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Men Of God: It’s Time To Stand Guard

Men Of God: It’s Time To Stand Guard

Men Of God Stand Firm Armor Of God The Village Christian Church

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a book that told us about the things we need to be careful of as Men of God? There are many books in the Bible that tell us what battles we are going to face and the tools we have available to us that will help us win! As a pastor, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of spiritual warfare on our families. It breaks my heart to witness couples on the brink of divorce, children rebelling against their parents, and men struggling silently with addictions and doubt. Time and again, I sit across from people, listening to stories of broken homes and shattered dreams. The Common Thread But there’s a pattern I’ve noticed that deeply concerns me: as men, we tend to face these battles alone. We’ve become experts at putting on a facade, pretending everything is under control even when our world is crumbling around us. We don’t ask for help, even when we’re clearly veering off course. This stubborn self-reliance, this reluctance to show vulnerability, is precisely what Satan uses against us. I believe that’s why the enemy targets men so fiercely. Women often have support networks, they band together in times of trouble. But us men? We retreat into our caves, thinking we can handle everything on our own. Satan uses this to his advantage. He slowly lures us to sleep, gradually pulling us out to sea, alone and unaware. And then, when we’re isolated and vulnerable, he raises a raging storm in our lives. These encounters and observations have made one thing crystal clear to me: many of us don’t realize the intensity of the spiritual battle we’re in, nor do we understand how our isolation makes us even more vulnerable. I know God has a better life for us. Jesus promised us an abundant life (John 10:10), yet so many families are experiencing heartbreak and disintegration. The disconnect between God’s promise and our reality often stems from our failure to recognize and actively engage in the spiritual warfare surrounding us, and our reluctance to fight these battles together. Today, I want to have an honest conversation with you about this. It’s not an easy topic, but it’s one that we, as men of God, need to address head-on. Our families, our communities, and our own spiritual lives depend on it. It’s time we break this cycle of isolation and recognize that true strength lies in our unity in Christ. Stand Together And Stand Firm We live in a world that’s increasingly hostile to our faith. Our beliefs are challenged daily, and the enemy is constantly looking for ways to undermine our relationship with God. As men, we have a God-given responsibility to stand firm and protect our families from these spiritual attacks. But Here’s The Hard Truth: Many Of Us Are Falling Short. We’re in a spiritual battle, brothers. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Let this sink in for a moment. Our enemy is not our wife when she’s upset with us. It’s not our rebellious teenager pushing boundaries. It’s not our boss who seems unfair, or that neighbor who always causes trouble. No, our true enemy is Satan himself and the spiritual forces of evil. This is why earthly plans and tactics aren’t effective in this fight. We can’t overcome spiritual battles with mere willpower, self-help strategies, or worldly wisdom, we need spiritual armor for a spiritual battle. God’s power and protection can stand against an enemy we can’t see with our physical eyes. This Battle Is Real, And The Stakes Are High Our enemy isn’t after our possessions or even our physical well-being – he’s after our souls and the souls of our loved ones. He wants to destroy our marriages, corrupt our children, and render us ineffective for God’s kingdom. How often do you feel like you’re fighting spiritual battles alone? The enemy is sneaky, and his attacks are often subtle. Let’s be honest about the real struggles we face as men: Career ambitions that slowly pull you away from your family and your faith. Financial pressures that tempt you to compromise your integrity for a quick gain. Overwhelming struggle with pornography that’s eroding your relationships and self-respect. Anger issues that flare up, damaging your family bonds and leaving you feeling guilty and ashamed. Lure of substance abuse as an escape from the stresses of life. Doubts that creep in when your prayers seem to go unanswered, making you question if God really cares. These are the battlegrounds where the enemy seeks to destroy us, our families, and our testimony. But we don’t have to face these challenges alone or unarmed. Armor For The Battle So how do we fight this battle? Paul gives us the answer in Ephesians 6:10-18. We need to put on the full armor of God: The Belt of Truth: Commit to regular Bible study and align your life with God’s Word. Make Scripture reading a daily habit, not just a Sunday activity. Let God’s truth shape your thoughts, decisions, and actions. In a world full of deception, God’s truth is our anchor. The Breastplate of Righteousness: Choose integrity in all areas of your life. This isn’t about perfection, but about consistently aligning your actions with your identity in Christ. At work, choose honesty over shortcuts. In relationships, seek reconciliation over being right. Let your life reflect Christ’s character. Feet Fitted with the Readiness of the Gospel of Peace: Be prepared to share God’s message of hope. This isn’t just about words, but about living a life that demonstrates God’s peace. Be ready to offer comfort, show kindness, and be a steady presence for others in turbulent times. Your actions can open doors for sharing your faith. The Shield of Faith: Trust in

The Eye Of The Storm

Eye Of The Storm Faith Fear of The Lord The Village Christian Church

There’s nothing that can remind you of your weaknesses faster than a storm, literal or not. My family took a Florida vacation to Anna Maria Island. We stayed with some good friends who have been vacationing there since childhood. It was beautiful. The ocean was so calm and warm. Our kids spent hours swimming and exploring underwater with their goggles. They found lots of sand dollars, crabs, and shells. The Calm Before The Storm One evening, we were fishing off the pier in the bay, and a herd of manatees swam right up to us. Our friends said that in all the years of visiting the area, they had never seen a manatee near their home, let alone five of them. It was pretty amazing. The next day, we saw two green parrots in a tree in the front yard. Our friends insisted they were not aware that there were parrots on the island. Later that night, an entire flock flew overhead. There had to be at least ten or more parrots. It was absolutely beautiful. The adventure continued on day three, when we were swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. A light rain moved in, and the beach cleared. We stuck around and enjoyed the privacy of an empty beach. A group of us, including four adults and four teenagers were swimming when we noticed several curious dolphins moving in. They were swimming so close to us it was unbelievable. If we went underwater, we could hear the clicking of the dolphins communicating with each other. At this point, our friends said, I know you guys think this is probably typical for this area, but we have never seen anything like this. I love nature, but I also live in Illinois, so manatees, dolphins, and parrots are not part of my normal week. I was loving and appreciating this rare opportunity we were given. When I spend time in nature, I am so amazed by God. He is such an artist and an amazing designer and engineer. He thought of everything. Nature has a way of sustaining itself perfectly and it does not need our help. Spending time near the ocean is always a great reminder to me that I have not even witnessed a fraction of what God has created. The Storm Rolls In Our family vacation was amazing, until it wasn’t. The day we were scheduled to fly home, Hurricane Debby made an appearance. I have never been in a hurricane before and I don’t ever want to be in one again. While waiting for our plane to arrive at the airport, we experienced a tornado in the midst of a hurricane, as if things were not crazy enough. Our flight was canceled, leaving us stranded. Our friends were staying about 40 minutes away and were experiencing severe flooding and power outages, so going back to their house was not our best option. Due to the chaotic weather, the only flight we could get back home was 7 days later. Our dream vacation had turned south in a hurry. We decided to rent a car and drive the 18 hours home. It seemed like the only reasonable option. Keeping Faith In The Storm Driving through a hurricane is something I only want to experience once. I was trying to be the best co-pilot I could possibly be to my husband, who was white-knuckle driving our tiny rental car on a six-hour journey across the state of Florida. As we were driving off the island, I was looking around at the ocean. A few days ago, it was calm and beautiful, and today it was fierce and absolutely terrifying. I watched a large sailboat get tossed around like a toy in a bathtub. The boat was in a bay near the shore, and it looked scary. I cannot imagine being on a boat in the middle of the ocean during a storm. My mind instantly went to the Bible story in the book of Matthew. And suddenly a violent storm arose on the sea, so that the boat was being covered by the waves, but Jesus was sleeping. And his disciples went and woke him saying, “Lord, save us, we are going to die!” he said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great and wonderful calm. The men wondered in amazement, saying “What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?” While doing discipleship last year, my partner and I got into a discussion about “fearing the Lord.” The word fear can have a negative connotation and mislead people who are trying to understand scripture. A better explanation is that we must have respect for the Lord. We must have a reverence and awe for His power. It’s similar to teaching my 15 year twins to drive a car. I don’t want them to be afraid to drive, but I do want them to have a healthy respect for the responsibility they have been given to operate a vehicle that has the potential to be very dangerous. Safety In The Storm During our trip home, I took a screenshot of the weather app. Our vehicle was represented by a blue dot that was literally moving in the eye of the storm. As we drove north, we stayed right in the center of the swirling storm. We tried to stop only to find gas station doors locked. We decided to keep moving because we did not want to lose any more time than necessary. As we drove, the lyrics to the song Eye of the Storm by Ryan Stevenson ran through my head. “In the eye of the storm. You remain in control, And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul. You alone are the anchor, When my sails are torn, Your love surrounds me In the eye of

From Corporate America to Kingdom Building

Shorewood Campus Grand Opening The Village Christian Church

As I prepare for The Village Christian Church’s new Shorewood Campus launch in the fall, I can’t help but marvel at the journey that’s brought me here. My path from corporate America to full-time ministry has been a testament to God’s perfect timing and provision. It’s a story of transformation, faith, and the power of following God’s call. Even when it leads you down unexpected paths. A Life of Service My journey of service began long before I entered the ministry. At 17, I left my hometown of Tampa, Florida, to join the Air Force. For eight years, I served as an air transportation specialist. This role took me from the Philippines to Nebraska and many places in between. Those years instilled in me a deep sense of duty and the importance of working as part of a team toward a greater goal. Little did I know then how God would use this experience to prepare me for His service. The Bible tells us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28, NIV. After leaving the Air Force, I dove into the civilian world, starting in the airline industry. Beginning as a baggage handler, I worked my way up to Regional Vice President. Within five years, I oversaw 84 aviation accounts across the central United States. This rapid ascent taught me valuable lessons in leadership, perseverance, and the power of hard work. My career then took me through various industries – from manufacturing and distribution to retail distribution. For the last 13 years of my corporate career, I was serving as a General Manager for a big name, corporate supply chain distribution center. This role proved to be, not just the pinnacle of my corporate journey, but also a crucial steppingstone towards my future in ministry. The Stirring of a New Calling Despite the success and satisfaction, I found in my business roles, there was always a sense that something was missing. I’ve been a person of faith throughout my life, but it wasn’t until recent years that I began to feel a strong pull toward full-time ministry. This calling, however, didn’t come as a sudden epiphany. Rather, it was a gradual realization shaped by a series of life experiences and divine interventions. As I reflect on this period of my life, I’m reminded of the words of Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God was quietly preparing me for a significant change, even when I couldn’t see it. A pivotal moment in my journey came about 11 years ago when my company asked my wife and I to transfer from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Salem, Oregon. I was less than thrilled about the idea of moving to the Northwest. We had no family, no friends, no connections, no roots in Salem. However, this move, which initially seemed challenging, became a crucial step in God’s plan for our lives. During our short couple of years in Salem, my wife, who was a new believer at the time, joined a ladies’ LifeGroup. Through this group, she experienced tremendous growth in her faith and knowledge of God’s word. This period was transformative for both of us, as we watched God work in our lives in unexpected ways. Financial Peace and God’s Provision One of the most significant experiences during our time in Salem was our participation in Financial Peace University (FPU). At the time, I thought I was making all the right financial moves. I had a good job, made great money, and had investments. However, as we went through the class, I realized I was making some poor financial decisions. One verse that stood out to me was Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” The idea of being a slave to anyone, much less a lender, didn’t appeal to me. Inspired by Dave Ramsey’s teachings, my wife and I attacked our debt with “Gazelle Intensity”. We paid off both our cars, all of our credit cards, and a personal loan – everything except our house. I found such peace in this and would later discover this was a crucial step in preparing us for the leap of faith we would take down the road. Looking back, I can see how God was preparing us even then for the transition to full-time ministry. Without this financial freedom, the move from corporate America to ministry would have been much more challenging, if not impossible. The Path to Ministry After two years in Salem, we were transferred back to Ohio. During our time there, we had the opportunity to help a pastor friend start a new church in Hebron, Kentucky. My wife and I provided leadership to the teams there for about six months, helping them get up and running. This experience gave us a taste of what it was like to be involved in church planting and leadership. We also became LifeGroup leaders at our local church in Ohio. Our group grew from about eight people to 22, and it was beautifully diverse – young and old, married and single, people from all ethnicities. This experience taught me the joy of shepherding a small community and watching people grow in their faith. During this time of searching and growth, I found myself increasingly drawn to Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23-24: “Then he said to them all: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.’” These words challenged me to consider what it truly meant to follow Christ wholeheartedly. The Call Becomes Clear After 2.5 years in Ohio, we

Are You Rooted?

Rooted Shorewood Minooka Seneca Coal City The Village Christian Church

What Do We Need Roots For? “To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least-recognized need of the human soul” -Simone Weil, French Philosopher  Roots are one of the most important parts of the plant. Stretching into the soil, roots provide stability for the plant, allowing it to sustain high winds or trampling. They gather nutrients and water from the soil, feeding the plant and sustaining its life. They even store some of these nutrients to provide the plant with food in seasons of hardship. Healthy root systems can even ward off disease and keep a plant focused only on absorbing nutrients that are good for it. A few summers ago, my family took a trip to California and stood in awe in a forest of Redwoods. Redwoods are among the largest and tallest trees in the world. While their roots stay shallow in the soil, they spread 50–100 feet out from the tree. The roots intertwine themselves with the roots of all the other Redwood trees. This community of roots provide additional stability for the tree in storms and flooding.   What Do Roots Need To Survive? If you’ve ever gardened, taken a walk after a storm, watched the landscape change in times of drought, or seen crops decimated by bugs, you’ll realize that simply having roots is not all a plant needs to thrive. The roots have to stretch deep into the ground, and they have to be planted in the right kind of soil. They have to be watered and fertilized, and may even need to be surrounded by other plants that provide benefits to their well-being.   Growing up, my parents always kept a large garden in our backyard. As a child, I helped till the soil, plant the seeds, water, and harvest the vegetables. I used to love the fresh green beans and cucumbers, while my mom would eat tomatoes by the pound. The garden thrived, and it was something I believed I could replicate at my own home. Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, which also marks the 13th year we’ve been in our home. The first year we moved in, I planted a large garden in the back corner of our property. I watered it daily, my plants grew and flowered, and I became so excited about the fresh produce we would enjoy. As the vegetables began to grow, though, my plants began to shrivel. Some were eaten by beetles, deer, and rabbits. Some just dried up and sank back into the earth. I was so disappointed that all my hard work had amounted to nothing. I decided to stop planting things and, in fact, ripped out a bunch of plants around the house. Don’t Give Up – Dig In We put rocks in our landscaping, and I swore I wouldn’t plant again, as it was obviously something I wasn’t very good at. Sometimes, this is how our faith life can go. We try it for a season without laying any significant roots or really investigating how we can strengthen our faith. We come up fruitless. In our frustration, we don’t return to our faith or our relationship with God in a serious way. Because of fear that it won’t yield results, we may even become cynical or angry at God.   Scripture often provides metaphors between plants and our relationship with God. Within Scripture, we are compared to seeds that need planting in the right kind of soil, branches that need to stay connected to the Vine, and trees planted by streams of water if we remain focused on His ways.  Colossians 2:7 states, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness (NLT).”  Spiritual “Roots” Need Nourishment Too If you were to examine your life right now, where have you laid roots? Are you planted in soil that provides you nourishment and hope, or are your roots thirsting after something that leaves you dry and wanting more? When the wind blows and storms set in, are your roots planted firmly in the ground, or do you feel tossed about and unsettled? Have you surrounded yourself with other plants that enrich the soil, intertwining their roots with yours to help you stand strong and shield you, or are you attempting to stand alone and wish for the best?   Beginning September 11 at all campuses of The Village Christian Church, you will have the opportunity to spread your roots into good soil. To grow in a way that will be fruitful and long-lasting. To be planted in something stable and full of truth. The Village will be offering a program called Rooted for ten weeks beginning in September. And we will celebrate your growth on November 14. Find What You Are Missing During Rooted Our mission statement here at The Village is Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. Is your life is in a place where drastic change is needed, where you need to meet God face to face and invite Him into your heart? Rooted is the place for you. Do you know God, but need to grow in your relationship with Him and His believers? Rooted is the place for you. If you’ve been walking with God awhile, but you lack purpose and vision and don’t realize all the plans that God has for you, then Rooted is also the place for you.   For ten weeks, Rooted will walk all participants through the seven habits or disciplines of a relationship with God. Here at the Village, we have four core values: everybody grows, everybody serves, the Bible is our guide, and no boring here. The seven disciplines of Rooted will allow you to see these core values at play. Everybody will grow while learning how to pray and overcome strongholds in their lives, eventually learning to share their faith journey

Back To School Wisdom

Back To School Kids FamBlitz The Village Christian Church

The end of summer conjures many different emotions from different people, here is some back to school wisdom for you… Summer’s End As summer winds down, it’s a time to look back on all the memories—whether it’s enjoying countless popsicles, patching up scraped knees, or splashing around at the pool or beach with friends. There have been moments of joy, sibling squabbles, and countless hours of cheering on your kids in their favorite activities, including America’s beloved pastime, baseball. Many of us have also savored family vacations and cherished quality time together. For working families, you might be thinking, “No, summer can’t be over yet! We haven’t done everything we planned!” That feeling of wanting more time is completely natural. And for those who stay at home, perhaps you’re looking forward to the routine of school days and a bit more quiet time. Both feelings are valid, and it’s important to remember: you are a great parents, no matter which perspective you have. God chose you to be the parent to your kids, and He knows you are the perfect fit for them. New Beginnings As we transition from summer to the school year, let’s embrace this new season with joyful, God-filled hearts. Our children, especially the little ones, are incredibly observant and absorb everything they see us do. Starting the school year with genuine faith and a desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus can have a profound impact on our families. When we model a life of bold, faith-filled living, it sets an inspiring example for our kids. They notice how we handle stress, how we worship, and how we live out our faith. These moments leave a lasting impression. Matthew 5:13-16 reminds us: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Consider doing a family Bible study, praying together, listening to worship music, and having Jesus-centered conversations. Shine your light before your children and show them the joy of a faith-filled life. A fun way to grow in faith together is by attending family-friendly, Jesus-centered events. One such event is FamBlitz, which we will be hosting soon. FamBlitz is a live, Nickelodeon-style event that uses games and excitement to teach the whole family about Biblical principles. Parents and children play games together, learning and having fun while hearing the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect as a family through fun and laughter while growing in your faith. When your kids see you enjoying learning about Jesus, they’ll be inspired to do the same. Let your light shine brightly for them to see. Purchase Tickets for FamBlitz

Is God Right For Me?

Is God Right For Me The Village Christian Church

I, like many Christians before me, have gone through a lot of spiritual change and transformation and have asked myself, “Is God Right For Me?” As I’ve taken time to reflect lately, I thought that I’d share my story. I grew up at The Village, with incredible and loving parents, who are still to this day two of my greatest supporters. We went to church every Sunday. I would go to Sunday school or to “big church”. Throughout my childhood we would often talk about the message and its meaning, as well as the important aspects of being a Jesus follower. Fast-forward to seventh grade, and I got baptized! It was an amazing moment,  celebrated with my family, and was happy about my decision for the most part. There was a part of me that was filled with uncertainty. That was right before I went through what I like to call my “low spot”, which was eighth grade and my freshman year of high school. How Low Can You Go? A combination of toxic friends, a non-religious boyfriend, and stressful health issues followed by weight gain definitely put me in a low spot. I was seriously questioning if God even existed at all, often feeling uncomfortable at church, as if I didn’t belong or was an imposter. I was wondering if this whole God thing was really for me, and I decided that I would be just fine without him there. Uh-huh. I only felt empty, which pushed me away further. I was wondering how God could let me feel so empty and hollow if He really did love me. Fast-forward to January of Freshman year. I had a difficult breakup and just more emptiness. I finally told my parents about how lost I was, and they helped guide me in the right direction. They helped me to order my life, but I still hadn’t accepted that it was my struggling faith that was at the root of my problems. One Moment Changed Everything The emptiness persisted. Months later, in the spring of 2020, I had my moment, my epiphany, as I like to think of it. It was strangely sudden, and it caught me off guard, but I prayed. I don’t know why, it was over something trivial, but I remember thinking, “Thank you, God.” And that simple thought sparked this strange warmth in me. So I kept the conversation going, as if I were talking to my dad, just saying what was on my mind. I opened up my heart for the first time in ages. All of my regrets, pain, and secrets. Over the next few weeks, I prayed more often. Over the course of time, He cleansed me, of everything. I felt clean, even more so than what I felt at my baptism. I returned to Him, and He took me in with open arms. Since then, I’ve wavered on occasion. I go long stretches without praying very frequently, and then inevitably, I feel more overwhelmed and stressed than I otherwise would have. But there have been several moments, such as my mom’s cancer, where I shared my pain with Him, and His comfort has been greater than I could’ve imagined. A Pleasant Surprise The more I involve Him in my life, the more I find that I am content, and I see more joy around me, even in times of pain. I’ve learned that no pain I can experience can eclipse God’s goodness. When I go to Him, I feel at peace. For those of you who are wondering if this whole God thing is right for you, I might suggest that you take a moment to seek earnestly. No matter where you are in life, He will take you. He wants you; He wants your heart. His hand is always outstretched towards you, waiting for you. Don’t be afraid to take it. You may be surprised by where your life goes from there. Everyone is in  a different place in life, there several places you can get connected. Learn More About Baptism Find a Lifegroup Serve At The Village How Can We Pray For You?

What Do Waiting Rooms And The Church Have In Common?

Waiting Room Church Suffer Celebrate The Village Christian Church

What do waiting rooms and the church have in common? Last week, I was in a hospital surgical waiting room for 10 hours. What an interesting place to observe. I listened to the man checking in the families give the same speech dozens of times. Here’s your free voucher for a small drink and directions to the cafeteria, and the lockers are over there. It was nearly the same, word-for-word, each time. He was very friendly. Some of the visitors came in as families, all anxiously waiting to hear how the surgery went. Most were by themselves. Some fell asleep. Others were constantly calling or texting, passing on updates to family and friends after they had received updates themselves. Four times, if I remember right, there was what sounded like a nursery lullaby over the PA system. New birth was celebrated throughout the hospital. As surgeries finished, most visitors were greeted by a smiling nurse saying, “All went well, you can expect to see them soon.” A few were greeted by the surgeon, and their update was given in another room, behind a closed door. Great news, good news, and bad news given throughout the day—that was what stayed on my mind the most from that experience over the last few days. And it got me thinking about the church. Everyone Is Welcome At Church Some people show up on Sunday mornings after a terrible week, or even a terrible season. They buried a parent, marriage is full of tension, or the kids have been a struggle. Maybe all the above. Others show up full of joy, God has provided yet again! The friend they invited finally accepted and came with, and they had a great conversation about faith on the way over. The new job came with a pay raise and better hours. There was no fighting on the car ride over, and the kids got ready early enough to grab coffee on the way in. People are walking in, bringing great news, good news, and bad news, and it reminded me of what Paul said to the church after writing about what the church is: a body. Near the end of his description, he wrote, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” If I’m honest, it’s one of my favorite parts of the church. To the best of our ability, no one will suffer alone here. We may stumble over our words or not know what to say at all, but we suffer with you, even if we’re far from suffering. And we want to celebrate you, even if we’re in the midst of suffering. There’s something beautiful about that, so keep your head up and your eyes open. Look for those suffering and celebrating people—they’re all over the church, because they are the church. Suffer and celebrate together as you both look to Jesus, perhaps for very different reasons, because that’s what we do as the church. Connect In A Lifegroup. If you don’t go further than a church service, you’re missing out on all that God created for you! Life is better together so find a group and get connected.

That’s Why I Choose Kids

Kid Village is a safe, fun-filled place for infants - grade 3 at The Village Christian Church

Kids’ hearts are pure and genuine, and well, they just get it. They have an unwavering faith and curiosity. Kids often have a natural curiosity about the world around them, including spiritual matters. A children’s pastor gets to witness and nurture this curiosity, answering questions about God, faith, and morality in ways that are understandable and meaningful to young minds. One night, during Pulse 45 student ministry, I witnessed an amazing act of kindness with my fifth-grade boys. I have a group that is highly competitive, and they dog each other constantly. We were playing gaga ball, and everybody was having a great time and laughing and being silly. I have one little boy who is quiet, shy, and awkward, yet shows up every week and participates. Usually, he doesn’t win anything. As I watched kids get out of the game, I noticed a group of four boys who huddled real quick between rounds, and then I saw them leave the game one by one. It was down to two boys, the super-competitive one and the shy, not-so-athletic one. The super-athletic boy lost the game on purpose, making my other little guy the winner. Fifth grade boys don’t normally act that way. But because of their love for Jesus, it’s easy for them to recognize and make a decision to allow something like that to happen. I was so touched and moved by their gesture. That’s why I choose kids. I receive messages from parents, that say, “Hey, what’s that song that you guys sing in Kid Village? My child keeps requesting it because they want to listen to it in the car.” Recently, a parent sent me a message that said, “My daughter and I pray before every single one of her gymnastics meets. I ask her what she wants to pray about, and she tells me. It’s usually me who does the praying. But today she prayed out loud, and was not afraid because you told her to go out and be bold. A parent shared with me that their daughter is president of the kindness club in their neighborhood. She was currently having the first meeting of the club and planning out ways that they are going to be kind. When you walk alongside a child who’s parent passes away, and they stand up and say at the visitation, “My dad is not dead, he lives on because He is with Jesus.” My very favorite is when a parent tells you that their daughter wants to go into ministry because of the impact the church has had on them. Matthew 19:14 says: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Kids Are Filled With Joy In Simplicity The simple, unguarded moments of joy and discovery that children experience can be a powerful reminder of the beauty in the world. It reinforces the values of faith, hope, and love in their purest forms. Kid spiritual growth is a journey. One that involves helping kids understand the importance of kindness, forgiveness, and community, and seeing these values reflected in their actions and interactions. Working with kids also means facing the challenges they encounter, from family issues to personal struggles. But walking alongside kids, I help navigate these difficulties with faith and resilience. When you work with kids, there is a reward of influence. One of the most fulfilling aspects of being a children’s pastor is seeing the long-term impact of your work. Influencing children in a positive, faith-filled direction can shape their lives and the lives of those around them for years to come. Kids also teach me. I often find that I learn as much from the kids as the kids do from me. The honesty, openness, and fresh perspective of kids can inspire and challenge adults to see their faith and the world in new ways. Check out Kid Village  and Pulse 45 at all 3 of our campuses.

How Do You Share Your Faith In Jesus?

Share your faith Lifegroups Discussion Guides One At A Time The Village Christian Church

Do you feel a responsibility to share your faith in Jesus with those that are close to you? How can you encourage others to have faith in Jesus too? Who’s First? We had to leave the house for family pictures at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday. I have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. Between the three of them, they must have been in the bathroom for hours. Outfits. Hair. Make-up. All the stuff girls do to get ready. My girls are still young enough that they need their mom to do a lot of that for them. She had a busy morning. Would you like to guess what time I got in the shower? If you guessed 10:40 a.m., you’re not right, but you’re not that far off either. Christmas gifts work the same way in our house. My wife’s Christmas list includes me, the girls, our parents, a niece, extended family, work gifts, teacher gifts, and likely a bunch of other people I’m not even aware of. There may have been a few times when the both of us were thanked for giving a gift, and I didn’t even know what it was until it was unwrapped. She does a great job. My list is short. It’s her. Even then, I’ve had some off years. Is that how your family dynamic is when it comes to things like family pictures and Christmas gifts? One person only has to get themselves ready. Easy-peasy. No stress. The other is not just getting everyone else ready, but getting everything for everyone else ready. Invite People To The Party One is for themselves. One is for others. Which perspective do you hold when it comes to your faith and knowing Jesus? There’s a difference between viewing your faith as something that is only your own and something you lovingly want others around you to have. Your relationship with Jesus must be incredibly personal. It will not be judged based on your parents’ beliefs, what your Christian friends believe, or what kind of people you follow on social media. It’s between you and Jesus. But, God calls us to care about more than ourselves when it comes to developing that faith. We have to keep our eyes open for others. We have to help others reach that same faith. The way someone likely helped you do. Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). We are told to love and serve others (John 13:34-35 and Mark 10: 43-45). We are told to train up the next generation to know God (Psalm 78:4-6 and Titus 2:4-6). That doesn’t mean we neglect our own faith, but it means we have a bigger perspective on what living out that faith means in the first place. It’s not just for you. It’s for others around you, too. There are plenty of passages throughout the Bible that compare the afterlife in heaven to a massive feast, celebrating with God and His people (Isaiah 25:6-9, Matthew 26:29, Luke 14:15 and Luke 22:29-30). May it be your goal and heart’s desire to not only get to that feast for yourself, but to take as many with you as possible. Check out the whole series “One At A Time” to learn about how to love others the way Jesus did. You can do an in depth study with your Lifegroup, a friend, your spouse or by yourself with the One At A Time Discussion Guides.

It’s Time To Get Rooted In Your Faith

 “This is the first time I’ve been honest with another person about my struggles.” “Before I felt like there were a lot of toxins in my life. I am feeling loved by the Lord and am happier after working through Rooted.” “I used to want to control everything in my life. Rooted has helped me to lean on my faith and surrender it all to God.” These are huge, life changing statements! In Rooted there were people who weren’t sure what they thought about God and hadn’t accepted Jesus when they started. There were also people that were long time Christians who needed to be refocused and recommitted to following Jesus. We had people that were lonely and looking to find community. Rooted changed all of that. It provided a new perspective. What Is Rooted It is hard to explain the journey called Rooted, but here are the key points of what it is: 10 weeks of intentionally serving with, praying with, and growing your relationship with God and the people in your group. Asking questions and receiving answers to BIG questions. Learning how to do the thing that many Christians are afraid or unsure of, which is sharing Jesus with other people. Share what Jesus has done in your life and practice telling your story in a safe environment. “I loved the camaraderie I experienced in Rooted. I loved the diversity of backgrounds, thoughts and opinions, arriving at the same common place and goal.” – Rooted Graduate Some people came to Rooted because they were signed up without their knowledge, some came ready to learn, some, unsure of what it would be and if it would hold any benefit for them. There were even a few people that came because they heard the announcement wrong and thought it was something else entirely! 10 % of the room dropped out over the 10-week period for various reasons. 90% collectively arrived at a place of thanksgiving, gratitude and joy. They had a stronger knowledge of God, who He is and how He speaks to them. This group was able to explore their purpose, why He allows suffering, how and why we pray, serve, and most of all, how very loved we are by our Father in Heaven. Take the plunge, make the commitment. If you are willing to follow the experience for 10 weeks, you will receive a maximum impact in your life. It is the best odds ever! Now is the time to experience real Life Change, Life Growth and Life Purpose! Learn more about Rooted…

Are You Afraid To Pray Big Prayers?

Pray Big, Pray Bold, Be confident in the Lord

What kind of prayers do you pray? Do you go all out and pray those big prayers with boldness? Or, do you pray within the limits of what you think you are capable of? If so, you are limiting the God who is limitless! Think Bigger What kind of kid were you? Were you a dreamer, or were you confined by the limits of your mind? My oldest son had the opportunity at age 7 to have a Make a Wish. The hospital that we received treatment had set us up with representatives from Make a Wish, and we had a meeting with them, my son, myself and my husband. It was quite memorable. They approached my son and explained this idea in terms that he would understand at his age. “I remember the woman saying whatever you can possibly think of that you would want, think bigger. Think as big as you can!” My husband and I looked at each other with a knowing side eye. Clearly this woman does not know our son. He does not need any encouragement to dream big. We knew this conversation was about to get good, and it did not disappoint. Evan’s first wish was a limo driver for life. How did a 7-year-old who had a mother who drove him everywhere he needed to go think to wish for this, you ask? We were not sure either. I guess a limo was a huge step up from the Chevy Traverse I was ubering him around in, but the look on the woman’s face was priceless. She had to find a way to break the news to him that it was not a wish her organization was capable of granting. Keep Thinking She opened herself up again for a second attempt. He made a counteroffer that included an installation of an indoor outdoor pool in our yard. He went on to explain how cool it would be to get in the pool from the inside and swim under the wall, and then be instantly enjoying his outdoor pool as well. It was hard for my husband and I to keep a poker face as we watched intently on how she would gracefully let him down a second time. She was clearly experienced at dealing with children and set the stage for one more attempt at a wish that we could all agree on and would also make him happy. He was unfazed by his previous two rejected wishes and continued to dream big, just as he was originally instructed. I could tell in his voice that this request was indeed a third option, but would still satisfy. With all the confidence in the world, he decided to settle on an RV/motor home. We had a camper at the time, but it was a pull behind, and he could not ride in it, or most importantly, could not use the restroom while we were travelling. At this point, the woman realized that she was clearly underestimating this little person, and she gently referred to the written rules of Make A Wish, which only forbids a few things. They will not pay off mortgages, purchase vehicles, or purchase motor homes. My thought was that this clause was inserted for a reason. Evan wasn’t the biggest dreamer they had ever seen. Now We’re Getting Somewhere She suggested that maybe he wished for something like a trip to Disney World. He thought for a moment. It was definitely on his bucket list, but he was willing to follow her train of thought, and the two of them settled on a family vacation to a Beaches resort with a limo ride to the airport, since the promise of a limo driver for life was off the table. As I reflect on this story, I think of my own 7-year-old self. I do not think I would have been brave and confident enough to ask for something so big. I would have had many self limiting thoughts. Furthermore, I would not have wanted to put anyone out, even though they were offering. I would probably have wished for a bicycle and had the woman tell me to wish bigger. Don’t Hold Back As an adult, I find myself still holding back in so many ways. I am reluctant to wish big, to dream big and, most importantly, to pray big. I realized very recently that I pray small, sad little prayers. Not only that, but I have been through some hardships and I tend to assume the worst. So, I want to be prepared for hardship, pain, loss, and disappointment. If I pray tiny prayers, then I do not put myself in the position to be let down by God. It occurred to me that with this self-limiting mindset, I am often falling short of what God is willing to do. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Mark Batterson author of “Circle Maker” said “I would rather pray really big and get half of it than pray really tiny and get all of it.” So ask yourself, are you confident in the Lord? Pray big!! Pray boldly!! You may ask for a limo driver for life and end up with an unforgettable family vacation on the beach. That is definitely better than a bike! Do you need prayer? Submit Your Prayer Request and our Prayer Warriors will pray for and with you.

Time Well Spent

Time for Change

Half Empty Or Half Full COVID-19 has certainly changed our lives. We have been on a Shelter-in-Place order for 3 weeks. How are you doing with that?  I have talked to people who are thoroughly enjoying the slower pace, time with their families, and others who are ready to tear their hair out. I’ve spoken with those that feel very connected in groups and some that feel lost, unsure and without an outlet for these thoughts and feelings. Whichever side of the spectrum you are on (or anywhere in between) I want you to know that it is okay!  We are all different spirits who are beautifully and uniquely made. We are going to handle this incredible disruption different. Opportunities In View I am a unique personality blend. I am a hopeful realist and hold out hope for the best-case scenario and prepare for the worst.  It’s my belief that we have an opportunity here to look at some things in our lives that need to be addressed. Our normal routines and time schedules have been disrupted. What a fantastic opportunity! Do you know how long it takes to break bad habits or to build new habits? Many studies say 21 days. That is about where we are in this Shelter-in-Place Order. It has been extended to the end of the month. That is 21 days too! What if we take the next 21 days and break any bad habits we have and institute new ones? According to, “One popular method to build habits is called the 21/90 rule. The rule is simple enough. Commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 straight days. After three weeks, the pursuit of that goal should have become a habit. Once you’ve established that habit, you continue to do it for another ninety days.” I love being productive and active in times of uncertainty. We are all in this together, so let’s grow and develop through these circumstances together. Believe me, I am taking this situation seriously. I’m praying in agreement with my friends and church for God to heal the land of COVID-19. I don’t want people to suffer with this illness or lives to be lost. I’m grieving with those who are losing hours, and jobs and with the mothers and fathers who are trying to work from home while trying to be teachers for their children and keep them lovingly entertained. My heart goes out to the lonely and isolated. I don’t want anyone to be alone. God’s Will Be Done I am also praying for God’s will to be done above my will. It is often in times of darkness, despair and confusion that people to cry out to the Creator of the Universe for answers. I want people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus to seek Him for the answers they are looking for. What if it is only being at the end of our ourselves that we will reach out to God? I also want those of us who know Jesus, but may take time with Him or each other for granted, to find a new found gratitude and renewed relationship with the Author of our Faith. This song has been my anthem during this, “Let it Rain” by Crowder and Mandisa. The lyrics are, “So let it rain, let it pour, Lord I need you more and more.  Let it rain, rain down on me.  Every day, whatever You want, not my will but yours, Lord.  Let it rain, rain down on me.” I trust you God.

Action Required, Fuel Level Low

Action required low fuel light

I posted a funny meme to my social media with the intent to tease my husband. It said something clever about “….my wife when I borrow her car and she knows it is out of fuel.” This is a recurring discussion at our house because I am notorious for having low fuel in my car. I play this mental game with myself because I know exactly how far I can go on the least amount of fuel. I knew the meme would make my husband laugh, but I did not expect the number of comments I would get on this silly post. The division was crystal clear. The majority of wives were with me and played this skillful game of “how far can I go after the low fuel light comes on”. The voice of husbands was much different as they agreed that this phenomenon was ridiculous. They banded together to have a loud voice of reason on this controversial topic. Some husbands threw out facts about the damage to our car engines from such neglect. The wives, however, were unaffected by this logic. They countered with reasons why stopping to fuel up was not conducive to the insane schedule of a mom. Others retaliated with brilliant comebacks like “fake news” and “still don’t care”. This thread carried on for days. I have never laughed so hard while connecting with my social media friends. The wives began to tag me in photos of their low fuel lights. I got funny messages about how their day was focused on getting errands done with the low fuel light on. This was definitely the comic relief we all needed during a busy week, in light of heavy world news, but to me, it became more than just a funny Facebook thread. Pushed Too Far On Low Fuel One morning I posted a picture of my low fuel light that said, “action required.” It was telling me I had pushed too far and needed to address the issue of an empty tank. I was humored by the next option it gave me, “dismiss.” It was warning me that I should take action, but ultimately I could ignore my need and keep pushing through. It became clear to me that this is how I often live my life, running on fumes. When the wives were asked “why” they do not just fill up their tanks, they immediately responded with a list of, in my opinion, solid reasons for avoiding the gas station. Many were  moms and traveled with a carload of tired, hungry, crying, fighting kids. Most days, survival is at the top of our list, trumping other important things like fuel. Other women stated that they were usually running late and did not have time to stop or did not want to get out of the car. No Excuses As funny as this was when we were pleading our case to our husbands, I realized that we use these excuses in life when it comes to being spiritually full. We run from meeting to meeting, ball game to ball game, and we are running on empty. We are in survival mode; trying to get by and survive the day. We neglect the things that are so important to us like rest, fuel (good food), and time with Jesus. We put everyone else’s needs above our own until we are like a wrung-out rag. This definitely applies to the men too, so I don’t mean to be biased in focusing on women, however, I am one, so I have the most experience with it. Women, wives, mothers; we tend to find ourselves in different areas of life where we are serving others. It’s in our God-given nature, but we are not supernaturally refueled. Even though some of us may appear to be superheroes at times, we are not. We need to be fueled with rest, good food, relationships, and most importantly we need Jesus!! Every single day we need Jesus. Even if it is only a few minutes in the early morning before the herd is awake, or the couple of miles on your morning commute. Make time to refuel. Different Methods To Fuel Up I have found there are a million ways to do this. Depending on what my day is like, I use a different method. Some days I’m in my car blasting a worship song, and others I read God’s Word. If I need wisdom and content, I will listen to podcasts, or sermons on the radio if I’m in the car. Sometimes I just sit in a quiet room and pray. I need to isolate myself so that I can turn down the loud demands of the world around me and hear the still small voice of the Father who created me. If you have ever flown anywhere you know that at the beginning of the flight is the safety talk. In the case of emergency, the oxygen masks will come down. You are advised to put your mask on first before helping anyone, including your children. There is a good reason for this. If you are not oxygenated you will not be alive for long, and you won’t be any good to anyone. Let that sink in! So, as much as I hate to betray my loyal gang of gas station rebel wives, I have to admit, the husbands were right; just please don’t tell them I said that. Taking action and being well-fueled equips you for the unexpected things life throws your way. A Better Option Have you ever been stuck in an unexpected traffic jam on the highway with low fuel? It’s nerve-racking. You pray that you don’t run out of gas sitting on the interstate. A better option is to take action and fill up your tank so that you are safe and prepared for the unexpected. “I pray that God, the source of hope, will FILL you completely with joy and peace because you trust

Fasting Is A Way To Grow

Fasting Is A Way to Focus on God

Fasting may be a new concept to many, but it is a powerful tool that God gave us to grow in relationship with Him. When we put off a physical need, and we focus our energy on God, we learn to trust Him. It is when we acknowledge that He is the one true source of life that He moves us deeper into a place of dependence. Of course, God designed us to eat food, and he provides the food we need to live. Therefore, fasting is a great way to re-set and re-focus. It’s a way for God to remind us that He will take care of us and sustain us when we rely on Him. I fasted in January with the Elder team and am doing so again right now! When I fast I experience grace to draw closer to God and spend more time in prayer. Of course, it’s a struggle, but that’s the beauty of it. We need God’s grace to sustain us, otherwise we are weak on our own apart from Him. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert to begin His ministry. After 40 days with no food, Jesus was undoubtedly hungry. He experienced the same physical needs as we do. When Jesus was weak, Satan tempted Him to turn the rocks into bread to eat. When we are weak, God can show His strength in us. Read Jesus’ response to Satan: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4 How fitting that Jesus’ answer was directly from the word of God in Deuteronomy 8:3. In this verse, the Israelites were wandering the desert with no food to eat. God provided manna from heaven each day, but only enough for that day. The Israelites had no choice but to trust God for their daily provision and sustenance. When Jesus responded to Satan with this verse, he declared that God is the ultimate source of life. Even if he ate the food that tempted him at that moment, it would not sustain him in the long run. God is our sustainer. The story of Daniel is another great example of God-honoring fasting. He was serving a wicked king, who had taken him captive. “Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank.” – Daniel 1:8 Daniel put his dependence on God above his physical need and desire for delicious and filling food. He chose to fast from all food and drink except for water and vegetables. In the next few verses it says, “God gave Daniel favor”, and “Daniel became stronger and healthier than the other men who took all of the king’s food and wine.” Daniel put God before his natural desires, and God blessed him for it. I believe God wants to bless each one of us in the same way. When we choose to humble ourselves before God, rely on Him, and deny certain desires of the flesh, God responds with a breakthrough, answered prayers, and favor! I hope you are encouraged to trust God in this way, and ask Him for help in giving up something ordinary for a time, in order to gain something extraordinary for a lifetime- a closer walk with God!

Be A Disciple – Take The Next Step

Learning to be a disciple at The Village Christian Church

What is a Disciple? I would define a disciple as someone following Jesus, who helps others to find and follow Jesus. Finding Jesus can be a process and learning to follow Him is part of that, but teaching someone to find and follow Him may seem like another ballgame altogether! We don’t just automatically know what it looks like to live a life of someone who loves Jesus, we need to learn. Thankfully, there are many incredible options available for us at the Village; attending church and learning from the Pastor’s teaching, studying the Bible, the Rooted Experience, serving and joining a Lifegroup. Matthew 28:18-20 calls us to make disciples, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” How Do You Do It? We typically understand the “what and why”, but the “how” can be tricky. What if we are asked questions, we don’t know the answer to? What if they are offended? We can easily be left feeling unsure, insecure or scared to share, however feeling equipped can make all the difference. Personal Discipleship After you have taken advantage of the opportunities listed above, the next step could be a personal discipleship. I love these words from one of our attenders who just finished her personal discipleship, “I had just ended Rooted; which significantly changed my perspective of God, Jesus, and my life. I wasn’t ready to disconnect from the deep learning Rooted offered, so I reached out for an option to continue learning. One of those options was a one-year personal discipleship with Sarah, one of the Pastors. As I started the discipleship, I was uncertain about what it would entail, but I knew it would be a commitment. Each week I learned so much more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Any question I had and real life experiences I was facing, Sarah utilized the study to improve my understanding of who I desired to be as a follower of Jesus and who my identity is in God. In addition, I felt challenged and God made me focus on things I did not want to face. Through this process God helped me learn to forgive myself and begin the process of my new life in Him. The book we used did such a great job at detailing every area of living a Christian life. It explained questions that I did not know I had and frequent questions people have about being a Christian. It  empowered me to believe I am adequate to spread the Word of God and provided a way for me to express my daily life differently than the world. This study was a foundation to grow far bigger in God than I ever imagined. Now I know the Holy Spirit is giving me the strength, knowledge, and love to reach others. I cannot express how amazing an opportunity it has been to do this discipleship. I truly believe this is a blessing all people need to experience so they can honestly see the bones of what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. Leave all the world’s misconceptions of what a follower of Jesus looks like and open one’s eyes to the humbling love of God.”  Samantha Tyree What’s Next? Are you a devoted follower of Jesus? Who are you discipling? Are you willing to commit to walking with someone as a mentor and discipler? Or do you feel like you need a personal discipleship as a mentee or disciple? My prayer is that we will have people in each of these groups that will step forward. Imagine the steps we could take for the Kingdom of God with hundreds of followers feeling equipped to share and disciple others. The impact would be exponential!

Be Strong Even When It’s Hard

Be strong even when it's hard

Have you ever noticed that anything that really matters in life is not easy? Parenting, marriage, relationships…they all take work. There are peaks and valleys and it’s not easy. The fact is, following Jesus can be hard. Our culture is not focused on Jesus even though that is something that really matters.  I was recently at an event for Heart for Africa where a man said these words: When we follow Jesus, we don’t do so to make our lives easier.  We follow Jesus and he leads us to make our lives matter! The Bible is a great place to find encouragement, especially during those hard times. I love the encouragement we receive from the writer in 1 Corinthians 15: So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (1 Corinthians 15:58 New Living Translation) Now let’s break that verse down so you can apply it to your everyday life:          Be STRONG (even when it’s hard)          Be IMMOVABLE (don’t move off from what you know is God’s Will)          ALWAYS work enthusiastically (your life, your work matters)          It’s USEFUL (not useless) when we live our lives for God. Feeling a little down and need a pick me up? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days. Know that God is calling you to make an important step for Him? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days Feeling like you don’t measure up or that God can’t use you? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days. Immerse yourself in that verse for the next 30 days…every day. See what happens and let me know. You matter to God and He wants to encourage you. Your life matters because of Jesus and His love for you and His leadership in you. Be strong and immovable.

Trust Your Gut

When you get a no, trust that God has a good plan for you and He is protecting you in every situation.

I should have trusted my gut and went with it. It was Friday afternoon in late October. I was in the middle of a difficult recovery from my second knee surgery. I could not drive, so my father-in-law was my chauffeur. We just got home from a long day of physical therapy and doctors appointments in a town forty minutes away from home. My pain meds were wearing off and I was struggling to get up my front steps on crutches. My three kids and mother-in-law met me at the door. The kids were excited and full of the kind of energy that 3 pm on a Friday brings. They were telling me stories and firing questions at me faster than I could process. When You Have To Decide My phone kept dinging, so I checked it to see that my oldest son, a 6th grader at the time, was being invited to a drive-in movie with his friend. The friend’s mom was texting me to get permission to take him. However, the movie they were going to see was a scary movie, that we typically would not allow our son to watch. My husband was at a Cubs game and I could not reach him to get a second opinion on this decision. My gut said NO! Making matters even more intense, the other mom texted me again saying, “What did you decide? No pressure, but we are in your driveway.” No pressure huh? This made my decision even harder. I tend to be very strict with the rules in our house and had only seconds to go over the pros and cons. I felt like caving into the pressure of not wanting to always be the “fun killer” so I told my son yes and sent him out the door. The Consequences When he returned late that night, everything fell apart! He was terrified by the movie he saw and he vomited from binging on soda and junk food. He slept in my bed and neither of us rested that night. The nightmares continued for months and he was even afraid during the day. Not only did I feel terrible because he was struggling with fear, I felt awful because I knew what was best for him, but I compromised my rules due to the circumstances of the moment. As we worked through the consequences of this bad decision, I was reminded of how God cares for us. So many times we think we know what we want in the moment. We pray for things that seem like they will bring us joy, but we, like my child, don’t realize the consequences of the answer that we want. I knew this movie was scary and that my son was prone to be easily influenced by scary things. I knew he shouldn’t watch it, but I let him anyway. God Always Knows God always knows what is best for us. He knows the long term impact of things in our lives. When He says NO, we need to trust that He knows what He is doing because He loves us and protects us from things we are not even aware of. I use this example frequently now with my pre-teen son. He wants to do things, go places, watch certain things, and many times the answer is No. When he’s tempted to give me an attitude and accuse me of being put on earth to ruin his fun, I remind him to trust me. I’m protecting him from dangers that he is too small to understand. The same is true for our Father in Heaven. Are you getting a “NO” from God? Or a “not now” I challenge you to lean into that No. Trust that God has a good plan for you and He is protecting you in every situation. ‘For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you’ says the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’. Jeremiah 29:11 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Communion Is All About The Heart

Communion is all about your heart

The Last Supper Go out, order in, buy a few pizzas, cook a big meal? It only took 3 rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors to make the decision, but a fancy meal at home it was.  An Easter dinner in our home complete with ham, sweet potato casserole, spoon-bread, and all the fixings, was just what I craved. What is it that makes these meals so special?  I don’t think it’s the food. I think it’s the heart. How often do we set out to make what we know is supposed to be a special meal? The mundane every-night dinner is more of a chore than a gift, and that’s what this Easter meal was for me, a gift to my family. When you really think on it, that’s what the Last Supper was, a gift from Jesus to His family. A special moment that came from the heart. It was more about the heart of Jesus than it was about what they consumed. Even today, the heart of that meal means more than the bread and juice. The community that was shared at that table and today in our church home. The closeness of the bond that they shared, and that we now share. The Communion Moment There are times when I crave more from this moment in church; I think that’s my Roman Catholic upbringing. There are times when I want the formal phrases, the transformation of the host and the wine, the familiarity of the ritual. But those words aren’t what Jesus gave us. Those rituals weren’t the purpose of that meal. The only thing Jesus asked was that we would share the bread and wine in remembrance of Him. Luke 22:19 says, “And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” There is no ritual, no fancy wording, just a simple statement of love and a request. I think back on how shocking it was to be in a church where there was no ceremony, ritual, or buildup to communion. No hoops to jump through. No sacrament you have to take to be able to accept communion. It was odd, and then it became normal. Why should there be anything that delays us from fulfilling Jesus’ request? When you come to communion with the right heart and a desire to remember all that Jesus has done for us, what more weight could or should be placed on this moment? Then I had children…and all of a sudden I felt a need for rules. Guidelines. A set of directions for how to bring them to this moment of sharing in the community of Christ. My Southern Baptist husband was no help. At all. His upbringing makes him say crazy things like they’ll come to it in their own time. Or it has to be their choice. Wait, what?! And all over again, like Baptism (that’s a whole ‘nother story), I am rethinking what communion means, what our part in it is. I realized that I really counted on having a planned set of steps for the kids to climb. Instead, I have to follow the path of faith alone. I can prepare myself and I can prepare our children to understand what communion is. Why it is. What it means. It has all been given to us, it’s all in the Bible:             While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat, this is my body.”             Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26: 26-28 When Are You Ready? So then, how can we know when we, or our children, are ready to take part in communion? It’s about the heart. It always has been. When we understand the gift of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. When we can absolutely do what Jesus has asked, to remember Him, we are ready. Whether we are young, old, or in between, all we need is a heart prepared to remember and give thanks for the gift that Jesus is to us.

Does God Answer Prayer?

A common question I hear is, “Does God answer prayer?” Here are the facts: God wants to hear from you, and  He wants to know your concerns. God is not a magician. A magician makes things appear as though they are not, a deceiver. You have a God that is a God of truth! God is real, straightforward, and there is no instability in Him. The fear of the Lord, which refers to respect, not submission, is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. – Proverbs 9:10 (NIV) The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding. – Proverbs 4:7 (NIV) God Always Keeps His Promises God answers prayers in his timing. That answer may be a Yes!, No! or Wait! It might not be when you want him to answer, and the answers might not be what you want to hear, but He is ALWAYS on time! God knows what’s best for you and always answers your prayers. There are a couple of things that can keep Him from giving you what you ask for: #1.  Sin, which is acting outside of the will of God. #2. When you’re asking for something that goes against the will of God. Remember God knows what’s best for you, but because sin separates you from Him you must turn to his Son, Jesus Christ, who paid the price…the ultimate price for your sins. When you do, then the roadblock is removed and God hears all of your prayers! Isn’t that great? Are you ready for a real relationship with Jesus? This relationship with Jesus is the direct prayer line and will bring you to great joy and immeasurable peace. When all else has failed, don’t you think it’s time to give Jesus a try? A real try! God loves you and has a plan for success FOR YOU! The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. – John 10:10 (NIV) But understand this, man is sinful and separated from God. We have all done, said, or thought bad things, which the Bible calls sin. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. – Romans 3:23 (NIV) There Is Good News God sent his son to die for your sins! God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8 (NIV) Christ died for you, but it did not end there. He was buried and raised on the third day. Now, take thought to this next key scripture giving understanding as to why you pray in the name of Jesus. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. – John 14:6 Salvation can’t be bought, earned or bargained for. We are saved only by God’s grace when we have faith in his Son Jesus Christ. All you have to do is believe you are a sinner, believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and ask for forgiveness. Then, turn away from your sins, which is called repentance. Jesus Christ loves you and knows you. What matters to him is the attitude of your heart, your honesty. God answers your prayer through you receiving the gift of salvation. An Important Prayer Try praying this most important prayer and see what happens: I pray in the name of Jesus as I confess I am a sinner. I ask for forgiveness. I believe with my whole heart, mind , and everything within me, that Jesus is your only son. I believe that he died for my sins. I believe you, Oh God, raised him to life again! I want to trust you Jesus as my savior and follow you as Lord of my Life from this moment foward. Lord in the name of Jesus, be shepherd of my life and help me as I learn of you and do your will. It is in your son Jesus’ name I pray…Amen Read What Is Prayer? Part 1… Read What Is Prayer? Part 2…

When Tragedy Strikes

When you feel like a wave is taking over when tragedy strikes

2017 has been a tough year with disaster and tragedy becoming a common occurrence. Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, shootings, attacks, and the list goes on and on. You haven’t recovered from the last one when the next one hits. So much loss, so much devastation, so much hurt. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, and sometimes you may feel like the battle is being lost. Can you relate? Do you ask yourself, “When will it stop? Why does this happen? What am I supposed to do?” Evil is real. It’s a cold, hard fact of our world. You can’t run from it, hide from it, or escape it. We’ll never know why the bad stuff happens. It doesn’t make sense.  What Can I Do? When that evil rears it’s ugly head, take time to remember. Remember that in the end God wins. Remember that God’s love is stronger. Remember that God’s grace is bigger. Remember that God’s plan is better. Take time to turn to God’s Word, the Bible, for direction and encouragement. Download the Youversion app on your phone, tablet, or computer. You can find reading plans based on different topics to help you with your specific questions. Add Bible time to your calendar, schedule it in and make it a priority. If you spend time every day in God’s Word, you will see a difference. Guaranteed. Try it and see what happens. Pray. Then pray some more. And when you’re done, pray again. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. -Romans 12:21 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.  – John 16:33 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.  – Psalm 34:18 In his kindness God has called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.  – 1 Peter 5:10 Sometimes we don’t know what to say to our kids in the midst of the tragedy. Here is a resource that maybe helpful to you: How To Talk To Your Kids About Tragedy

A Divine Appointment Part 2

A Divine Appointment. Blog By Sarah O'Sullivan, Connections Pastor at The Village Christian Church in Minooka, Illinois

I listened intently as she spoke about her past. So much pain, layer upon layer of it. I kept thinking about how incredible God is and how he sees each one of us, exactly where we are at any given moment. With this thought in mind I dialed into the conversation, “Lord, what do you want me to say to her? She just ran into my car, we are both stuck on the side of the road. This is an opportunity to share who You are.” I considered different ways to approach delivering the Good News. The longer I considered it, the more nervous I became. “She is going to think I am nuts,” I thought to myself. She had been through so much and as I listened, there was so much that I could relate to and remember from personal experience. I remember everything from my former life, I am just no longer a slave to it. I was set free by the Blood of Jesus and she needed to be set free too. That had to be more important than her “possibly” thinking I was crazy. I looked at her and asked her if she knew that Jesus loved her. “Do you know that Jesus loves you right where you are? Right here in the mess, but he loves you too much to leave you here.  He wants you to give all this pain to Him. If you do, he will turn it into something beautiful. If you will hand over the ashes of brokenness, he will give you beauty.  Tomorrow doesn’t have to look like today. You have a choice to make. Choose Jesus, He already chose you.” I handed her an invite card to our church. I told her that I wasn’t just inviting her to church but more importantly, into a relationship with her Lord and Savior. Then I exhaled……… At this point the officer walked up with our paperwork from the accident. We stepped away and he went over everything with me, then he did the same with her. Before I got into my car, I walked back over and hugged her, this woman that had become my Divine Appointment. What a blessing this encounter had been, but as I pulled away from the side of the road, I knew that I should have prayed with her before I left. I prayed this prayer instead, “Lord, forgive me for not praying with her before I got back into my car. That was a missed opportunity.  If you give me another chance, I will do it right.” He did give me that chance and it happened soon after! God hears our prayers and He loves to answer them. Keep an eye out for your next Divine Appointment! Read A Divine Appointment Part 1

Speak Faith Into Fear

Having Faith at The Village Christian Church located at 8965 S. Bell Road in MInooka, Illinois

My facebook post on August 11, 2016 was this….. I’m surrounded by great leaders. While sharing with a leader that we are a little short in our offerings this year, he responded by saying “It won’t matter when we are reaching 1000 people and we need to expand parking”. I really needed to hear that because the finances were not very strong at that point in time. In fact, we were approximately $40,000 behind in our budget. Although the finances weren’t strong, God was bringing the people and attendance continued to grow. It was clear that we would have to take a step of faith and add a service to make room for more people. What if we had focused on the finances, circled the wagons and not stepped out in faith? What if we had let the fears overcome our faith? Thankfully, a trusted leader lined me out! He said what I needed to hear, and He spoke truth in love. He spoke faith into my fear.   Now it’s August 15th, 2017 as I write this, a whole year later…. We’re working on expanding the parking! In fact, we’re getting pricing to add 104 parking spaces in 2018! We’re restructuring our staff and our systems to set the church up to reach 1,000 people every week! That’s 1000 people coming to know Christ! That’s 1000 people reading the Bible and applying it to their lives! We’re making plans to add a new service in the future! Stay tuned for more details coming in the Fall on that. We’re in the process of turning over 2 rooms in the church for more kids space because we are running out of room! Oh yeah, God provided the finances. We concluded 2016 above budget. Literally an extra $50,000 came in the last days of December that brought us to where we needed to be. We are very thankful to God for always providing. At this point, we’re currently just above our budget with great opportunities to end the year strong and set up for hundreds of more people’s lives to be changed! Surround yourself with good people! Listen to people of faith, not fear!

Be A Voice, Not An Echo

The Village Christian Church, Be a Voice, Not An Echo

Coming Home Coming home doesn’t seem like it should be hard. But when you see up close the beauty of God’s creation, His grace and mercy, His provision and His people doing “the work” really, really well, it feels sacred and my heart aches to return. Anyone who asks me about our experiences in Swaziland usually gets this: “So good…our best trip yet!” What I’ve Seen This is my generic answer for now because I am honestly not sure yet what I need to share. Occasionally, someone will get my over-detailed response and wish they had an appointment to get them out of the conversation because the work Heart for Africa is doing in Swaziland is exceptional and such a joy to share. I have seen it grow from a dream 5 years ago to a city on a hill. I’ve seen children rescued from the worst imaginable circumstances who are now fully loved and nourished physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They have been and will continue to be restored in the name of Jesus. In turn, they will restore others. I’ve seen a thriving Artisan business that makes absolutely beautiful pieces. This Artisan business gives hundreds of employees the opportunity and the ability to care for themselves and the other 13 or so individuals living in their homestead. Their work is exceptional and also allows more children to be seen and brought home to Project Canaan. I’ve seen food distributed to communities and churches serving meals regularly, mostly to the elderly, and orphaned and vulnerable children.  I’ve seen eggs – did you know how incredibly good eggs are for you?? – and milk and soon I pray to see water coming down the mountain, an answered prayer and a fulfilled promise of God’s provision. I could go on, but I know this is the point when my sweet audience begins to regret asking that innocent question, “How was your trip?” Sorry friends…I’m working on it, but I have never been great at giving a brief response. Thanks to my husband, Luke, I am now more aware of my rambling and tend to put the brakes on quicker, but I’m always happy to share if you want more information! Focus On This So rather than telling you about my personal experience, I want to focus on my voice – and yours. I teach music, and have been intentional with my junior high students this year about the power of their attitude and their “voice.” While searching for inspirational quotes about this topic, I stumbled upon this one: “Be a voice, not an echo.” I cannot get it out of my head. And I think God  intended this one for me. To remind me what He wants my voice to sound like, and stop trying to determine what I want. My voice has changed a LOT in my lifetime, and I am so glad He uses our brokenness and mistakes along the way to give us a new perspective. Growing up, I always had a plan and a picture in mind of what life would be. Don’t we all? But one lesson I have learned, and will continue to learn, is it’s not up to me. If I had complete control, I would mess it up (have messed it up), and I would miss out on an opportunity that God has for me. He can always find someone else. Zoom out for a second and be willing to say, “I don’t know and I am ok with that”. We are not called by our SAVIOR to have all the answers, all the plans. We are called to love, to listen, to seek wisdom and truth, and step forward in faith. Most people at The Village know me as one of two people: the girl who sings, or Nate’s sister. Both titles I am proud of and grateful for, but can I tell you that until a year ago I didn’t think my “voice” had much to offer? I loved singing, and that is why I wanted to be involved. It was selfish and self-serving. It made me uncomfortable to receive encouragement, especially from people I didn’t know because I wasn’t really doing anything…I was copying and hoping it communicated the way I had interpreted it. Please don’t misunderstand. This was not always my feeling, and I have always loved the experience and emotion worship brings. But I was an echo. Whether is was self-conscious or intentional, I wasn’t using the voice God had given ME. I was stifling it. Yet he used my insecurity to draw me close, build my confidence and let me see this year especially that I have something to offer. This is what I long for and this is what I saw in Swaziland. So many amazing voices saying yes to God’s calling on their life. Some voices carrying really far while others gently living their truths, each one coming together to make a beautiful and powerful song. We Need Your Voice We NEED all the voices. All the gifts. All the faith to say yes and recognize what God has given us. We NEED to stop echoing what we think we should be so we can be the voice He created us to be. If we all “sang” the same melody, no one would listen to Pandora. I pray we can each be more sensitive to the voice God has in store for us and fully experience the blessings and provision that come when we say yes. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him…May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.  Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.  Ephesians 3:16-19