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Why You Are Hardwired For Connection

Why You Are Hardwired For Connection

Because God Made Us That Way Do you struggle with loneliness or the inability to maintain relationships? Does that lead to feelings of depression or anxiety? Are you looking for the right connection? God created you to have a relationship with Him and others. He created you to be connected to Him, to receive the […]

How To Restore Broken Relationships

I want to talk to you about relationships. There are a dozen ways I can tackle this topic, but I want to focus on one specific feature of relationships for this blog. Let’s talk about trust. If you have experienced broken trust in a relationship before, it can be difficult to learn to trust again. […]

The Relationship Struggle Is Real

Have you ever wondered why relationships have to be so difficult? Are you struggling in a relationship now? The relationship struggle is real! You are doing the best you can, but the results are still the same. Have you heard this saying before, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different […]

Am I Worthy Of The Call?

One thing that most everyone has in common is doubt. How many times have you thought to yourself, am I worthy of the call? Or another way to put it, am I qualified? It could be for many different things; a new job, marriage, parenthood, or being a leader. Regardless, there’s something you should know […]

How Do You Find Your Identity In Christ?

How do you choose to identify yourself? Many people find identity in the job they have. Some people identify themselves by the status they have in their family. One thing all believers have in common, your identity is found in Jesus Christ. But how do you find your identity in Christ? I have spent a […]

What Do You Do With Big Worries?

Worries – we all have them, the big question is what do we do with them? Do we stress out, become withdrawn, or maybe lash out?  You will face many worries at different times in your life. Where does your mind go when you are bombarded by those big worries? What is the doctor going […]

What Is Epic Hope?

What does your soul long for? Do you even know how to put it into words? Epic Hope is a great depiction of what God can do in your life. Epic is described as something heroic or grand. Hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised.  What Epic Hope Means For Us On […]

How To Handle The Stress

Sometimes stress can make you feel overwhelmed and you wonder, “How can I handle all this stress?” The answer is, you don’t have to. God is bigger than your stress, and He is ready, waiting, and more than capable to help you carry your burdens. Stress-Free Trivia Break Now, here are some fun trivia questions, […]

Stress Buster

Stress. Does just reading that word make your blood pressure go up a bit? Life is hard, you’re being pulled in different directions – work, family, finances, parenting, marriage, house, maybe an illness, a loss, and the list goes on and on. The enemy wants you to be stressed. It can be overwhelming and just […]

A Life Changing Invite

In The Beginning… “I hate going to church.” That is what I told myself for the majority of my life. I grew up on the south side of Chicago in an Italian/Irish neighborhood. Firemen, policeman, mechanics and all sorts of blue collar workers. I grew up in a traditional Catholic community and I went to […]

God Is Present And At Work

Today we are thanking God. In the midst of a pandemic and national unrest, a time unlike no other, He has done so much. God is working in the midst of the chaos and we are thankful to be part of the solution. We are thankful for such an incredible God. He is present in […]

Having Faith Is Key

If you have no faith in the future, you have no power in the present. Having faith is key to living a full life, the life God intended you to have. Have you ever looked at a new year and been excited? Have you ever felt extremely nervous because you didn’t know how it was […]

A Simple Guide To Surviving Loneliness

Loneliness is a real feeling, especially in the times we’re in. The pandemic is resulting in isolation and feelings of loneliness that are difficult. We’re told to social distance and stay home to keep our family and loved ones safe. The struggle is real and today we want to encourage you with ways you can […]

When Life Is Hard Choose Joy

How do you deal with challenges? When life is hard, it is so tempting to just give into worry, discouragement, or fear. Did you know that you don’t have to be miserable even when you are going through tough circumstances? You can choose something else. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the things […]

Be Thankful In The Challenging Times

Do you ever wonder how to be thankful when you’re going through some challenges? These days of COVID-19 have made this year a big challenge. So many people are dealing with hard times and there is uncertainty on what this virus will do next. This blog will share ideas about being thankful. Count Your Blessings […]

Manual For Life, The Bible

The Myth I saw a quote that said “There is no manual for life. We all muddle on and hope for the best. So always follow your heart. It is your best guide.” I won’t cite the person who stated this, but when I read it I thought what terrible, untrue advice. However, I do […]

Saying Yes To Jesus

Yes, Jesus

The Before My vision for myself 5 years ago is very far from where I actually am.  Five years ago, I was a full time mom working part time at the same job I had for the previous 10 years. I had absolutely no foundation in the church at all, but I had a longing. […]

The Best Birthday Gift

For my daughter’s birthdays, we have always requested that people don’t bring a gift. We have the means to get her what she needs (toys, clothes, etc.), and she has very generous grandparents. Also, the rest of the family typically loads her up at Christmas time. As her birthday rolls around each year, no one […]

You Are Perfect As You Are

You are perfect as you are, mama

What if you lived a life where you weren’t up at night worrying about how you are going to make everything perfect for your kids? Do you worry about money, or stress about the number of things on your to-do list? Do you have a spouse that you feel like doesn’t recognize your worth? Doesn’t […]

Take Time To Celebrate

Take time to celebrate and find the joy in life.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24 Do you struggle to have JOY in your life? I do. Many would describe me as over serious all the time. I like projects, tasks, mission and organizing people to accomplish things. This involves details and planning […]

Joy Even On The Worst Days

A mission team travelled to eswatini, Africa in the Spring of 2019 to serve at Heart for Africa.

Africa-where the Lord called me to serve. Without even thinking about it or analyzing it, I said yes. There is an unspeakable joy I’ve had in my life, even on my worst days that I’ve never had before that can only be filled by God’s plan and purpose for my life. This was my second […]

When Life Doesn’t Go According To Plan

When things don't go according to plan, get on your knees and pray.

This past Sunday, I did what I always do. We finished our worship planning meeting at 8 am, and I headed to the prayer room to pray before services. Every week I do this, it’s part of the plan. Lilye, our Prayer Pastor, and our Prayer Team get together and pray over the day. Today […]

Finding Joy Within The Battles

It's important to stop and take care of yourself so you can fight life's battles.

As you continuously fight life’s battles, it’s important to take time to stop and take care of yourself. This will allow you to have the right mindset, enough energy, and be able to feel God’s love. Taking this time for yourself will allow you to overcome anything. God made you with a body that you […]

The Most Terrifying Emotion

The Most terrifying emotion is joy

 “As someone who studies shame and scarcity and fear, if you asked me, ‘What is the most terrifying, difficult emotion we experience as humans?’ I would say joy,” says Dr. Brene Brown. How many of you as parents have ever watched your child sleeping and thought, “I love you like I never imagined possible,” and then in that split second pictured something horrific happening? Or have you ever […]