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The Village Blog

The Haves And The Have-Nots

We have all heard the phrase, “The Haves and the Have-Nots.” While many associate this time of year with gifts, time with family, and time

Pray with purpose

Pray With Purpose

I don’t know about you, but when I pray, I pray with an expectation that something will happen. That can vary depending on the situation,

Learning to be a disciple at The Village Christian Church

Be A Disciple – Take The Next Step

What is a Disciple? I would define a disciple as someone following Jesus, who helps others to find and follow Jesus. Finding Jesus can be

Be strong even when it's hard

Be Strong Even When It’s Hard

Have you ever noticed that anything that really matters in life is not easy? Parenting, marriage, relationships…they all take work. There are peaks and valleys

You are chosen by God

You Are Chosen By God

I like to read. There are a few reasons I read, for encouragement, to learn and to be reminded that God has chosen me. I

Pulse Student Ministries is a big deal at The Village - where students meet Jesus, know Jesus and share Jesus.

What’s The Big Deal?

Pulse Student Ministries held a kickoff event for the 2019-2020 school year and the turnout was incredible – 119 students ranging from 5th graders through

Lifegroups are a place to find my people, where real connection and growth takes place. Get connected in a group at The Village Christian Church.

Ain’t No People Like My People

I have a t-shirt that says “Ain’t no people like my people.” SO TRUE! My people, my friends, my sounding boards, at times my guardrail.

Life change is happening at The Village Christian Church in MInooka, Il. Students were cheering for and celebrating the life changing decision of their friend to be baptized.

A Cheering Section Just For You

Have you ever had someone cheer for you? Have you ever wanted someone to cheer for you, but it just didn’t happen? Here at The

Student Ministry Leaders at The Village Christin Church lead a group of 46 high school students to CIY Summer Conference. It looked easy.

It Looked Easy

Recently I left on our annual CIY Move Student Conference trip for the 16th time in my life. Five times I attended as a student

Be Thankful

Who Are You Thankful To?

God has surely been very good to me. I have more blessings than I can count! One such blessing is I had the opportunity to

Why We Do What We Do

I am honored to serve on or consult with boards of different charities. Each one has a mission and each one has a budget that

Accept the opportunity to give generously.

Accept The Opportunity

I am grateful for the opportunity to be generous in many ways. Generosity of Spirit, generosity with finances, generosity of time. All of them have

The Best Birthday Gift

For my daughter’s birthdays, we have always requested that people don’t bring a gift. We have the means to get her what she needs (toys,

You are perfect as you are, mama

You Are Perfect As You Are

What if you lived a life where you weren’t up at night worrying about how you are going to make everything perfect for your kids?

Take time to celebrate and find the joy in life.

Take Time To Celebrate

This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24 Do you struggle to have JOY in

A mission team travelled to eswatini, Africa in the Spring of 2019 to serve at Heart for Africa.

Joy Even On The Worst Days

Africa-where the Lord called me to serve. Without even thinking about it or analyzing it, I said yes. There is an unspeakable joy I’ve had

When you get a no, trust that God has a good plan for you and He is protecting you in every situation.

Trust Your Gut

I should have trusted my gut and went with it. It was Friday afternoon in late October. I was in the middle of a difficult

Let your light shine every day.

Let Your Light Shine

I saw this stat yesterday that said we just experienced the cloudiest February in 57 years! Then the comment was, “Now I know why everyone

Is the Bible Reliable?

Is The Bible Reliable?

Bible Stories Even if you weren’t raised in the church, you still know more bible stories than you think: Noah and the ______. Jonah and

he first thing we should do is stand still an ask for God’s help

Stand Still And Trust

When you were a little kid, did you have trouble standing still? I’m 46 years old and I have trouble standing still. I like to

All you have to do is begin! Get started! And God will bless your efforts.

Small Beginnings

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… (Zechariah 4:10 NLT) This was a verse I clung to

Praise God and give thanks like a child does.

Praise God And Give Thanks

Since my husband and I became parents, we have been fortunate enough to take a trip every winter. We head to the Wisconsin Dells to