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Back To School Wisdom

Back To School Wisdom

Back To School Kids FamBlitz The Village Christian Church

The end of summer conjures many different emotions from different people, here is some back to school wisdom for you… Summer’s End As summer winds down, it’s a time to look back on all the memories—whether it’s enjoying countless popsicles, patching up scraped knees, or splashing around at the pool or beach with friends. There have been moments of joy, sibling squabbles, and countless hours of cheering on your kids in their favorite activities, including America’s beloved pastime, baseball. Many of us have also savored family vacations and cherished quality time together. For working families, you might be thinking, “No, summer can’t be over yet! We haven’t done everything we planned!” That feeling of wanting more time is completely natural. And for those who stay at home, perhaps you’re looking forward to the routine of school days and a bit more quiet time. Both feelings are valid, and it’s important to remember: you are a great parents, no matter which perspective you have. God chose you to be the parent to your kids, and He knows you are the perfect fit for them. New Beginnings As we transition from summer to the school year, let’s embrace this new season with joyful, God-filled hearts. Our children, especially the little ones, are incredibly observant and absorb everything they see us do. Starting the school year with genuine faith and a desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus can have a profound impact on our families. When we model a life of bold, faith-filled living, it sets an inspiring example for our kids. They notice how we handle stress, how we worship, and how we live out our faith. These moments leave a lasting impression. Matthew 5:13-16 reminds us: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Consider doing a family Bible study, praying together, listening to worship music, and having Jesus-centered conversations. Shine your light before your children and show them the joy of a faith-filled life. A fun way to grow in faith together is by attending family-friendly, Jesus-centered events. One such event is FamBlitz, which we will be hosting soon. FamBlitz is a live, Nickelodeon-style event that uses games and excitement to teach the whole family about Biblical principles. Parents and children play games together, learning and having fun while hearing the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect as a family through fun and laughter while growing in your faith. When your kids see you enjoying learning about Jesus, they’ll be inspired to do the same. Let your light shine brightly for them to see. Purchase Tickets for FamBlitz

Is God Right For Me?

Is God Right For Me The Village Christian Church

I, like many Christians before me, have gone through a lot of spiritual change and transformation and have asked myself, “Is God Right For Me?” As I’ve taken time to reflect lately, I thought that I’d share my story. I grew up at The Village, with incredible and loving parents, who are still to this day two of my greatest supporters. We went to church every Sunday. I would go to Sunday school or to “big church”. Throughout my childhood we would often talk about the message and its meaning, as well as the important aspects of being a Jesus follower. Fast-forward to seventh grade, and I got baptized! It was an amazing moment,  celebrated with my family, and was happy about my decision for the most part. There was a part of me that was filled with uncertainty. That was right before I went through what I like to call my “low spot”, which was eighth grade and my freshman year of high school. How Low Can You Go? A combination of toxic friends, a non-religious boyfriend, and stressful health issues followed by weight gain definitely put me in a low spot. I was seriously questioning if God even existed at all, often feeling uncomfortable at church, as if I didn’t belong or was an imposter. I was wondering if this whole God thing was really for me, and I decided that I would be just fine without him there. Uh-huh. I only felt empty, which pushed me away further. I was wondering how God could let me feel so empty and hollow if He really did love me. Fast-forward to January of Freshman year. I had a difficult breakup and just more emptiness. I finally told my parents about how lost I was, and they helped guide me in the right direction. They helped me to order my life, but I still hadn’t accepted that it was my struggling faith that was at the root of my problems. One Moment Changed Everything The emptiness persisted. Months later, in the spring of 2020, I had my moment, my epiphany, as I like to think of it. It was strangely sudden, and it caught me off guard, but I prayed. I don’t know why, it was over something trivial, but I remember thinking, “Thank you, God.” And that simple thought sparked this strange warmth in me. So I kept the conversation going, as if I were talking to my dad, just saying what was on my mind. I opened up my heart for the first time in ages. All of my regrets, pain, and secrets. Over the next few weeks, I prayed more often. Over the course of time, He cleansed me, of everything. I felt clean, even more so than what I felt at my baptism. I returned to Him, and He took me in with open arms. Since then, I’ve wavered on occasion. I go long stretches without praying very frequently, and then inevitably, I feel more overwhelmed and stressed than I otherwise would have. But there have been several moments, such as my mom’s cancer, where I shared my pain with Him, and His comfort has been greater than I could’ve imagined. A Pleasant Surprise The more I involve Him in my life, the more I find that I am content, and I see more joy around me, even in times of pain. I’ve learned that no pain I can experience can eclipse God’s goodness. When I go to Him, I feel at peace. For those of you who are wondering if this whole God thing is right for you, I might suggest that you take a moment to seek earnestly. No matter where you are in life, He will take you. He wants you; He wants your heart. His hand is always outstretched towards you, waiting for you. Don’t be afraid to take it. You may be surprised by where your life goes from there. Everyone is in  a different place in life, there several places you can get connected. Learn More About Baptism Find a Lifegroup Serve At The Village How Can We Pray For You?

What Do Waiting Rooms And The Church Have In Common?

Waiting Room Church Suffer Celebrate The Village Christian Church

What do waiting rooms and the church have in common? Last week, I was in a hospital surgical waiting room for 10 hours. What an interesting place to observe. I listened to the man checking in the families give the same speech dozens of times. Here’s your free voucher for a small drink and directions to the cafeteria, and the lockers are over there. It was nearly the same, word-for-word, each time. He was very friendly. Some of the visitors came in as families, all anxiously waiting to hear how the surgery went. Most were by themselves. Some fell asleep. Others were constantly calling or texting, passing on updates to family and friends after they had received updates themselves. Four times, if I remember right, there was what sounded like a nursery lullaby over the PA system. New birth was celebrated throughout the hospital. As surgeries finished, most visitors were greeted by a smiling nurse saying, “All went well, you can expect to see them soon.” A few were greeted by the surgeon, and their update was given in another room, behind a closed door. Great news, good news, and bad news given throughout the day—that was what stayed on my mind the most from that experience over the last few days. And it got me thinking about the church. Everyone Is Welcome At Church Some people show up on Sunday mornings after a terrible week, or even a terrible season. They buried a parent, marriage is full of tension, or the kids have been a struggle. Maybe all the above. Others show up full of joy, God has provided yet again! The friend they invited finally accepted and came with, and they had a great conversation about faith on the way over. The new job came with a pay raise and better hours. There was no fighting on the car ride over, and the kids got ready early enough to grab coffee on the way in. People are walking in, bringing great news, good news, and bad news, and it reminded me of what Paul said to the church after writing about what the church is: a body. Near the end of his description, he wrote, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” If I’m honest, it’s one of my favorite parts of the church. To the best of our ability, no one will suffer alone here. We may stumble over our words or not know what to say at all, but we suffer with you, even if we’re far from suffering. And we want to celebrate you, even if we’re in the midst of suffering. There’s something beautiful about that, so keep your head up and your eyes open. Look for those suffering and celebrating people—they’re all over the church, because they are the church. Suffer and celebrate together as you both look to Jesus, perhaps for very different reasons, because that’s what we do as the church. Connect In A Lifegroup. If you don’t go further than a church service, you’re missing out on all that God created for you! Life is better together so find a group and get connected.

Do You Feel Empty?

Feeling Empty Void Unsatisfied Jesus Peace Joy Purpose

Are you missing a lasting satisfaction in life? Do the things that you are looking forward to having or achieving fade and leave you feeling empty again? I think I’m so passionate about Christ because I lived my life without Him for so long. Great on the outside. Inside – empty. Loving my kids and husband, of course, but constantly seeking something that I wasn’t aware I was missing. Can You Relate? I spent hours of mindless scrolling on TikTok or Facebook, emptying a few bottles of wine every night. Working out endless hours and tracking calories? Finding comfort in a political party? Binge-watching Netflix until 2 AM? Working on making the outside look great with material possessions and purchases? Brand names? The newest “fads”? I sought comfort in all of these things, yet none filled me. None of these could fill that void. When you’re living with that empty place inside that you’re not even aware of, life loses its beauty. When you love your husband or wife, but you complain about them, and you love your kids, but they’re exhausting and aggravating. You love your life, but to escape it if only for 15 minutes? Man, that would be amazing. I lived under the pretense that if I could only find “me time” for an hour, everything would somehow be better. That’s how I operated for so many years. I remember laughing off the idea of an “all-good, sovereign God” and mocking my closest friend’s faith (thank you for your forgiveness, both to my friend and to God). Jesus Fills The Void It wasn’t until Jesus literally grabbed my soul and turned me inside out that I felt that complete and total contentment. Purpose. Fulfillment. PEACE. Joy. The blessings in EVERY single season—yes, even the hard ones. Happiness in the chaos. Love inside our home. There was a black and white turning point in my life, and I’ll forever be grateful for that. I now see the true meaning of sacrificial love. Our marriage is radically transformed, renewed, and so much stronger. Our attitudes toward giving have changed so much. The way I look at those who are different from me is a complete 180 from what it used to be. Now we view our children as THE most important ministry. Not as interruptions or annoyances, but as physical proof of God’s blessings (even during temper tantrums and monumental, yes – monumental, fights). Spending hours in prayer and worship and connecting with the One who made you. Finding the beauty in everything. Living every moment in grateful response of the ULTIMATE sacrifice our creator gave for us. I remember reading a quote, and I can’t remember who it came from or what it was in. It went something like- “When you fully understand the magnitude of what Jesus did for you, you will live every single day of your life differently until you leave this Earth. If you aren’t living your life differently yet, then you don’t fully understand what he did.” From Emptiness To Peace It is my prayer that everyone would live to one day experience that peace and joy. A total and complete fulfillment that doesn’t leave you based on your circumstance. A peace that stays despite the bills, the pay cut, the kids’ school grades or sports shortcomings, or things in the news. That even in the midst of life’s terrible storms, your peace would not be shaken. That you could go confidently into whatever season of life you’re in, with the complete assurance that the creator of the universe is there, walking right alongside you. Check out these free Resources to help point to Jesus

Take Time To Celebrate

Take time to celebrate and find the joy in life.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24 Do you struggle to have JOY in your life? I do. Many would describe me as over serious all the time. I like projects, tasks, mission and organizing people to accomplish things. This involves details and planning and lots of time, and I rarely take time to celebrate. It’s always on to the next mountain to climb and the next task to complete. In my marriage, my wife, Rachelle, is the opposite. While she is able to accomplish lots of tasks and organize people, she has lots more fun in the process. It’s one of the many attributes I love about her. Decide to Celebrate Because JOY doesn’t come as naturally to me, it’s something I really have to work on. Sometimes it takes a conscious decision to be joyful and celebrate. In fact, in the scripture, God basically says that JOY needs to be a daily part of your life. He made the day, let’s find something to rejoice about! Look around you and find something to celebrate. Life may be hard, but you can always find something if you look hard enough. Recently we celebrated Jared Baker’s 15 years of ministry at the Village.  His family was in town and they are a blast to hang out with. We had dinner at our house for the family. Jared’s 80 year-old grandfather was the last to leave. He declared that in their family, they wake up and think of things to celebrate, then spend the day doing so. It shows. I love to spend time with them! Jared’s grandfather lives in Las Vegas and his parents in Denver. Both invited me to their homes to play golf and hang out, and I’ll probably take them up on it! They are filled with JOY, and it’s contagious! I need that in my life. This is the day the Lord has made….               What can you rejoice and be glad about today?               When you have JOY it’s contagious and helps people get better!               It’s good for you, it’s good for others. Let’s live in JOY every day! Read more about Joy…