Be A Warrior For God

Have you ever thought about being a warrior for God? Do you ever read your Bible and think about all the battles God fought and how He used people to do so? God’s strength and power won these battles. Today I want to share an example of that with you. Over the years, my husband Tim and I have had the privilege of serving at Roseland Community’s Good News Day Care, directed by Ms. Pearl Willis. She is literally fighting a battle for God in her community. Good News Day Care provides free Christ-centered care for children so moms can get an education, work, and provide for their families. This is in the Roseland community of Chicago, Il. on the south side of the city. Gangs, drugs, prostitution, murders, unemployment, and hopelessness are prevalent. Good News Day Care provides a nurturing environment giving encouragement and hope back to the community. Recently, we were able to take some volunteers from The Village Christian Church family for a 2-day serving opportunity at Good News Day Care. During the summer, Ms. Pearl offers a 6-week long day camp, serving approximately 55 children. They arrive in the morning and are fed breakfast, lunch, and a snack. Daily activities include worship, learning about God, and experiencing fun activities in their community. Impress Them On Your Children While I was serving there, I was reminded of something from the Bible that Moses stressed to the Israelites. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 NIV The Bible says we are to be devoted to the ways of the Lord. Our life purpose is to share those ways. We are to pass on his vast mercy, love, and grace to those around us, particularly our children. This includes not only our biological children, but all children. Good News Day Care has written these commands everywhere. There are bookshelves full of Bibles and Christian books for the children to read. The children are taught to pray over all of their meals and snacks. The adults in their lives are learning the ways of the Lord. They are becoming mature in their faith, and attempting to guide this next generation to love God and to love others. On our second day at the day care, the Bible lesson was taken from Joshua 6 about the fall of Jericho. The Lord says to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and it’s fighting men.” Joshua 6:2 NIV Be A Warrior For God While we read these words to the children, they were lifted off the page and brought to life for me. God has delivered this land in Roseland to Ms. Pearl’s hands and she is a warrior for God. As our volunteers are serving, they are being warriors for God. Little by little, she has taken properties on that block and turned them into land used for good. These victories for the Lord are by His words, His power, and His glory. They are evident in the beauty of her buildings and the lives that are changing from hearing God’s word there. So, I urge you to become a warrior for God. When Jericho fell, there were many Israelites involved in the battle. Some walked, some blew a horn and some carried the ark, but all were used to tear down the walls of Jericho and turn it into a city that was used for the Lord. Your service in God’s kingdom does not have to be equivalent to Ms. Pearl’s or Joshua’s, but you can certainly stand alongside them in the missions they have started. The world needs followers of Christ who are willing to help their church, local organizations, or national organizations spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and to be unwavering in doing so.
What Is The Body Of Christ?

Have you heard the phrase “the body of Christ” and wondered what it meant? The Church consists of its members who are the living body of Christ. In many ways, God’s work is accomplished through this body of Christ. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. God designed each person in the church to use their God-given gifts to advance God’s kingdom. You Have A Purpose I believe that most people become Christians to secure eternal salvation with our Lord. That’s a great start! However, God is so gracious, kind, merciful and he loves us so much that He has given us a very important purpose. He has given us the job to bring others to Christ and to give them hope. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12 We were created by God in His own image to bring other people to Him so that they may also be saved. God wants His whole creation to be with Him in relationship here and eternally. I desire for Christians to understand that God gives us love, mercy and grace with forgiveness of all our sins, past, present, and future. And we are called to love and forgive others in the same way. Love The Lord, Your Neighbor And Your Enemy We are called to break the cycle of sin, so love goes much further with this next scripture from Matthew 5:43-45. “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” I would also like to add that Jesus showed us how to love our enemies through His example which you can read about in the Gospels (The books Matthew, Mark, Luke & John in the Bible). Loving your enemy is a very tall order and takes a lot of work not to conform to the patterns of this world. It’s easy to get distracted and lose sight of God when we get angry, sad, depressed, or fall back into our sinful nature. This is why it’s so important to be plugged into the Church in community, scripture, worship, lifegroups, and serving. Another example Jesus gave us is “The Lord’s Prayer”. I hope you will read it out loud and pay close attention to the meaning of this prayer. “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:9-13 There Is Freedom In Forgiveness We are called to forgiveness; it’s not an option for Christians! Forgiveness frees our minds to focus on our Lord and the work He has for us without distraction. Forgive, move on and experience the joy of pursuing, serving, and being in close relationship with our Lord. The goal is to experience a heart filled with the love of God and to share it with the world.
Why We Want To See You At Church

Have you been away from the church for a while? Are you resting in the idea that you don’t need to go to church to be a Christian? Or perhaps you have never been involved with a positive church before- or a church period. If these or similar ideas describe how you’ve been feeling lately, then I invite you to read on about why The Village wants to see you at church. Many of us have heard statements like the ones above time and time again. While this message is not about proving those wrong, this message is about showing you a clearer, more complete picture of the purpose of the church. You see, those statements above are more closely aligned to what the enemy wants us to believe about the church experience, rather than what God says about it. They are easy to believe and require less effort than going to church. They come with less accountability too. That’s why I believed them for most of my life and why I think it’s such an easy trap. But Scripture tells us that God wants us to join together in 1 Corinthians 3:9: “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.” God wants us to work together and He has many reasons for this. When I heard the message during Student Takeover week, Carder Ferguson spoke about reaching out to someone and simply inviting them to church (without making it weird). His message was filled with care for others and helping them to know Christ. As I left church that Sunday, I was moved by a number of his statements. I found myself reaching out to others but I also found myself reflecting on why inviting someone to church is so remarkable. Purpose of Church Traditionally, people believe that the only thing happening at church on Sunday is hearing the Word of God, worshiping Him, and growing closer to Him. While this is important, it should not be the only factor. At a church like The Village, you’ll see more on Sunday: families connect, people feel included, you walk away feeling closer to God, you talk to people you might not otherwise, couples grow closer, kids have fun while learning about Jesus, and, somehow, everyone has a place and purpose. And yet, I still haven’t captured what God does every Sunday at The Village! This is because The Village is obedient to God’s intended purpose of the church. The Word tells us in Romans 12: 4-5: “For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” We all have a collective purpose in furthering God’s kingdom. We know from verses like this that He intends for us to use our gifts in community with other believers. It is part of His mission and plan for us. Benefits of Church God wants this joining together because He knows how much it benefits us. At church, we find power in collective prayer. We find strength in numbers (it is easier to fight a battle with an army after all). “Iron sharpens iron,” as Proverbs 27:17 tells us and, of course, there are others too. Not only do they all further God’s work but the enemy hates them all for this very reason. Scripture tells us in Hebrews 10: 24-25: “let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.” The enemy hates this because, as the Word promises us, the church strengthens our relationship with Christ. So in the spirit of what God desires for us as believers, we invite you to attend one of our services this Sunday! The Village has three campuses now: Minooka, Seneca, and Online. We are a church that is centered on Christ and the Word of God. We care about finding life change, life growth, and life purpose through our relationship with Christ. If you have never been to our church before, come and get to know us! If you have attended church in the past but are looking for a sign to join again- look no further! This is your sign. We can’t wait to see you!
Why You Are Hardwired For Connection

Because God Made Us That Way Do you struggle with loneliness or the inability to maintain relationships? Does that lead to feelings of depression or anxiety? Are you looking for the right connection? God created you to have a relationship with Him and others. He created you to be connected to Him, to receive the blessings He has planned for you. He created you to be connected to His body, the church, to help you grow and mature. Nate Ferguson, the Lead Pastor at The Village Christian Church, gave a message about the idea that all people are hard-wired for connection. As a Christian who loves neuroscience, mental health, and psychology, my mind quickly became curious. I started thinking about the various nuances regarding how people are hard-wired to connect with other humans. Isn’t it wonderful to marvel at the way our Sovereign Lord has designed us? God has created in us the right neural structure, nervous and biological system to connect with other humans. The right connection. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made – Romans 1:20 – ESV Seeker, I pray that God gives you the eyes to see the great Designer of this universe. Science Shows We Need Connection Biological science tells us that we are the only species that have the neural structures in our brains to engage the way we do. Social engagement is critical to our survival. Mental health research strongly shows what happens when children experience emotional, mental, and physical deprivation. The outcomes are tragic, and yet this occurs throughout the world. Scans show that parts of a child’s brain experience developmental deficits when they do not have a caregiver near them validating their emotions before the age of 4. Emotional regulation issues arise as these same children grow up, creating difficulties in their lives. People, as God designed it, need one another. We are hardwired to connect. The most important things that any child needs at any stage in their development are “connection, presence, and affection” (Tangeman, 2021). Dr. Ed Tronick conducted the famous “still face” experiment. In short, the study involved a mother and a babysitting face-to-face and playing. During the first phase, the mother played and mirrored the emotions and expressions her baby was making. In the second phase, however, the same mother displayed a “still face” or a lack of responsiveness to her baby for two minutes. The scientific take-a-away from this study is that the baby begins to cry and screech when the mom does not validate the emotions and expressions of her baby. The baby becomes greatly disturbed releasing a large amount of stress and worry hormones, harming her overall health. What Can We Do? As believers, the thing we can take away from this major research finding is that we can help people “re-wire” their brains by being present, connected, and affectionate towards those that are closest to us. Science and Christian theology teach that we need each other to be healthy, spiritually and mentally. Scripture tells us connection, presence, and affection are built in us. The writer of Colossians says: “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Colossians 3:14 – ESV Paul tells the Christians at Thessalonica, “and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you,” 1Thessalonians 3:12 – ESV A humility that motivates us to connect with people comes when we look to Jesus’ display of the ultimate act of humility; Jesus came to earth and took the form of a man to suffer like all humans; He would put himself on the Cross to die in our place. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 – ESV So, scientific research only further supports what Scripture has taught for over 2000 years. Here are some practical steps to have the right connection with people: Connect by listening to understand, not to respond. Be present by maintaining eye contact and reflecting on the things that people share with you, especially when they share deep-felt life experiences. Show affection by praising people when “they open up to you” (e.g., Thank you for trusting me with your story). Connect with people instead of correcting people-people desire to be heard and loved for who they are. Connect In A Lifegroup
How To Restore Broken Relationships

I want to talk to you about relationships. There are a dozen ways I can tackle this topic, but I want to focus on one specific feature of relationships for this blog. Let’s talk about trust. If you have experienced broken trust in a relationship before, it can be difficult to learn to trust again. There is a way to restore broken relationships through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Where It Starts Family research tells us that many children lose trust in their parents before the age of 4. Specific things need to happen between the relationship with a child and his/her parents at a young age. When this does not occur, mistrust forms the way the child(ren) grows up in the world. Research also tells us that by the age of 2, most children have a picture of what a relationship may look like through their eyes, healthy or unhealthy. When trust is lost, relationships decay from the inside out. Example My mom and I have not had a healthy relationship since my father passed away. I have not agreed with some of the choices my mom has made, and now feelings of hurt, betrayal, and mistrust underpin our relationship. I have given myself the freedom to harbor these feelings towards my mom because I believe I have the right to. May I be candid with you today, friend? I fear what my mom would do with my feelings if I shared with her how I felt because of the recent choices she has made. I fear that she would deny (i.e., gaslighting; Contact Me if you want to learn more about the effects gaslighting has on a relationship) how I am feeling. I fear that I would lose more trust in our relationship because of her disavowing how she has hurt me. Remember, trust (among other variables) generates an authentic relationship between a child and caregiver early on. So, I fear the love that I desire to receive, I will not get if my mom and I spoke. What Does The Bible Say About It? I admit that I do not trust Christ’s sufficiency to help me through the painful experience with my mom. I do not want to give control of my feelings over to God, because I trust I can care for them better than He can. In Philippians 4:8, Paul announces that God grants peace to those that praise and pursue “whatever is pure”. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 1 Peter 5:8 says that we (Christians) are to be “sober-minded”. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 In Luke 6:37, the apostle Luke tells Theophilus to “…forgive, and you will be forgiven.” Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37 Would you come alongside me to pray that God would grant me the courage to trust Him so that I can pursue healing in my relationship with my mom? Pray that God would enable me to hold onto Him to rebuild trust, through His grace, to sustain me regardless of how long it takes to rebuild trust. How To Restore Relationships In Christ Friend, are you wondering how to heal the relationships in your life today? Put your faith in Christ, do not wait! His love, grace, compassion, mercy, and power will motivate you to push against cultural norms. Culture tells us today that individualism is prioritized over relationships. Relationships are the main way that Jesus Christ can show his love towards us. Steps to restore your most valued relationships: Choose to follow Christ – Christ’s power heals you so that he can heal relationships through you. Pray and read the Bible – build your relationship with Christ. Seek a prayer partner to teach you how to pray over broken relationships. Find a church to get connected with other believers; a deeper connection with the local church helps you deepen your connection with God (Ephesians 2-4, ESV). I AM THEY is a Christian music group that produced a song that I believe summarizes much of what I have been discussing with you all today. To close, may God speak words of love and grace to you through these lyrics: “So I’m thankful for the scars ‘Cause without them I wouldn’t know your heart And I know they’ll always tell of who you are So forever I am thankful for the scars Now I’m sending in confidence With the strength of your faithfulness And I’m not who I was before No, I don’t have to fear anymore” (Scars) Learn more about relationships through the series “Relation-Shift” available to watch at The Village Live. You can follow along on your own, with a friend, or with a group using these discussion guides: Relation-Shift- Week 1-5.
The Relationship Struggle Is Real

Have you ever wondered why relationships have to be so difficult? Are you struggling in a relationship now? The relationship struggle is real! You are doing the best you can, but the results are still the same. Have you heard this saying before, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is defined as Insanity!” May I lean in and encourage you to try a different approach? First, instead of focusing on the other person in the relationship, focus on you. That might sound selfish, but I can assure you in my explanation it is not. Check out this amazing verse from Ephesians 3:19… “May you Experience the Love of Christ. Then, you will be made Complete, with all the Fullness of Life and Power that comes from God.” When you experience the Love of Christ, some pretty amazing things happen. How do you “experience” the Love of Christ? You understand that He loves you and gave His life for you. He took your place on the cross so you could be with Him forever. From your thankful heart, you in turn surrender your life to Him. Do you have anyone in your life that loves you unconditionally, no matter what? The answer is Yes! Every single person on planet earth has a God who loves them unconditionally. Once you receive that and continue to experience that, God goes to work in amazing ways! He makes you complete! What makes relationships difficult? When two incomplete people come together, they make a complete mess. But, when two COMPLETE people come together, who are completed by the Love of Jesus, God can do something beautiful. If you need help understanding God’s love so that you can experience it, please let us know. We’d love to help you. If you need help with Relationships, join us for Relationshift a biblical approach to what is best. You can follow along in your Lifegroup or on your own using these Study Guides. You don’t need to struggle in relationships anymore! Don’t keep doing the same thing over and over and again and expect a different result. Do things God’s way and watch Him go to work!
Am I Worthy Of The Call?

One thing that most everyone has in common is doubt. How many times have you thought to yourself, am I worthy of the call? Or another way to put it, am I qualified? It could be for many different things; a new job, marriage, parenthood, or being a leader. Regardless, there’s something you should know about the doubt. It is not what God wants for you. In fact, He has great plans for you! As people fairly new to The Village Christian Church, my husband and I have both found our minds swirling with questions recently. How should we serve? Should we serve at all? Are we the type of people God is calling at this moment for this task? Are we spiritually mature enough? Am I worthy of what God is calling me to do? When we ask these and other doubt-filled questions, we are typically reflecting through the lens of our mistakes, limitations, and the belief that we must be spotless before God will use us. But ultimately, when we ask ourselves if we are worthy of what God is calling us to do, we are questioning His plan for us. In voicing these questions to God, each other, friends, family, and new church family and mentors alike over the past few months, we have consistently been met with a similar answer. God wants to use (all of) us exactly where we are at right now. Yet, we find ourselves resisting God’s plan nonetheless. Understanding Our Resistance To understand the resistance we feel, we must start by recognizing two truths: God’s plan and the enemy’s. You see, those questions I listed above are rooted in our enemy’s mindset, not God’s. They are questions that doubt God’s plan and purpose. They cause us to hesitate instead of acting on faith that He has us exactly where we are supposed to be to further His mission. The enemy has two goals: to keep us from God and to sabotage His work. But God’s plan is greater than anything we could ever imagine. It is our job to respond to His love for us with obedience. We have to trust that it is He plans to use us in our imperfect state to carry out His perfect mission. God’s love wants to reach everyone so He uses all of us to fulfill that mission. You have been gifted a unique ability based on exactly where you are in your life to do God’s work. He already has the plan. You just have to answer the call. This can be scary. We are required to set aside our fears, doubts, and insecurities. It calls us to trust in Him by setting aside our plans and visions. It calls us to trust in something we cannot always see or understand. How Do We Overcome This? This naturally leads to questions about how we can overcome our doubts and resistance. But, fortunately, God has outlined this for us too. We can also use the armor of God, which includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, the sword of the spirit (the Word of God), and prayer (Ephesians 6: 10-18). During Nate’s message on the Bible, he reminded us that the enemy is not the flesh and blood, including ourselves; it is the devil. By adorning the armor that God created for us, we can equip ourselves in the way God knew we would need. The Word of God, scripture, is key to understanding our armor. It is the basis and foundation of our faith, revealing God’s plan. Specifically, by using prayer, we begin to strengthen our relationship with God. He wants a personal relationship with every one of us. Through faithful prayer, we further understand God’s purpose for us. We can also talk to fellow believers who are going to understand our doubts and remind us of God’s love for us and how to trust His plan. The Village offers opportunities to do this: Connect in a Lifegroup, experience Rooted, find a place to serve others, work through a discipleship study where you learn how to tell others about Jesus or get involved in other events the church offers. Take action because you are worthy of the call. If you need help taking that next step or have questions, email The Village.
How Do You Find Your Identity In Christ?

How do you choose to identify yourself? Many people find identity in the job they have. Some people identify themselves by the status they have in their family. One thing all believers have in common, your identity is found in Jesus Christ. But how do you find your identity in Christ? I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on Nick’s message when he talked about finding your identity in Christ. Nick is one of the Teaching Pastors at The Village Christian Church. His message had a big impact on me spiritually and I hope my experience relates to someone who reads this post. Many of us come home after a long day of work and wonder what we accomplished on that day. What we do for a living brings about a lot of purpose in our lives. Does the purpose we get from our jobs, successes, and relationships (yes, even this!) fade away sometimes? Now can I be honest with you for a moment? Listening to Nick’s message that Sunday morning, I immediately thought about how often I fill my cup with everything but Jesus. The message showed me that I often find value and worth in what I do instead of who I am in Jesus. Achieving success in our daily responsibilities is important, don’t get me wrong. But Jesus Christ must be where we find our true self-worth. The Holy Spirit showed me that I often find my worth in how “productive” I am at my job, relationships, and intellect. How Do We Find Our Identity In Christ? You ask a great and profound question, my friend! You can start by meeting with a wise person or two. They can help guide you on how to pursue a life where you find your identity in Christ. The body of Christ is in place to help each one of us grow in our understanding of how to find our self-worth in Jesus Christ. Accountability can be a scary thing for some people. But, The Village Christian Church is a place where people will come around you full of compassion and love to help you in your walk with Jesus Christ. Another way you can find your identity in Christ is to find a Bible study partner. Find someone you can spend time reading the Bible with a few times a month. The best teacher is Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. He will show you how to live in Jesus Christ all the time. Friends, the mission is still not complete: Jesus Christ must be proclaimed all over the world. Find your worth in Jesus Christ, do it today friend! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans15:13 (NIV) Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. -Hebrews 11:1 (ESV) Watch Bring Order Out Of The Chaos
What Do You Do With Big Worries?

Worries – we all have them, the big question is what do we do with them? Do we stress out, become withdrawn, or maybe lash out? You will face many worries at different times in your life. Where does your mind go when you are bombarded by those big worries? What is the doctor going to tell me? Did I get the job? How will I pay rent, bills and buy food this month? The list is endless, right?!? I recently had a health issue I was worried about. I had a doctor’s appointment and was praying about what I did not want to see happen. A friend asked me how I was doing and I shared that I was ok, just praying it wasn’t going to go bad. Then my friend asked me two simple, yet helpful questions. Are you praying for your worries? And is that even biblical? Pray Best Case Scenario My friend encouraged me to pray for a best-case scenario that God can provide instead of a worst-case scenario that anyone could provide. So I changed my prayer, went to the doctor, and was blessed to get the best case news. The next day, I was reading my Bible in Numbers 13. The 12 spies checked out the promised land, which at the time was full of giants. The 2 good spies looked at the giants and believed God was bigger. They said in verse 31: “We should go up and take possession of the land.” The other 10 spies had other ideas. They said in verse 33: “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” In other words, this is a land of giants, we’ve got no chance. This is a worst-case scenario. So, the people listened to the 10 spies and rebelled against God. Which forced them to spend the next 40 years wandering in the wilderness, instead of taking an 11-day walk into the promised land. All because they were focused on what they could control rather than focusing on God, who is bigger than the giants. As you read that scripture think of those giants as your worries. God is bigger than those worries. Today I want to encourage you to turn those worries over to God. It may sound overly simple, and in some ways it is. God doesn’t want to make things complicated. He wants the very best for you. What are you focused on? Are you praying for your worries? Today I encourage you to focus on a God who can do anything.
What Is Epic Hope?

What does your soul long for? Do you even know how to put it into words? Epic Hope is a great depiction of what God can do in your life. Epic is described as something heroic or grand. Hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised. What Epic Hope Means For Us On some level, we realize we are broken. We are missing something important. Even when we are not sure what that “thing” is, we long to be whole, fulfilled, and complete. God knows us intimately because he created every detail of us. He knows what we need, even when we do not have the words to express it. God knew we needed something “epic”, something grand and heroic to fill the need we have inside our souls. We long for hope, we want what is good, for things to be better, to be just, peaceful and right. There is no way for us to attain this on our own. We try hard, but in and of our power we are left feeling exhausted, frustrated, empty, lonely, and maybe even shameful. God knew we needed Epic Hope, so He sent His son to bridge the gap that sin created between His perfectness and our brokenness. The idea of God’s power is an overwhelming thought. We cannot even come close to imagining all that He is capable of. His wisdom, sovereignty, and love for us are on a scale so large, that our humanity cannot even grasp its depth. If you have ever felt like you have seen even a portion of God’s power at work, you may be inclined to know that it can almost be frightening. In Exodus 33:20 while speaking to Moses, God said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” It’s hard to imagine that even being in the presence of God would be so powerful it would cause you to die. Plans For Hope And A Future I’ve struggled to see God’s bigger picture for me many times. Even when I can only see a small snap-shot of my current situation, I get wrapped up in what I think and how I feel, and I miss the heart of God. When I think of myself through the lens of being a parent, I can best understand God’s heart and plan for me. As a mom, I want what is best for my kids. I want them to be safe, happy, grateful, polite, kind, patient, the list goes on. I have big dreams and hopeful plans for their futures. God wants these things for us as well. I remember I took my kids camping a few summers ago. I planned a whole day for them. The plan was to have lunch and then go swimming at the beach. They were small and got easily excited and distracted. It would be a disaster to tell them the whole plan for the day when they woke up. They would be so excited about the fun parts that they wouldn’t be patient until it was time to go. It would be too hard for them to focus on the things I needed them to and our morning would be chaos. I knew they could not handle knowing all that was coming that day, so I withheld it until it was time. My kids assumed I was not going to do anything fun with them. As we ate our boring lunch, they began to protest and complain and started to get grumpy They even accused me of not caring about what they wanted. I said to them, “Would you guys just please trust me? I have a good plan for you today!” Oh my! As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized I had just spewed scripture at them. “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 Trusting God And Knowing Jesus I thought this must be exactly how God feels about me. He knows what I need and the whole situation and the timing in which it will happen. God has a good plan for me and He also knows that I am too small to understand all that He knows. In His loving-kindness as a loving Father, He chooses to protect me from the things I’m not ready to know, yet in my immaturity, I assume he is absent or unaware of my need. As our teaching pastors have shared with us during this series, we should not assume Jesus is distant, rather ask Him to help you and wait for his provision. Jesus knows you and wants you to know him. Ask him to reveal himself. God wants to bless you. He is capable of epic things as told in Mark 5. He can heal and raise the dead to life. What we may forget is that He cares about our day-to-day needs as well as the big issues we face. We experience Epic Hope when we go from knowing about Jesus to knowing Jesus.
How To Handle The Stress

Sometimes stress can make you feel overwhelmed and you wonder, “How can I handle all this stress?” The answer is, you don’t have to. God is bigger than your stress, and He is ready, waiting, and more than capable to help you carry your burdens. Stress-Free Trivia Break Now, here are some fun trivia questions, let’s see if you can guess the right answers. What is the estimated weight of planet earth in tons? A. 6 Billion Tons B. 6 Trillion Tons C. 6 Quintrillion Tons D. 6 Sextillion tons If you guessed the letter D, you are correct. Here’s what it looks like as a number: 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That’s 21 zeroes! And we still need to times it by 2,000 lbs which equals 1 ton. My calculator won’t compute that number because it’s too big. Now, just for fun, what’s holding up planet earth? Gravity. Who created gravity? No, it’s not Isaac Newton, he just more or less discovered how it works. Did you know the earth is tilted at exactly 23 degrees? Any more or less and our seasons would be lost in a melted polar flood. And finally, did you know the earth revolves at a rate of just over 1,000 miles per hour or 25,000 miles per day, 9,000,000,000 miles per year? Nothing Is Bigger Than God So, if God can suspend the weight of planet earth in the universe, keep it perfectly tilted, and keep it rotating at a consistent speed, do you think he might be able to help you with the stress you are currently facing? Do you think he might be the answer to guide you on what to do next? The next time you think, “How can I handle all this stress”, remember: He knows you, He created you, and He loves you more than you can imagine. Give him some room to work in your life. He knows how to help. You just need to ask, then be quiet and allow Him to work. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. -1 Peter 5:7 Get to know God by reading His Word. An easy way to do that is to use YouVersion Bible App. You’re Invited To Be Part Of A Community Of Believers Being connected to a community of believers will help lift you up and encourage you wherever you may be. There are options to do this: In-Person Church RSVP For Sunday Morning – Minooka Campus RSVP For Sunday Morning – Seneca Campus Experience The Village Live Online The Village Live Facebook YouTube Share Your Story Your Story Matters Connect In A Lifegroup Find Your Group Choose what you’re comfortable with right now. Start there. We are here to encourage you!
Stress Buster

Stress. Does just reading that word make your blood pressure go up a bit? Life is hard, you’re being pulled in different directions – work, family, finances, parenting, marriage, house, maybe an illness, a loss, and the list goes on and on. The enemy wants you to be stressed. It can be overwhelming and just really hard. Sometimes you just don’t know where to turn or what to do next. Do you know that God doesn’t want you to feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? He does not promise that you will never have trouble or stress, in fact, he does tell us that we all will have trouble and stress: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 The good news is that He is available to help you get through it. He is ready to take over that stress for you. OK – Tell Me How Two words – The Bible. I love how the Bible has so much encouragement in it! Did you know the Bible is one way that God communicates with you? I know sometimes it can be confusing and hard to understand, but if you take the time to dive into it a bit, it has so much good stuff. It’s a source of truth and God always provides the right encouragement at just the right time. Today I want to provide some encouraging verses when the stress is high and you’re just not sure what to do next. You can grab a hard copy, go online, or use an app like the YouVersion Bible App. Try looking at the verses in different translations which can help in understanding. It’s easy to do this in the YouVersion app at the top next to the verse. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4 I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure. Psalm 94:19 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands. Psalm 119:143 What’s Next? So you read this blog, read the verses, and then you move on with life. Now I want to encourage you to STOP. ? Read the verse. Then read it again. Take a few minutes to think about it. Take a few minutes to pray, tell God what’s on your heart, and ask for guidance. Then read the verse again. Write it down or make a note in your phone to have that visual reminder. God is here. He is present and ready to take over that stress. Now release it to Him. FOLLOW US: Facebook Instagram YouTube
A Life Changing Invite

In The Beginning… “I hate going to church.” That is what I told myself for the majority of my life. I grew up on the south side of Chicago in an Italian/Irish neighborhood. Firemen, policeman, mechanics and all sorts of blue collar workers. I grew up in a traditional Catholic community and I went to Catholic grade school, Queen of the Universe. Before my parents got divorced I was set to go to Marist Catholic High School. I did the CCD classes, the first communion classes and went to church every Sunday. For the life of me, I can’t remember one thing I learned about Jesus during that time. The only thing I remember about those days is the kneeling. I didn’t like the kneeling. Now this isn’t a blog about how bad the Catholic Church is, this is just my recollections on my childhood and these memories are probably fuzzy. When I got to college, I stopped going to church. I “didn’t have time” and I had “better things to do”. Also, I remembered how I didn’t like the kneeling. I stopped going to church from age 18 to age 40. Twenty two years of not having a relationship with Jesus. When I was going thru the darkest times in my life, I didn’t have Jesus. Let me correct that, looking back at that time Jesus was with me, I just ignored him. Then Came The Invite… Then one day, Jesus showed up in the form of an invite to The Village Christian Church. At first, I didn’t want to go (see above reasons/excuses) but my ex-wife insisted we try the church. She had already visited after an invite from a neighbor and she begged me to go with her. To say I was hesitant is an understatement. I agreed to go and she gave me a few “warnings”. She said it is loud like a rock concert and it is in a gym in a junior high school. None of these comments did anything to sell me on going. But I went. And my life was changed. I walked into that school and was immediately greeted by numerous people. Everyone was welcoming. I was shocked because at my old church, everyone just walked in and out without really talking. I went into the gym and was immediately hit with worship music. For me, that was all I needed. I immediately connected. I remember looking around and seeing people in shorts, wearing baseball hats. Again, not something you see in my old church. I remember Nate’s message to this day. It was about Jesus knocking at your door and how he is trying to form a relationship with you. I felt like Nate, the Lead Pastor, was speaking to me directly. From that moment on I was hooked. I learned more about Jesus on that Sunday than my entire childhood. Life-Changing Experience The music, the message and the people. All of these things I never experienced before. I got baptized, joined lifegroups and volunteered as much as I could. I don’t know what my life would be like if I didn’t get that invite or if my wife didn’t get her invite. Today I say “I love going to church”. I look forward to going on Sunday. Playing in the worship band is life giving to me. I even organize vacations and social events around Sundays. I don’t want to miss a single Sunday. So, I urge each and every one of you, please go out and invite people. You may end up changing someone’s life. You have choices when it comes to how to experience church – The Village LIVE, the Online Campus or in-person at the Minooka Campus or the Seneca Campus opening February 21, 2021. Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep. – Luke 15 3-7
God Is Present And At Work
Today we are thanking God. In the midst of a pandemic and national unrest, a time unlike no other, He has done so much. God is working in the midst of the chaos and we are thankful to be part of the solution. We are thankful for such an incredible God. He is present in our world today. He is working in our world today. We wanted to share a snapshot of what God did in 2020 to provide encouragement and hope. 2020 started with a bang! We had big plans and were reaching 700 people per week in person + 100 people online. Then COVID-19 hit and everything changed, but God did show up in amazing ways! Thanking God For Online Options We were planning to launch The Village LIVE Online Campus in the summer. Man plans, God laughs! The pandemic changed our timeline and in March, without time to prepare, we went all online. In the summer we started to slowly add in-person services while seeing the online presence grow. By late fall, we were reaching 500 people in person (safely distanced) and over 500 people online weekly. Online guests came from all over the U.S. and we even went international to Canada, Africa, India, and Austria. In 2020 the focus was on the word “Solution”. Rather than complain (even though we had our moments) about what we couldn’t do because of the pandemic, we focused on solutions to what we could do and how we could reach people where they were. The Village LIVE Online Campus, digital Lifegroups and Rooted sessions, and leader meetings via Zoom were a few of those solutions. We are so thankful to each of you – our church family – for your flexibility and willingness to try innovative ways to connect. Going Old School One of the ways we connected was to go “old school” and pick up the phone. We spent time calling people and just talking. During those personal phone calls, we asked, “How are you doing? How can we pray for you?” In our normal busy life, that probably would not have happened. Not being face to face reminded us of the value of human interaction. In 2020 we announced that The Village was expanding into Seneca. The pandemic delayed those plans, but now the Seneca Campus is scheduled to open February 2021. God has shown us that in the future we can have more physical locations, which paired with the online efforts provides unlimited opportunities to connect with people who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. God Is Ready To Use You The Village is no longer one church in one location. We are one church with multiple campuses and unlimited potential. We can’t wait to see how God uses you to be the church to others who don’t know Jesus in the future! Please pray with us for how God will use you and His Church to reach more people (Life Change), connect and grow them into disciples (Life Growth), who serve and live out His Purpose (Life Purpose) in this world. Every one of you is special and God has a plan for you! Step into it and be greater than last year! Check out the Annual Report…
Having Faith Is Key

If you have no faith in the future, you have no power in the present. Having faith is key to living a full life, the life God intended you to have. Have you ever looked at a new year and been excited? Have you ever felt extremely nervous because you didn’t know how it was going to go? Maybe you experienced both excitement and nervousness at the same time. Thinking about the future offers so many opportunities. I’m completely experiencing both emotions as we begin 2021. It couldn’t be a more exciting time at The Village with so much potential for the future. We are launching a new campus in Seneca, experiencing exponential growth with the Online Campus, and seeing incredible things happen at the Minooka Campus! It’s so much fun to see God working in all three areas and it’s more than we can keep up with! My friend gave the perfect metaphor this week….it’s like changing a tire on your car while driving 25 miles per hour ? Sometimes life goes that way, right? God is providing so many opportunities that you’re not sure what to do next. It requires faith. Faith is having complete trust in someone or something, in this case, that complete trust is with God. He wants to have a personal relationship with you. He wants you to have 100% trust and confidence – to have faith in HIm. My non-negotiable in rapid seasons of growth is my time with God at 7:30 am. It’s an appointment that cannot be missed. Without it, I’m a wreck. I use this time to focus on my faith, my complete trust in Him. My devotion the other day was, For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith. 1 John 5:4 (NASB) The challenge after the verse was simple… If you have no faith in the future, you have no power in the present. Faith is the victory! God has the future in His capable hands, not mine. I don’t know what God has in store in 2021, but I’m thankful that He is in control. I’m thankful that even when I’m overwhelmed and feel so nervous I almost get sick, He is in control. I can place my trust in myself, other people, other things. Or I can place my trust in Him and the future He has in store. I have faith in God and what he can and will do. Do you?
A Simple Guide To Surviving Loneliness

Loneliness is a real feeling, especially in the times we’re in. The pandemic is resulting in isolation and feelings of loneliness that are difficult. We’re told to social distance and stay home to keep our family and loved ones safe. The struggle is real and today we want to encourage you with ways you can survive, and even thrive, through loneliness. Start Each Day With A Positive Attitude How you start your day determines how it’s going to go. If you wake up determined to be positive and have a good attitude, then your mind is more likely to follow. My mother-in-law is in her 80’s and lives alone. It’s a situation that can definitely lead to loneliness, but we’ve set up a system where we check in every single day to remind her that she’s not alone. We’ve been doing it for over a year so far and haven’t missed one day. Each morning, usually around 6:30 am when she wakes up she sends me a text. They make me smile every time and I wanted to share just a few… Good Monday morning–you are my sunshine 🙂 All together now, let’s sing “good morning to you” la-la-lah… Catch the sun while you can! Why did Johnny Appleseed cross the road? (Are you ready for this?) To get to the other cider (O groan up) 🙂 So here’s the thing…I’m ok if you want to steal the morning text idea. If it helps you or someone else, go for it! Think of someone – a friend, a relative, a child…and start each day with a positive text. It’s a way to connect, a way to smile, and a way to get your mind in a positive place. Start Each Day With Jesus You can have peace, in fact, that is what God wants for you. He doesn’t want you to feel lonely…ever. God promises you peace if you trust Him. One way to trust is to be reminded daily that you are not alone and you are loved. One way to remind yourself of that is to focus on truth and spend uninterrupted time with Jesus. Find a quiet place. If that’s a challenge for you because you have a houseful, think about a closet or maybe a bathroom. Seriously, whatever works! People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole, Steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don’t quit. Depend on God and keep at it because in the Lord God you have a sure thing. – Isaiah 26:3-4 (MSG) This doesn’t mean you’re not going to have trouble, because the Bible tells us that we will have troubles. However, if you remain close to Him you will get through it. Here are some ways to remain close to Jesus: Pray, which is really just honestly talking to Him as a friend. Take time to be quiet as you pray so you can hear His response. Read the Bible. If you don’t have a hard copy, access it online. Work through a devotion or YouVersion Bible App reading plan. There are plans specifically about loneliness. The First Step Is To Start Sometimes the hardest part is to get started. Today I encourage you to take that step, right now. If you take the time, God will definitely work.
When Life Is Hard Choose Joy

How do you deal with challenges? When life is hard, it is so tempting to just give into worry, discouragement, or fear. Did you know that you don’t have to be miserable even when you are going through tough circumstances? You can choose something else. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the things of this world, to get busy, distracted, and you miss what matters. Today I want to encourage you to take a breath, sit still, and focus on the bigger picture. Here are some reminders of truths to focus on. Choose Joy! This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) I am fortunate to have many wonderful mentors in my life. My mentor in prayer is our Prayer Pastor, Lilye Sease. When I pray with Lilye I learn so much and it encourages me. I encourage you to find a mentor that can teach and encourage you. One of the things Lilye often says in prayer is the verse above…”this is the day that Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it.” Joy is not based on circumstance and it’s different than happiness. Happiness is based on what happens (I get a Christmas gift I like, I’m happy). Joy is more elusive. It’s that internal feeling that says your life is ok, you’re at peace, and therefore you have joy. I wake up every day and can quickly lean towards worry. Can you relate? You may feel hopeless, discouraged, unsatisfied, disappointed, and/or scared. Especially in these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is worry and fear about getting through all of this. The Bible teaches me, and my mentor has reinforced in me, a different approach. God made this day. There’s opportunity all around me to do good. And I need to CHOOSE JOY in the midst of it all. Regardless of the circumstance…if I choose JOY, I handle things better and I make others around me better. If I choose worry/discouragement/fear…I don’t handle things well and I drag others down. Jesus can be your source of strength. Jesus can be your sense of hope. Today I encourage you to focus on that truth because only in Christ will you ever be fully and finally satisfied. Only in Christ will you be able to find that true joy. Be reminded to have courage and choose JOY today! This is the day the Lord has made, let US (all of us) REJOICE and be glad in it.
Be Thankful In The Challenging Times

Do you ever wonder how to be thankful when you’re going through some challenges? These days of COVID-19 have made this year a big challenge. So many people are dealing with hard times and there is uncertainty on what this virus will do next. This blog will share ideas about being thankful. Count Your Blessings The picture was a drawing made by my son, but it has so much more significance than just colorful artwork done by a child. This particular Thanksgiving, my son Evan had been through 11 months of cancer treatment. After being home bound, he had just returned back to school and this was one of the first art projects he brought home. Now I remember that day, being so thankful for a child that was able to go to school. I was thankful that he finally had enough of an immune system to be around other kids. I was thankful that he was healthy enough to get through an entire day of school. In the previous year these were things I took for granted, and now I felt so thankful for them. As I look at this picture today I realize I could use a recalibration of my perspective on gratitude. Thanksgiving is a perfect day to hit the reset button! Choose Gratitude Over Complacency I think of the Israelites. Hungry in the desert. They had no idea what the future would hold but they were trusting God for provision. He sent down manna. Literal provision from the sky everyday. They lived with such awe and gratitude of such a simple thing provided by God. As the days piled up, they started to become complacent and even complained about the manna. The thing they were so thankful for had now become insignificant. They wanted more. They wanted meat. If you finish the story you see that God did eventually give them what they wanted, only to prove to them it would not make them happy, on the contrary, it caused misery. So I ask you, as I search my own heart today; where have you begun to take advantage of God’s blessings in your life? If we focus on “getting more” we will never feel fulfilled, but if we focus on God and thank Him for all He’s done, we will have indescribable joy. I can’t even explain it to you, but during Evan’s cancer treatment I experienced the most joy I’ve ever felt. Not because my circumstances were good. That’s for sure; but because I spent more time being aware of my need and dependency on God. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with THANKSGIVING, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6 Related Who Are You Thankful To?
Manual For Life, The Bible

The Myth I saw a quote that said “There is no manual for life. We all muddle on and hope for the best. So always follow your heart. It is your best guide.” I won’t cite the person who stated this, but when I read it I thought what terrible, untrue advice. However, I do feel like much of the world operates from a place of this belief. This disregard for God as the Creator and Ruler of all of creation is very evident in 2020. I want to start by debunking this idea and pointing out, there absolutely is a manual for life, the Bible. It is actual written words, inspired by God, to help guide us in every area of life. There is literally nothing He left out, parenting, marriage, sin, forgiveness, grace, sex, family, money, giving, humility, pride, self-control…..I could go on but if you haven’t already, you should read it for yourself. It is, by definition, literally, a manual for life. Now to address the second falsehood, “muddle through, hope for the best, and trust your heart because it is your best guide?” That is the opposite of what the Gospel stands for. Jesus died to give us forgiveness, hope, and eternal life. We don’t have to hope and guess. Our salvation is secure in Him. The Bible clearly states in Acts 1:5 and John 14:16 that Jesus died and left the Holy Spirit within us to lead, comfort and guide us. We don’t have to “muddle” through on our own and thank goodness we don’t have to rely on our weary heart to be our guide. The Challenge My husband and my best friend both set out to read the entire bible through in a year. I didn’t want to be left out, so I jumped on the bible reading bandwagon with them. In the past, I have attempted to read through the bible, starting in Genesis, several times and I always get stuck and fizzle out somewhere near Numbers or Deuteronomy. I have read most books of the bible at some point, just not in a succinct, chronological order. Now, I’m happy to say I am currently ⅓ of the way through the bible, and loving my time reading. The difference this time is I’m using a good reading plan called The Bible Recap. There’s also a podcast to go with the reading where the host explains what you read for the day. This has been extremely helpful because, we can all agree the old testament can be very confusing. What I like the most about this podcast host is, at the end of each podcast she says, “Where is your God shot today?” She is asking where do you see God’s character in this scripture? This has been monumental in growing my relationship with God. I’m not just reading the bible as a story, I’m reading as a way to spend time with God, to know who He is, and how He works. And I’m applying what I read as a manual for life. This type of connection has bent my heart in the best way possible. True Joy I find myself excited to wake up every morning to read and see what happens next and find out why God did what He did in the stories I have grown up hearing. When I first started, I really needed the host to point things out for me. I needed her to explain why God would or would not accept certain behaviors or attitudes. But now I’ve found myself seeing it for myself as I read. It made me so happy, true joy, the other day when I realized the reason I could understand this on my own was because my relationship with God was growing and getting stronger. I usually wake up early, before the kids, and sit quietly in my front room to read and pray. One morning as I was getting settled in with a hot cup of fresh coffee, I paused. I had a vision and I had this warmth, comfort, peace, and joy about me. I realized it came because I knew I was about to enter into a space with God. The Vision My vision was of me, in the ocean. I pictured my life in the past, and I was sitting in a small boat on the big beautiful ocean. The bible would represent the ocean. If I just sat quietly and watched and waited, I would see things in the water. Maybe a school of fish would swim by, a dolphin would jump, or maybe even the dorsal fin of a shark. What wonders lie beneath would catch my attention. I would then drop a fishing pole in the water and pull out an amazing looking fish. Maybe a bluefin tuna, or a marlin. It would remind me of the many times I would open my bible to a specific verse or story to study or find comfort, or direction. Now, as I sit in the stillness or the early morning, I know WHO God is not just what He has done. I feel that I am scuba diving now, under the water and I can see everything in its entirety. I see everything working and living together to create one big community, one big story and it makes me love God even more. He created me with intention and He wants to know me. I am moved by such a truth. My favorite part about this vision was that when I was below the water, looking at all of the beautiful things that were living below the surface, it was silent. When you are underwater or scuba diving you cannot hear the sounds above the surface. God Is In Control I don’t know about you but I am exhausted by the noise and opinions of everyone in 2020. You don’t have to go far to be inundated with information. Between social media, the news
Saying Yes To Jesus

The Before My vision for myself 5 years ago is very far from where I actually am. Five years ago, I was a full time mom working part time at the same job I had for the previous 10 years. I had absolutely no foundation in the church at all, but I had a longing. I was in a “secure spot”. When I say secure, I mean I was comfortable with my predictable routine. I am a true introvert by nature, but a piece was missing from the puzzle. Things started changing when I decided to take a drive and explore a bit since I was relatively new to the area. I drove down Bell Road and saw new construction of something big. My curiosity was peaked. “What are they building in the middle of a cornfield?” I wondered. It stayed in the back of my mind. I would drive past every so often. The Village Christian Church sign appeared and I was drawn to it. It took some time, but I finally got up the courage to stop by one day during the week (I said yes). I went inside the office and was greeted by Karol. She took me on a tour of the building, asked me questions, answered my questions and made me feel welcome. I brought my kids to church that Sunday (yes). After The First Yes Here are some highlights that have happened since (a bunch more yeses): I started attending The Village in February 2017. It was scary at first, not knowing anyone, but I started volunteering at the church office and met some awesome people. An opportunity to work part time in the office became available and my husband encouraged me to quit the job I was at for 14 years (again, really scary!) I joined a Lifegroup and then felt the pull to get baptized. I participated in the first Rooted session that was offered and God laid some things on my heart during that time. A Google search led me to Moms In Prayer International, a ministry that I am very passionate and excited about. More hours became available to work at the church office. The most impactful event happened when I began “A Discipleship Journey”. It’s a 48 week in depth study of learning to teach others to be disciples so they can teach others to become disciples. Things started to really come together. I want to be clear when I say I did not plan any of this. I still get stuck sometimes when I’m presented with a new experience outside of my “comfort zone”. Then I look at the journey I have been on for the last 3 years and I know there is no turning back. I’m not the same person I was 5 years ago. God has been leading, opening doors, and doing some major renovations in my life! Game Changer It has become very clear after I completed the “Discipleship Journey”: Saying yes to Jesus is LIFE CHANGING! This is what we are here for. It is the way we live, what we say, and how we approach and see others. If you are truly looking for a purpose in your life, this is it. Every person who accepts Jesus into their hearts and makes a commitment to having a relationship with Him is qualified for this job. Our life changing stories will help others to find and follow Jesus so He can change their lives and have a committed relationship with Him too. Can you imagine the amount of lives that would be changed if we all committed to disciple someone and be intentional? What purpose could be more important? I never thought of myself as a teacher or mentor or that I was qualified to lead anyone else. And I’m not on my own, but because of what God has done in my life I’m free to say with confidence, “Yes! He can do this for you, let me show you!” Matthew 9:37-38 says: He said to the disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers in his fields.” I challenge you to say yes! Come and be an answer to this prayer!
The Best Birthday Gift

For my daughter’s birthdays, we have always requested that people don’t bring a gift. We have the means to get her what she needs (toys, clothes, etc.), and she has very generous grandparents. Also, the rest of the family typically loads her up at Christmas time. As her birthday rolls around each year, no one listens to our request. People feel it’s rude to come empty handed with no physical gift. So last year, we started requesting that in lieu of a gift, we would like people to donate to a charity. Last year, we had people make their checks out to ReClaim3d and did the same thing for our other daughter’s 1st birthday. This year I showed my older daughter the different booths during Spark Tank, a series about taking action. Different organizations, such as Destiny Rescue, Feed My Starving Children, Chicago’s Good News DayCare, and Channahon-Minooka Rotary Club presented on local, regional, and global issues and gave clear action steps on how to be part of the solution. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. – 1 Peter 4:10 (NLT) We let her choose what charity she wanted to give to. She chose the Rotary Club’s Backpack Program stating, “I’d love snacks in my backpack…Can I have snacks in my backpack, please?” I promised to put some snacks in her backpack but explained that not all mommies and daddies have enough money to do that. That was why we were giving our money to those kids. My daughter was able to raise $170 from friends and family at her party for the charity. In addition, she also raised $5 from complete strangers she met at a restaurant. She told them it was almost her birthday and they asked what she wanted this year. She told them money for kids who don’t have food, so they gave her $5. We are really proud of her because throughout the whole process, she did say that she wanted just a few toys for herself, but she was completely excited to give her money to the Backpack Program. She even reprimanded her grandma for bringing a present because that was against the rules. It is refreshing to see generosity at a young age and serves as a great example of doing good with what you have. The best birthday gift can be helping others.
You Are Perfect As You Are

What if you lived a life where you weren’t up at night worrying about how you are going to make everything perfect for your kids? Do you worry about money, or stress about the number of things on your to-do list? Do you have a spouse that you feel like doesn’t recognize your worth? Doesn’t get what it feels like to be a stay-at- home mom or a working mom? Are you going through some scary health news or see your family struggling? There is some really good news…you can stop worrying because you are loved so greatly by our Lord. You are perfect. I used to be there. Sometimes I still catch myself worrying about pleasing people or over-worrying about things that are out of my control. Here are a few words to describe what I used to be…depressed, suicidal, anxious, lonely, fearful. I lived through trauma I thought I’d never escape. Here is a short snippet into my high school days: Hiding in my closet with my dog to protect myself from my drunken brother who was out to hurt himself or my family. Crying at night when another brother would be standing on the balcony threatening to jump with his cut arms. I constantly felt like I was never good enough because that’s what I was constantly told. It’s All About A Relationship We all have our own unique stories, but I’ve realized the more of a relationship I continue to have with the Lord, that is farther and farther that is from the truth. We are wrapped in His grace and love. And the more you learn about our Lord, the more it is impossible to describe the love that He has for you, the more for filled your life will become, and the more meaning your life will have. You are perfect. God made you for a very specific purpose, a perfect purpose. YOU were chosen to be a mother by our creator, a wife, a daughter, and I’d say that’s pretty darn special. Embrace the woman that He has designed it to be. Remember not to compare yourself because every story and journey is different. Once you accept your story and who God made you to be, you can extend that love so greatly to others; and that’s the greatest award. “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” Proverbs 31:10-12 NIV
Take Time To Celebrate

This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 Do you struggle to have JOY in your life? I do. Many would describe me as over serious all the time. I like projects, tasks, mission and organizing people to accomplish things. This involves details and planning and lots of time, and I rarely take time to celebrate. It’s always on to the next mountain to climb and the next task to complete. In my marriage, my wife, Rachelle, is the opposite. While she is able to accomplish lots of tasks and organize people, she has lots more fun in the process. It’s one of the many attributes I love about her. Decide to Celebrate Because JOY doesn’t come as naturally to me, it’s something I really have to work on. Sometimes it takes a conscious decision to be joyful and celebrate. In fact, in the scripture, God basically says that JOY needs to be a daily part of your life. He made the day, let’s find something to rejoice about! Look around you and find something to celebrate. Life may be hard, but you can always find something if you look hard enough. Recently we celebrated Jared Baker’s 15 years of ministry at the Village. His family was in town and they are a blast to hang out with. We had dinner at our house for the family. Jared’s 80 year-old grandfather was the last to leave. He declared that in their family, they wake up and think of things to celebrate, then spend the day doing so. It shows. I love to spend time with them! Jared’s grandfather lives in Las Vegas and his parents in Denver. Both invited me to their homes to play golf and hang out, and I’ll probably take them up on it! They are filled with JOY, and it’s contagious! I need that in my life. This is the day the Lord has made…. What can you rejoice and be glad about today? When you have JOY it’s contagious and helps people get better! It’s good for you, it’s good for others. Let’s live in JOY every day! Read more about Joy…
Joy Even On The Worst Days

Africa-where the Lord called me to serve. Without even thinking about it or analyzing it, I said yes. There is an unspeakable joy I’ve had in my life, even on my worst days that I’ve never had before that can only be filled by God’s plan and purpose for my life. This was my second trip to eSwatini (formerly Swaziland). It was just as life-changing as the first time, if not more. The first time was taking it all in and seeing the large impact Heart for Africa has on the community, but this time my trip felt most impacted by where the Lord has called me – to the Khutsala artisans. I walked into the room, and here’s what I saw – smiles and excitement on the 100 artisans faces. Then Ncobile, Heart for Africa’s Hospitality Manager, introduced me. This was my first time being on a trip and being a Heart for Africa employee. They definitely made me feel more than welcome. They gave me a special sign, and despite the language barrier, the smiles and warmth on their faces communicated everything. I wish I could have bottled up that moment. My heart breaks for the stories I hear; for the woman that fears for her life another unable to care for her unborn baby a gentleman caring for a household of 13 children with an old gogo (grandma) since the mom passed away Healing happens as burdens are released when these artisans perform work at Khutsala. The Lord continues to work in their lives. He’s providing an opportunity for joy in the midst of tough circumstances. I am blown away by their skills, stories, love, and unshakable faith. We all immediately think about those beautiful 226 children at Project Canaan, but the truth is that it’s so much more. Heart for Africa is changing the country; providing hope and job opportunities, rescuing babies and children, teaching lifelong skills, providing opportunities, feeding children and adults in the community, educating children and adults on Project Canaan and the community and performing some unspeakable miracles all upon the foundation of Jesus Christ as the center of it all. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” – Matthew 25:35-36 (NIV)