humanity. Sinless Yet Human Jesus Christ came in the flesh and is fully God. He arrived in human form to live a fully human life. He cannot take our place receiving the full punishment of sin without living and experiencing all that a human can encounter in a lifespan. Jesus was born into a body that was not sinful. He cannot sin, but he obeyed the limitedness of his physical body. He did not use the power that he could have as God while on earth. Jesus’ body “contained” his power, in other words.  Contrary to popular belief, Jesus did not come into a sinful body; let me explain. He could not have been put into a fallen body because that would assume that Jesus Christ is sinful. 2 Cor. 5:21, Paul tells us that, “God made him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (ESV) 1 Peter 2:22 tells us that Jesus, “who committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in his mouth…” (ESV) The author of Hebrews, verse 4:15, states that we do “not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin” (ESV). Jesus Suffered For Our Sins Jesus chose to take on the full weight of all sin of the world to save humanity from God’s punishment. The scholar, Wellum tells us that while Jesus did not possess the moral corruption brought on by the fall, He did suffer from the fall’s amoral effects. These effects are grief, weariness, prolonged hunger, opposition by enemies and even neighbors and family members…and the physical agonies of dying. Putting it differently, it is like a person having flu-like symptoms but not having the flu. Jesus felt the effects of the sin but is not sinful himself. To close, Jesus Christ took on our human nature without human sin. Praise God! Our precious Savior is the only one who could take our place on the cross. Jesus Christ came to this world to save you and me from the punishment of sin. Put your faith in Jesus Christ and He is faithful and able to redeem you from the hands of evil and darkness. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. – Acts 4:12 (ESV)